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The 334th Mosque in Hargeisa

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Wasiirka Diinta oo Xadhiga Ka Jaray Masaajidkii 334-aad ee Hargeysa laga Dhiso


Hargeysa (SN) Wasiirka Diinta iyo Awqaafta Sheekh Maxamuud Suufi Muxumed , ayaa shalay masaajid cusub oo laga dhisay xaafada Jig jiga yar ee Magaalada Hargeysa xadhiga ka jaray.


Masaajidkan shalay furmay oo ah kii 334-aad ee ay yeelato Magaalada Hargeysi , ayaa loo bixiyay Masjidul Cumar Cismaan , isla markaana waxa maal galiyay Cabdi Casiis Cumar Cismaan oo ah muwaadin reer Somaliland ah.


Munaasibadii furitaanka Masaajidkan waxa ka qayb galay Wasiirada Diinta iyo Awqaafta , Arrimaha Gudaha , Badhasaabka Gobolka Hargeysa , Agaasimayaal , Culma u’diin iyo Marti sharaf kale.

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^ The las time I was there ...... there was a masjid being built in the 'dumbuluq' area ....... i think they were running a little short on cash . so one day after Jumma ........ the imaam asked who wanted to take part in the building the masjid ..... giving your time and labour as charity ..... it was a great idea needless to say the masjid was built within record time.

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Jac, is it close to the road that come from Gabiley, the entry of Hargeysa, where Jigjiga yar "hill" start or closer to hotel Mansur just Northward and higher?


That is great news they get such Masjid locally...

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lol Geel_Jire, where is Dumbuluq, you seems more "hargeysaawi" than me.


Anyway, I like the "Shacabka", "Jigjiga Yar" and "Xero Awr" areas, reminds me of the nineties' summers and the little "road" across the "State House" we used as short cut (practical if you walk from around Madaxtooyada and Wasaaradaha' area to Jigjiga Yar).


My worries concerning Hargeysa' constructions are mainly that there is not a coherent urbanisation plan or seriously enforced security norms (if any), hence the health & environmental risks...

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Masaajidkan shalay furmay oo ah kii
ee ay yeelato Magaalada Hargeysi ,

Masha Allah. Ummaddii diintaada **&& dhihi jirtay :D baa maanta masaajido wada dhistay. icon14.gif

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Northner, I have come to realise, that Nepathy is older than me at least 4 years ;) . You know why! Coz, she is talking about Hargaisa in 1980s. Markaa qoftani waa qof wayn weeye wallee smile.gif Haye Nepathy ----> Kutubeey waala murmee adi meekha sanaa jirtaa abaa!

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^Waa la is yareynaa, miyaa. LOL.


Nephthys-eey, Hada waxaan idhaahnaa waar diintaada garo'o cimaamadaan wada xidhanaa :D

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Originally posted by Abu-Salman:

lol Geel_Jire, where is Dumbuluq, you seems more "hargeysaawi" than me.

Im not really sure what direction it is N,S,W,E but I do know it was in the direction of the airport and meesha xoolaha lagu qalo :confused: a little help JB or Northerner

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lool@ Northner. Yes, warka Hargaisa. You should ask Jacaylbro. Aduunka maxaa oogada laysaga wada saarayaa. Jacaylbro, is from Hargaisa :D

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Koow, Aniga cisho dhawayto waxa igu dhacday. I was asked about the day I was born. Runtiina anigu maba aqqaani. Waayo, I was born some where in the upper hills of Sanaag in the year of Hanba Laac. Anyhow, waxan qabsaday a day,month and year. I was asked this by my management and I was told that I would get this day half day off. Dee maalin uun ayaan iska qabsaday. Ceebi waxay ka dhacday. Ileeyn nin been sheegay ayaan ahaye. A year after ayaa waxay laygu yidhi smile.gif Sheekhoow, do you which day is this, any special things. I said what day are you guys talking about. I dont even know what is so special with this. They said no no are you saying u dont know. I said, I honestly dont know any thing about it. I was brought gifts and lots of things smile.gif All wasted! Dee markii danbe ayay igu yidhaahdeen ( Hello its your birthday ). I smiled in an inocent Somali way and said, ooooh! my birthday ooh ileeyn waa maalintaan dhashay :D:D I turned to be 54!

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