
Aaboow, kan yar iga celi kan weyn...

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Madaxweyne Biixi: “Soomaaliya waxaanu u sheegayna haddii ay weerar soo qaadaan inaanu hayno difaac nagu filan

Talaado, Agoosto 21, 2018 - Guud ahaan dunidda islaamka ayaa si weyn loogu dabaaldegay maalinta Ciidal Adxa oo ka mid ah labadda ciidood ee ugu weyn muslimiintu ee ay iskugu soo baxaan.

Gobolada iyo degmooyinka Somaliland ayaa ciidda Adxa ku ciiday nabadgalyo iyo wakhti barwaaqo ah, waxaana ciidani ku soo beegan tahay wakhti uu habeen walba roobku da’ayo, xalay waxa magaalada Hargeysa biyo dhigay roob, kaasi oo nadiifiyey garoomadii lagu tukanayey, waxaana saaka labaddii ragcadood ee sunaha ahaa lagu tukaday iyadoo saxansaxo udgoon iyo laydh qabow oo aan boodh iyo siigo lahayn ka dhacaysay goobaha lagu tukanayey.

Dadku markii salaadda ka soo dareereen waxay isku salaamayeen ciid mubaarak iyo ciid wanaagsan, waxaana wadooyinka iyo goobaha laga cuntooyo buux dhaafiyey caruur ay galbinayaan waalidkoodda, kuwaas oo wajiyadoodda ka dareemaysay farxadda ciidal Adxa.

Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi ayaa shacabka kula tukaday masjid Jaamaca weyn ee badhtamaha magaalada Hargeysa, waxaanu dadweynaha u jeediyey khudbad duco iyo salaam ah, marka uu soo tukadayna waxa uu dadweynaha ku qaabilayey madaxtooyadda oo dadku ku soo salaamayeen.

Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi Cabdi, waxa uu si gaar ah carrabka ugu adkeeyey hadallada ka soo yeedhay Puntland, waxaanu yidhi “Walaallayaal ayaamahan ay xaaraanta tahay in dhiig la daadiyo ama colaadba la abuuraa, dawladdii Soomaaliya oo dhaar ku maraysay inay Somaliland soo weerarayso oo aanay dagaalka joojinaynin. Waa mid la yaab leh oo maanta Soomaaliya kama aynnu filaynin oo aynu ognahay wixii Somaliland ku dhacay inaynnu nabad iyo walaaltinimo ka taagannahay oo aynu leenahay dagaal, khasaare iyo colaad intii hore ayaa soomaali oo dhan ugu filan dadka masuuliyiinta ah Muqdisho iyo Garoowe jooga ee maanta ku dhaaranaya inay Somaliland soo weerarayaan waa Fal-nacuuduka billaahi, annaguna wixii na gaadhay ee horena waannu qabnaa, nabadna waanu ka doonaynaa, inay maanta Soomaaliyi isku dhimatona diiniyan iyo dadnimo midna sax ma aha.”

Madaxweynuhu waxa uu sheegay inay difaacayaan Somaliland, waxaanu yidhi “Soomaaliya waxa aan u sheegayaa haddii ay maanta weerarkaas soo qaadaan inaanu haynno difaac innagu filan iyo dalka iyo dadkaba ay ciidanka iyo dawladduba gelinayaan, waxanu u sheegaynaa inay dawladda iyo ciidamadu ku filan yihiin inay dalka ammaan geliyaan oo aan dalka lagu soo duulin oo aan khalkhal la gelinin oo nabadda aanu intaas ku baaqaynaa aanay ahayn baqe iyo taag-darro’e ay tahay waayo-aragnimo iyo danta guud oo la eegayo, ciddii ka maarmi weyda ee wixii hore ee maanta Xamar iyo Garoowe kasoo hanjabaysa miyir-qab uma aragno, haddii ay nasoo weeraraanna dadka iyo dalkaba waanu daafacaynaa.”


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There is no such thing as  dowlad dhexe there is  the amisom bunker which is just an extension of the Ugandan embassy in Mogadishu in other word  yuweri  musefanin is your president.

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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This quote you stated ''Aaboow, kan yar iga celi, kan weyn baa iska celina''  really sums up the fantasy that is called Somaliland, they were severely karbashed by Puntland, to the extend they send odayaal iyo salaadiin from Somaliland to Garowe begging for a truce saying that they will give up Tukaraq and go back to their previous outpost so long Puntland doesn't attack or motivate Hart1s to uprise in Sool!

Yet Somaliland after displaying their cowardice against Puntland, now seems in full of Confidence to confront larger and stronger opponent The SFG unprovoked, when they couldn't face the weaker one?!?!?!?

I always said that Somaliland is a house built on a glass, and it only takes one stone to shatter that fantasy called Somaliland.

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5 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Goormee dowladda dhexe Soomaaliya u hanjabtay gobol ka mid ah Soomaaliya? Mise Muuse Lokal wuu qarway?

Standard for Somali warlords to lie? He started this silly war now Ina Biixi is crying again and lies to his people saying that Somalia meaning the Federal government is attacking Somaliland. Somalidu waxay ku maah maahdaa "Ama afeef hore yeelo ama adkaysan dambe"

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Maxaad ulayaabaysaa. The whole project is based on lying to their people. They even go as far as fabricating titles for the UN such Somalia and Somaliland UN envoy kkkk.


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Man your whole contra argument is Tukaraq. You always claimed the whole Sool (remember most of Sanaag is out of your reach) but did you always controlled it? Abdullahi Yusuf kicked your president from Lasanod in 2001, and it took you 7 more years to put foot in it and only then when Puntland sent most of its troops to Mogadishu. If you want a description of cowardness that is it. 

Tukaraq war is live and outcome of it is not yet decided. For a grown man like you would know that it is foolish to count your chickens before they hatch. Puntland raised the bar the first time ever and said they don't want anything less than you stationed in Oog just outskirts of Aynaba while your crying president was begging them to just let them go back to Lasanod peacefully. Let us wait where this ends and then promise us that you will make yourself avail here in SOL to comment the outcome. Will ya or you will disappear as ever :) :) ?

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Oodweyene you are always spinning, just once stay on topic. Why your crying warlord leader is saying Somalia is threatening to attack Somaliland? He is lying to his people and you know it. It is Puntland that is threatening to answer the aggression of Somaliland and not Somalia and if it is empty threat why are you panicking?

As a classical guuldwade of secession, you don't want to see Warlord ina Biixi's monumental miscalculation of starting unnecessary war and not knowing how to stop. 

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My lying friend from lying republic kkk. War your officials can not set foot in eastern Sanaag. It was only few months ago your so called defence minister stooge was chased out from Xudun and denied entry to Badhan by Puntland forces there. Do you even read the news or just always busy writing meaningless words here in SOL.

Tukaraq and Laas anod is a war zone so wax taagan ku faankii waa ku caqli xumo.

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Somaliland waa ku ceeb in maamul yar u jawaabto. Maamulka Garoowe isaga waxa jawaabtiisa siinaya waa Badhasaabka/Governors of gobolka Sool iyo Sanaag. 


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26 minutes ago, Suldaanka said:

Somaliland waa ku ceeb in maamul yar u jawaabto. Maamulka Garoowe isaga waxa jawaabtiisa siinaya waa Badhasaabka/Governors of gobolka Sool iyo Sanaag. 


Deep down you don't believe this, do you? Hadii kale why all these huffing buffing. Calling the IC to to intervene , Ooyaaye sending delegation after delegation to Garowe!!!! Did you listen to Cadami today? He was saying Somaliland was wrong to have started a meaningless war that is caused us all these problems!!! How do you explain all these? 

Basically, seccessionist are regretting this war and most of them are very angry with Muuse Ooyaaye.

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You are still spinning. Your warlord said "“Walaallayaal ayaamahan ay xaaraanta tahay in dhiig la daadiyo ama colaadba la abuuraa, dawladdii Soomaaliya oo dhaar ku maraysay inay Somaliland soo weerarayso oo aanay dagaalka joojinaynin"

He did not say the Somali government is helping Puntland with arms and money, you just made this up. He said "The Somali government is threatening to attack and continue the war ..." You are too much of secessionst  Guulwade to concede the point but the fact remains he is lying to his people when he claims that the Somali government is attaching Somaliland.

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Oodweyne Gaas when he was candidate  used to campsign in Taleex, Tukaraq and even deep Sanaag as far as Badhan and Xudun. Muuse was brought to Taleex by one of the subclans contesting over that town as candidate to compaign but has never him nor a  president of Jeeganland has ever set foot on it as president. For matter of fact no Jeegaanland president has ever visited anywhere in SSC except Laascaanood under heavy technicals. Save one two hour Lasqoray visit by Siilaanyo and that was even under darkness. But I even think Faroole visited Taleex while president but not sure. 

But I tell for fact eastern Sanaag is out of reach of Jeegaan and even Puntland runs the councils of all eastern Sanaag except Ceerigaabo.

You can mention Tukaraq and Laaska but those areas are not won yet by any entity as they are war zones as we speak. So hold on to your bravado and let see where this contest endd.


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33 minutes ago, Samafal said:

Oodweyne Gaas when he was candidate  used to campsign in Taleex, Tukaraq and even deep Sanaag as far as Badhan and Xudun.

I have never seen Gaas venture inside Somaliland territory. Where is your evidence? 


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You hold on to power by  creating imagined enemies and paranoia amongst people, right? This whole scenario of "somaliya" attacking SL is just another deperate attempt to consolidate power and to hide the massive unemployment and failture of Muuse Biixi. Those people in SL are starting to wake up and see the 30 years of "ictiraaf" has been failure. So what a better way to  unify a people  by mass hysteria of a reality that doesnt exist.

Nin waashay tolkiisa ayaa miir u qaba. Lets call the whole "Somalia" attacked Somaliland" issue for what it is: A hallucination of a man that wants to return to his nostalgia.

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