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Johnny B

Just a thought !

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Johnny B   

A thought is process or part of a process of thinking , there are diffrent types of thinking , our brains are always thinking even when we beleive that we´re at ease or idle, since thinking is an endless process , the result or the outcome of our thinking (our thoughts ) is of crucial to our intellect.

Intellectual integrity is our only hook to pure 100% sanity, but that integrity is under constant attack and only defense we got is to think critically, but becouse thinking critically is such a tough hard work for the everage, we(human beeings) give in too often to the readily (oftenly) flawed thoughts of others ( this means everybody is literally a bit " ko ko "), but that is natural , so no worries there ;)


Poor thinking leads to wrong and undesired conclusions which in turn yields undesired consequences while good thinking leads to the desired conclusions , hence a successful process (thinking).


During the process of critically thinking you´ll be distorted by a wide variety of external and internal factors , very often the internal Demons are far more freightening and worse than the externals and bad habits are number one internal factor. there are lots of flawed thinking avaiable for the taking ,hence credulity which is an addictive habit.


A dedication to nothing but the Truth ( Conformity to fact or actuality ) is an essentiality for critical thinking. every time you tell someone a lie or even think of anything less than the absolute truth you´re indulging in deceptive behaviour, to actually lie means you´ve to conceive it and that means you´ve to mentally construct it in your own mind first, hence cultivating the untruth in some corner of your own mind, repeat it often and you´ll end up having an extremly cluttered mind.


Why do we need to think critically?

since we can´t know everything and be everywhere we´re subject to external thoughts (ideas) from others which we´ve to digest as second-hand knowledge ( am considering first hand knowledge to be what we personally know) , we´ve to think critically to digest the second-hand knowledge, and that is not as easy as it sounds.


To critically think of the complecated claims and the strong arguments beeing made in the second-hand Info , you´ve to examine the claims and crtique the arguments by applying logic( the only tool) to verify , validate and evaluate the soundness of the arguments, remember it only takes one failure of intellectual integrity to corrupt one's thinking.

Mankind has invented many more subtle crimes against Truth, wishful thinking is one , so don´t beleive for a minute that your intellectual integrity is safe and let your guard off,

readily accepting thoughts , ideas or beliefs which have desirable consequences, but lack or have a little objective justification belies a failure of intellectual integrity.


Now think of this and find out the logical fallacy in my thought process and share your thoughts about the fallacy with us , but never ask me weather i think of you as a critical thinker, becouse it is not my place to judge any other person. I cannot know what animates your beliefs of beeing a critical thinker, so I will not declare that any belief in beeing a crtical thinker is necessarily proof of low intellectual integrity. I would not even say that it suggests as much. This is a question each of us must answer privately.

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JB, if integrity means standing for something you certainly have unimpeachable one. But integrity, though a desirable virtue by itself, is not necessarily an antecedent for the attainment of truth. I am not trying to steal your thunder but critical thinking too does not provide a silver pullet. We can sing its praises all we want and expect it to have extreme effectiveness on our prevailing problems, but the truth remains that it would all depend on the subject, the content, and the process through which we formulate our thinking.

Any thinking that has good(as relative as it may sound) and genuine purpose is critical thinking in my books.


Striving to reach the Truth is a noble mission, I agree. But its source and the means to reach it remain contentious. What’s not controversial is the fact that the Truth gives its friend a sense of stability and a measure of confidence. Those who have the Truth with them also have a judicious tendency and a sense of justice.


The claim that logic is the final and impartial arbiter in all disputes is the biggest fallacy in your piece, I say.

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