
"Democsratic" "Human rights" coups 21st Century..How did it work in Kililka

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This is a demonstration in Jigjiga. Its probably 60-100 people all together. You be the judge if they are Somali or not or a good mix.

All slogans are in Amharic

Calling the Federal government to intervene and overthrow the Somali kilil government is most repeated in 3 ways:

1. We are also Ethiopians treat us equal change our government as you changed in Oromo and South (one was changed 1.5 years ago the other 3 months ago on their own)

2. we want Liyu eliminated

2. Federal Government come save us from this government how can you leave us in this condition



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Then same day the Federal (that is another story) intervened. What was planned little chaos and damages got out of hand and ended up about 50 shops and offices destroyed looted and more than 10 churches burned.

The Somali image that was on the up and up in Ethiopia has been set back some 15-20 years

Information is leaking now that Iley was to leave office in 7 days and remain only as chairman of party, the position Ahmed Shide has. 5 persons from kilil and diaspora were made aware of this.

One of ESPDP main function was to fight for Dirdhaba and area. Which is why there were about 11 CC members in the city and the first once to be cleaned out after the coup.

2 of the elders that praised PM Abiy and spoke about undemocratic Kilil dictatorship were Oromo full Oromo


Pretty soon we might also learn about some others.

The Daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to USA, the one who spoke of having been in Kwait hospital (she had not been to kwait 6 years), as a nurse seeing Iraqi soldiers throwing away babies in incubators (she was not nurse, she was not in Kwait at the time she was resident of Washington DC).








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loooool. They don't even look like Somalis 1%.  niyoow this is priceless walaahi.  caadi maaha ninka Abey. he set it up like Americans do.

It is obvious that full propaganda on TV, disinformation and other stuff is how Abey did his quick move against Iley, but Abiy go lucky niyoow because Illey had no friends and has killed lot of people over the years so no one wanted to fight for him. situation could have been different if it was any other leaders. people were tired of Iley and didn't care much for his removal in the end. 

old observer, have you seen how the Libya invasion was setup? it was Bernard Henry Levy the French Jewish guy who calls himself philosopher that was spewing media stuff to prepare the attack.  Guess what he was doing a week ago? he was writing articles in the wallstreet journal attacking Turkey. haha. check it out. full economic currency attack niyoow. he is calling that Turkey be kicked out of NATO.

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  On 8/27/2018 at 3:23 AM, Old_Observer said:

This is a demonstration in Jigjiga. Its probably 60-100 people all together. You be the judge if they are Somali or not or a good mix.

All slogans are in Amharic

Calling the Federal government to intervene and overthrow the Somali kilil government is most repeated in 3 ways:

1. We are also Ethiopians treat us equal change our government as you changed in Oromo and South (one was changed 1.5 years ago the other 3 months ago on their own)

2. we want Liyu eliminated

2. Federal Government come save us from this government how can you leave us in this condition



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These are not Somalis and the place is not jigjiga probably somewhere in Addis Ababa.

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  On 8/27/2018 at 11:30 AM, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Oh, the Tigrey is still grieving about their little stooge Cabdi Ileey. Ileey is gone, ain't coming back ee iska iloow. He will experience whatever his adversaries did for the last 11 years, jeel haku uro qashinka.

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To summarize and put it concisely, what you are saying is:

We Somalis cannot change our government, cannot change our president, he is ally of Tigray

We Somalis want our Oromo brothers to come change  our government  change our president.

We are incapable of doing things ourselves please come and save us from this Somali Tigray we want Somali Oromo.


Do you realize what you are doing?

Do you see now the steps your Oromo "saviours" took. They could care less what happens in Jigjiga. Their interest is the trade route and connecting with Djibouti either by alliances or dismantling kililka. 90% of steps they have taken so far are all related and based around DirDhaba and Shinnile.

You are also telling the Somali people to always find outsiders to change their lot.

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  On 8/27/2018 at 2:36 PM, Mooge said:

loooool. They don't even look like Somalis 1%.  niyoow this is priceless walaahi.  caadi maaha ninka Abey. he set it up like Americans do.

It is obvious that full propaganda on TV, disinformation and other stuff is how Abey did his quick move against Iley, but Abiy go lucky niyoow because Illey had no friends and has killed lot of people over the years so no one wanted to fight for him. situation could have been different if it was any other leaders. people were tired of Iley and didn't care much for his removal in the end. 

old observer, have you seen how the Libya invasion was setup? it was Bernard Henry Levy the French Jewish guy who calls himself philosopher that was spewing media stuff to prepare the attack.  Guess what he was doing a week ago? he was writing articles in the wallstreet journal attacking Turkey. haha. check it out. full economic currency attack niyoow. he is calling that Turkey be kicked out of NATO.

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That is why I said before this, that the straight shooting, free minded, quick to anger and quick to action nomad is no match for the face book age and tactics.

Every single item Jawar raised has been implemented.

The QERO Shabab shut the water system for Dirdhaba and started working as parallel government even collecting taxes. The Somali in charge of public safety and security asked and got state of emergency. Removed them and brought the city under control. Guess what. He was first one to be removed in this coup, long before anything happened in Jigjiga and now removed from Somali party all together.



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