Che -Guevara

ONLF team arrive in Addis

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I think the writing is on the wall for the ONLF. Asmara has given them the move out notice. They have been loosing relevance for too long as well. 

Their recent support to Ina Iley was like shooting yourself in the leg. How can they support their longtime tormentor? It was mindbogling. 

I think they will consider themselves lucky if they win a deal allowing them to take part in th running of Somali Regions' affairs. 

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1 hour ago, Oodweyne said:

This is what I said few days ago:

And on time and on schedule, it seems this "train of a political logic" appears to be docking on the arrival platform of the Addis's political deal-consuming-train-station (as it were).

Hence, we shall see whether the passengers of this train, namely the ONLF's political cadres will be happy or not for this train to have delivered them on this station and on this way.

Or whether they would be given reason to regret (or repent in leisure) the foolhardy act on their part of coming on-board this train in this way and on this particular time. Only time will tell us. 

Actually changes are being made that makes them less than what they could have been.

News in Govt Media is that ONLF this ONLF that ..but changes have been made already before they land, starting from the time they boarded the airplane.

They are already being used as cover. The main thing ONLF wanted to keep of Iley was Liyu and that happens to be main target of Oromo.

Next will be ESTV.

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ONLF politically and  military has no leverage so their negotiations will be from a very weak position. They have no leg to stand ONLF should have transformed after 2012 after Meles his death and  liyuuu was becoming to powerful today it's pointless for them 

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