
VP of Puntland Camey after attacking Mogadishu 24H, now after his gig in Puntland ends runs to Mogadishu to beg for money in a bid to run for PL Pres

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Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxweyne ku xigeenka M/Gobolleedka Puntland ayaa in muddo ah ku sugnaa magaalada Muqdisho.

Sida ay xogo hoose ku warramayaa Camey waxa uu magaalada ugu yimi oo ku og Raisul Wasaare Kheyre oo ay si gaar ah isugu soo arkeen Garowe markii uu booqday Puntland.

Sida ay ilo xog ogaal ah ugu warrameen Caasimadda Online, madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Puntland Cabdixakiim Cabdullahi Xaaji Cumar Camey waxa uu qorsheynayaa in uu dhawaan ku dhawaaqo in uu yahay musharax u taagan xilka madaxweyne ee Puntland.



Ilo Wareedyada u warramaya Caasimadda Online ayaa sheegay in Camey uu taageero ka raadinayo dowladda Federal-ka ay isaga oo ka dalbanaya in ay doorashada ku gacan siiyaan.

Wali ma cadda in Camey taageero ka heli doono dowladda balse waxyaabaha ay isla soo qaadeen RW Xassan Cali Kheyre ayaa la sheegeyaa in ay qeyb ka tahay DHAQAALE XOOG LEH in la siiyo oo uu ku galo doorashada.

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Camay is a small cat his term is about to end in the pirate enclave most of the time that's when the garaad clan politicians go prostitute themselves in Mogadishu in kilinka or surrender uncondionally to Somaliland. In other words war bila shaqaan ahay mashruuci budhcadbadeedkuna wuu so dhamaday. Kufurti bilahi aan kafaragud lahayn aan meel aan kafantayda kusugo mala ii heleya.. I think  camay will fill in the asylum form in the amisom bunker in xalane siday u eegtahay. Ugaandheesku koley wey qaabili doonan.

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Camey is a charismatic man with an eloquent command of the Somali language, everyone knows he has more stature than Gaas, Farmaajo and Biixi . If I were Farmaajo, I would have transferred the whole thing to him. 

In other words, he is a natural born leader.

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That's impossible camay is a Somalilander by ancestry and birth he hails from buhoodle village. The koonfurians don't  allow Somalilanders to hold prime minister position or presidency in the amisom protectorate administration in xalane. It's part of the duopoly agreement between them the may may community speaker madhaafan. The p.m. and presidency na is either from the pirate enclave or gedo community or from guriceel area president or from boondhere community aka  eebow goofkan goofeygi waaye community.

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Xaaji as a northern people we must have full confidence in our ability. These so called Duopoly could be broken by confident people who are willing to play the game as it was designed.  Fulaynimada iska Daa.

The typical southern man is not a serious person by nature. Why would anyone accept to be a lame duck for four years and be ordered around by others while they telling you and calling you a president. Tough men who had mission, like Cabdilahi Yusuf quit and left when he realized that he could not be allowed to implement his agendas.   

I do not believe in duopoly or whatever name you call it. It is a political game that could be played and won by anybody.

Men like Camey should work to gain the top jobs both inSomalia and Puntland.

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 Oodweyne Wa runta nimanka nugaal godan iyo ciid degen dad badan oo muxtarim ah bay leeyihin side cali garaad.  Iyo garaad cabdiqani. Laakin wa niman waalwaalan badana orodka waxloogu sheega.  Siyaasintooda me dhegeystaan wa sidad sheegtey afweyne maskaxda ka wasakhey oo gabayadi kitifiqi iyo gamuutay la xasuusinaye iyo gabay xoog. During the 1800s. Afweyne was good with  dividing along clan lines  especially in the 1980s isaga nimankan ka dhaadhicyey duriyada hates you and hated your mad mullah. Waxano waali waxa  keeney idaaja iyo ninki kale hayaag  aw jamac oo allot of brainwashing kusameyn jiray reerkan. Marka weynu dhownahay the majority is in Somaliland now the last remaining 10 percent na maalin dhow bay  kaso heloolayaan that sinking ship called the pirate enclave of garowe oo imika gabalkoodi dhacay.

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