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Child poverty in Africa: the facts

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Child poverty in Africa:

The facts


200,000 child slaves are sold every year in Africa. There are an estimated 8,000 girl-slaves in West Africa alone. (sources: BBC 5 October, 2001 & Anti-Slavery Society)


About 120,000 African children are participating in armed conflicts. Some are as young as 7 years old. (source: Africa Children’s Charter)


Children account for half of all civilian casualties in wars in Africa. (source: Africa 2015)


One in six African children dies before the age of five. Most of these deaths could be prevented. (source: Africa 2015)


Nearly one third of children in Sub-Saharan Africa are underweight. (source: UNICEF)


In sub-Saharan Africa, measles takes the life of a child nearly every minute of every day. An effective measles vaccine costs as little as $1 per child. (source: UNICEF)


Between 12 and 14 million African children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS. (source: World Bank/UNICEF)


Nearly 2 million children under 14 years old are HIV positive. (source: UNICEF)


43% of children in Sub-Saharan Africa do not have safe, accessible drinking water. (source: UNICEF)


64% of children in Sub-Saharan Africa do not have adequate sanitation. (source: UNICEF)


Only 57% of African children are enrolled in primary education, and one in three of those does not complete school. (source: Africa 2015)


For every 100 boys there are only 83 girls enrolled at primary school. (source: World Bank)

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Originally posted by OLOL:

Most of these deaths could be prevented.

I have to disagree,bro,because it is Allah Who controls everything.No death is preventable.

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So in other words waryaa_liibaanow, we all God fearing muslims should just lean back, cross our arms and just await when Allah brings us better times??


Ever heard of Allah Helps Those Who Help Themselves! You need to put in an effort, brother, for Allah to take you all the way. ;)

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Elysian, naam what you said is true.


Liiban W. When they talk of preventable death the mean deaths caused by malnutrition, diseases which could have been treated by vaccination or mere hydration, and other diseases which can be treated in the 3rd world.

You may not beleive it but alot of kids still die of dehydration, minor infections,which could have been easily prevented by boiling water and giving them ORS any mother could do that. But unfortuantely its a problem in Africa.And the children are the victims.

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