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India launches first moon mission

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This is another way to show off to China who did spacewalk few weeks ago, Somalia to follow soon!



Chandrayaan-1 blasts off on India's first mission to the moon.



Wednesday October 22 2008 09.02 BST


India launched its first mission to the moon today, sending a satellite on a two-year flight to redraw maps of the lunar surface.


"Lift off is normal," mission control said as the Chandrayaan-1 blasted off from the Sriharikota space centre in southern India. Chandrayaan means "moon craft" in ancient Sanskrit.


Scientists, clapping and cheering, tracked the ascent on computer screens as they lost sight of the rocket in heavy cloud surrounding the launch pad.




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Thanks for the "Somalia will follow soon" joke!,Insha'allah being the word.Waar Hindiguu meel foog bu jooge maarki hore ba.

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India needs to feed its straving kids, and Somali, needs to fix up, look liveable,


What is so good about this, they are never going to have enough money to invest in research and building in this area, that market is already dominated and owned. It is both a waste of resources and stupi*d idea. Xool, follow everything aarinku maahah.

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Ibti lool, actually India is no new to this exploration, they had their first Sattelite rocket in early 70s, and they own dozens of satelites in oribit right now for communication, military purposes etc.


It is exciting market, you don't have to rely on foreign telecommunication once you have your own space or satelite orbiting around.



As for the moon, it is mych hyped

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