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UK Elections 2010 Countdown

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^^ I would if I did not have someone sitting in front of me for the past three hours. Why else do you think my replies have been rushed? :D

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^^ No. Tax accountant (year end and all that). :D

He's doing the work and I'm nodding and saying the occasional 'yeah, you're right'. 'no, I disagree'. 'he paid that much tax? wow'. :D

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^ That poor person. icon_razz.gif


I don't think its going to be as clear cut as ppl are making out, I certainly don't think the Tories will have an easy ride to power. GB still has a lot to give and I am with him 100% when he says we shouldn't risk the recovery with a new govt. who will probably work hard to undo all the changes Labour has taken to get us out of recession.


Come on GB.


It will be interesing how the Lib Dems play things, they could potentially be in a very good position and it will also be interesting to see if Nick Clegg ever changes his gold tie.

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While i cannot say how am gonna vote while am work.

I think we all know which party is in our interest as a minoraty group. So lets rally our vote for the red.

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Chubacka, it's not my fault if he feels comfortable doing his work in my office. He believes that if things go wrong he can use the excuse 'but I did it with NGONGE'. :D

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Not on the roll anymore. Haven't registered since I moved. Labour have badly let down their core voters over the past 13 years. Are they worth voting for again? I'm not convinced.


Wonder if I can register this close to the election?

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i never voted for any party ever.


lakin GB waa inlaga kiciyaa kursiga, smug buu noqday lately

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The of the two GB is best for us, no doupt about it.

It does not matter what he has done or not, the fact remains the Blue corner core values' and ours are very much different.

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