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Joining Al-Qaedah

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loooooooooooool@ibtisaama. You know what, Jacaylbro got shrinked now ;) I think he is underneath his bed by now loool. Jacaylbro, saaxiib miyaad carartay lool. Waxba ha biqqine iskasoo bax niyow. Emporer, adiguna ninka makka baqday lol !

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Ani mugoo maku jiri, who? Is that a new shoe store? ;)


JB, tana waa ii dhineed...In any case, here is where you can get additional information me think: by email...Make sure the subject line reads: HOW CAN I JOIN AL-QAEDAH, and you shall receive a quick response... ;)


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loooooooooooooooooooooooool@all of you ,,, crazy people ,,


Lakin it is good to know rag aan libaaxyo u haystan (ama iska dhigayay) are showing their true colors ,,, fuleynimo that is ,,, cowards fooqal khaa'ifiin ,,,,,, :D


With all those stories by Emperor ,,, it is clear that he is really afraid ,,, what is special with G-bay bal ??? ,,,,,


Hunguri, niyow adiga waan kaa yaabay ,,, ma carabtaa ku soo beegsan baad is leedahay ,, cajiib



looooool@Ibti ,,, i'm glad you know how fuleyiin are these ppl oo markay politics section ka joogaan look like they can destroy that cirka and demolish the dhulka ,,,,


Koolkat,,, looool ,, kaalay dee xagii kalaad ii dirtaye ,, waxaan war ka rabay xagga kele ,,, :D

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