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Johnny B

Respect creeps

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Johnny B   

Respect my Religion.

Not that I’ve one, but I’d like to shed some lights on “Religious Respect” and the wide spectrum it covers .

Theists, more than often accuse Agnostics/Atheists as well as other theists of different Religions, not showing enough “respect” towards their particular Religion.


Taking a deep look into what is demand of one, one realizes that it’s not the kind of natural respect , like to be left alone in one’s Belief, or one’s right to believe be honored.

The Abrahamic theology leaves much to be desired regarding “Respect” towards other Religions , not only does it consider itself the supreme but equally shows (if not more) disrespect,and enough hatred (dislike if you must) through it’s condescending cordiality.


The dilemma here is , “Respect” is not a simple concept, It’s not a matter of Yes and No , it concerns itself with matters like attitudes and personal experience.

People’s attitude towards your Religion may vary from respecting it atleast in the minimal sense of tolerating it, to regarding it totaly as not being worthy of their “respect”.


Given that the Religious sense of entitlement to “respect” and making a demand on that behalf is equal opportunity business.

Which Religion(s) do you tolerate, which religion do you Respect, and which religion(s) does not qualify for your “Respect”.?

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Johnny B   


That you respect your Religion went not mentioned, and for a good reason.


But,why do you "disrespect" Scientology ?



I do respect creeps , i resprct YOU. icon_razz.gif



What/Who is Milatu Ibrahim? A Religion you deeply respect or barely tolerate ?



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Johnny B   


What pseudo circular arguments?


Just answer the question, if you can.

Which Religion(s) beside yours are worth your "respect".?

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