Che -Guevara

Somali State President Mustafe Apologizes to *** Clan

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1 minute ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Sheikh Bashir was much after the dervishes were defeated. Sheikh Bashir like the dervishes were xagjir they believed they cant be any treaties between infidels and Muslims.  We from the qadriyaa order of imamshaafici have a different understanding on this matter  the prophet  muhammed sallalahucalahy wasalaaam made peace with both Jews and Christians in medina. So it's possible to have treaties with infidels like the  hidjra to Abyssinia you can make alliances with  some gaalo. The mad mullah did the same after the ilig treaty he signed a protectorate treaty with the Italians. So it's all  politics.



Well said Xaaji. Somalis are ill-informed about our politics from the late 19th century to the middle of the 20th century. Somaliland was never a colony. It was more like what Costa Rica is to the US. 

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11 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Sheikh Bashir was much later after the dervishes were defeated. Sheikh Bashir like the dervishes were xagjir extemist they believed they cant be any treaties between infidels and Muslims.  We from the qadriyaa order of imamshaafici have a different understanding on this matter  the prophet  muhammed sallalahucalahy wasalaaam made peace with both Jews and Christians in medina. So it's possible to have treaties with infidels like the  hidjra to Abyssinia you can make alliances with  some gaalo. The mad mullah did the same after the ilig treaty he signed a protectorate treaty with the Italians. So it's all  politics....





Xaaji, you welcomed the British, even the Warsangali refused to host their flag but you did not have problem with that, one tribe to another.

this is what they wrote.

.****,  sub-tribe of the ****,….The British flag was given to the inhabitants, who at once hoisted it.

…Ankor was reached, the flag hoisted, and the Treaty signed by *** tribe without hesitation.

At Shelloa, …. The flag was hoisted; Maid, where the various sub-tribes of the *** and *** signed the Treaty and voluntarily hoisted the flag.

It was not thought worth while visiting the roadstead of Hashow, but an Elder of the *** tribe, who was at Maid, signed the treaty and took charge of the flag.

We arrived at Bunder Gori, or, as the Somal call the port, Laskhoray, on the 27th, and the Gerad of the *** being fortunately present, I was enabled to conclude a Treaty, placing the coast between Ras Galweni and the *** limits under British protection. This carried our protectorate as far as Bunder Ziadeh on the 49th parallel of longitude. IT WAS NOT DEEMED advisable to press on the *** the acceptance of our flag. They evidently consider their relations with us should resemble those held by the ***, and they asked to be made, like them, stipendiaries; also that the relatives of the Gerad should be permitted to wear ARMS in Aden, a privilege enjoyed by the family of Sultan Othman. I think that an annual stipend of 180 dollars(half the sum paid to the ***) might be allowed to the *** Gerad. The arms question can be dealt with by the Resident.

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The brits asked us in hargeysa to build a university  we said no we don't want gaalo education  the elders at that time the British Somaliland trade treaty was signed in  aden in 1827 between  The berbera chiefs and the king of the British empire.  This was after we killed lieutenant stroyan we killed the first ever white man on Somali soil. s

that's when the British and Somaliland signed a peace treaty and trade treaty 

During that time  emir sharmake salah was ruling zeila.  In 1884    renewed treaties were  signed ali shire was a double dealer

The mad mullah was married to his aunt some times he supported the dervishes and the next time he didnt. After 1914. He broke ranks with the mad mullah and the dervishes  and the gadhweyn joined the dervishes  thats when the mad mullah was saying  nimanyanoow gadhweyn gaalo haiga raaciina Ali darwiish and others moved to midhisho  and attacked the English and the Ali shire forces...

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