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What would Somalis do for a foreign passport ?

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Salamu Alaikum,


Way back ago as a child I watched the film Green Card where some french guy had a fake marriage with an American woman because she wanted a flat and he could offer this as long as he got his green card.


Somalis are qaxooti what are we prepared to do for a foreign citizenship and/or passport ??


Take it away nomads..



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This is a good Question to Qaxooti in worldwide like me..


I'm already a citizen...To be honest with you, the only purpose I use the Passport is Traveling. Nothing more or less.


!PEace and PErspective!

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Well Mujahid, I'm still stuck with the discoloured Somali Passport...Dad just refuses to give it up redface.gif


What I'd do to change it... :confused: ...just about ANYTHING....even marry some1 UGLY :( ....can you feel my desperation? :rolleyes:


Honestly, I'm happy with my passport and it has never proved to be an far smile.gif

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Lefty: how long did it take ya to get a passport and did u feel any different after receiving it from the country u reside since before you were qaxooti smile.gif


Athena: I guess Arabta love that somali passport ;)


Some folks winch about passport and somalis being qaxooti might get desperate for example in the UK where I reside it takes approximately 10 years to obtain a passport ! redface.gif


Have you known anyone that did something outrages to obtain a passport ?

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Mujahid, Don't you have something like Greencard, if you have greencard here in the States you are able to get travel documsts and you can travel anywhere in the world except, Somalia, Libya, Iraq.... you get the pic.


I could have been a citezen ten times over but I never did care to change my citizenship. I want to die true Somali. I never want to run for office in the States, I have no desire to work for the Government, therefore, US passport is useless to me. I love the country, I just don't want to become a fake citizen, only in name, as my American friends says "If you were not born in the states, you are not full American, you are fake American." Why be fake anything, when I can be full-blooded Somali smile.gif

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Salamu Alaikum,


But don't you think having the passport of the country you reside gives you more respect and increases the probability of obtaining a high flying job ?

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Passport is a passport. Nothing else, yaqeey.


Mujaahid, I don't know anyone who did something outrage to obtain a passport, but I do know some weird stories about who got a REAL passport from their adopted countries.


There was this guy who used to live in Sacuudiya. Who was so discriminated while living there. Treated like a dirty man. Finally, got a chance to come to Canada. Settled Canada. Lived here for a while, and worked hard enough to earn some enough $$. And finally, he got what his big grin on his face says it all: the REAL passport and being a real citizenship of his adopted country. With his $$ on his account, he decided to revenge against the Sacuudis. Went back there. Upon his arrival, by leaving from the airplane, he was wearing SHORTS. And faranjees t-shirt. Just to offend the very first Sacuudi person he sees. Well, by coming the counter, there was already some strange lookings from the locals. Dropped his passport on the counter, and spoke some hip-hop, rap-like English, with a voice like a drunken fishermen. They immediately thought he was a lost African-Canadian adoon. That proved exactly what he wanted. Well, all month long he stayed on Sacuudiya, the looks on him got more and more. Since he knew Carabic perfectly, he could overheard them talking about him and saying all of these darn stuff about madoow and how darn they are. He just kept staring at them saying, "What! You talking to me! Speak aloud!" Of course that was in a deliberate English. And they would keep their mouths shut.


Ar maan, waa ka raayi yaqeey. And finally, he got exactly what he wanted. Just that. Because some even worshipped him, since thinking he was a big time Adoon with a lot of $$ on his back. You know Carabta are so xariif yaqeey, they know when you are a real Adoon and when you are a real fake adoon with $$. LoL.



And there was this story.


This Soomaali faarax lived in U.S.A. Sponsored his family. But there was some major problems and it required him to travel to all the way to Utange, Kenya. Utange was a refugee camp Soomaalis used to live. Upon his arrival, he wanted to meet the top official who was responsible about the sponsorship operations. He had been told the location where the official has on her office. He went there to the next day. Upon his arrival, and thinking to enter without a permission to her inner office, this security guard caught him and told him to stay back. He told him saying I am an AMERICAN. Showing his passport and other identifications. Well, since the security guard was a Kenyan--who always thought Soomaalis are Soomaalis. Nothing else.


To make a long story short, the high officer heard the arguments and came out. He told her that he was a naturalized American into and more than two decades and this mere mortal security guard couldn't allow him to see her, a fellow citizen. She was so MAD. Yelling, "How dare you keep an American outside and not allow to see me??!!" Well, the poor security guy lost his job. And had plenty of little dharbaaxo--face slappings.



And then there is this further story.


This xaajiyo was getting her citizenship. In Canada, people over the age of 65 aren't required to answer the questionaire book or submit any tests. And this xaajiyo was older than 65. Finally, when she all got her papers and had become officially a Canadian, the interviewer simply asked her interpreter if she can name the current prime minister of Canada. Just little question and nothing else. Xaajiyo was quick to answer back saying, "Oooh, that AF QALOOC guy. Who speaks French when he talks one side of the jaw, and speaks English on the other side." When it was interpreted, the official was laughing so hard. And said finally, "You really, ma'am, do deserve to be a Canadian." :D:D LoL.


By the way, only those in Canada know how our Prime Minister talks when he tries to speak. His mouth is like a broken cheeks.



And you are asking us if a new passport from another country does anything for us. It does wonders :cool: and it does nothing. smile.gif


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Love your nickname. Those who took the citizenship of their adopted countries did it mostly for good reasons I am sure, either to get ahead or for ease of travel. Having a US passport for example can pretty much allow you to traveling to many countries with many fewer restrictions. Also many countries do not accept those travel documents you mentioned, like those arrogant Khlig countries. Finally changing citizenship does not alter your bloodlines, we are all still full-blooded Somalians no matter which citizenship we carry which I am sure for most us of is a temporary thing.

BTW-I was part of numerous search committees the last couple of years, my director, a very intelligent and well informed woman did not know that a green card holder has the right to work in the US and almost disqualified a candidate because of it. So just another advantage citizenship gives you without even being aware of it.


MMA, those are some funny stories bro :D

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Asalaamu Caleykum Wr Wb

I don't know any one who did crazy thing to obtain a passport. I am Citezean the reason i become a Citezean is to gain respect from my adopted country & travel whenever i need. It only took me 2 years to become Australian Citezean. That is how easy it is, u can become Australian Citezean in 2 years whithout leaving the country. Deep down I am True somalian i only took the citezean to open alot of doors for me since our passport is nothing. :(


MMA that was halirous :D:D:D:D especially "Oooh, that AF QALOOC guy. Who speaks French when he talks one side of the jaw, and speaks English on the other side." :Dicon_razz.gif perfect response lol.

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salaamu calaykum.


well, I am already British citizen, the reason i obtain the passport is to travel as u do n't required visa most of the other counties. also for education and work as they give btitish citizens priority.


If Somalia rebuild again insha allah, I will retured the citizenship and the passport. however I will always be somalia citizen no matter what passport I have. Still when I am fill forms and they ask what is u nationality? I answer Somali, I never answer that I am british citizen.



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MMA lol that is funny, do you remember when the Somalis first came to Kanada as you say there was another priminster with small mouth? the Somalis used to say" War Afweynaan ka niman, afyaraan u nimid" now that Afyare left afqalooc came to the throne lol poor you canadians...


Motor Cycle Cruiser:

Thanks Blossom is really my nick name.

I have no intention to ever going to stupid khalij, but I will give a second thought about the US Passport now that most of you seem to think it is good idea to have an American passport.


Interesting what is Search committees?


BTW, most of the big corporation have a legal dept. and also majority of the HR people now the rules and regulation of the INS. I guess your Diroctor used to work for the government sector and still have the idea of one must be US citizen in order to work for the Federal Government.


Seriously, I will reconsider of my believe. after all they say if you have not shed one believe for this year you have not grown, so this must be the idea I am going to shed this year, ;) thanks y'all.

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Well, for me I have to visit those arrogant khlig countries at least every other year to see my immediate and extended family. smile.gif

Sorry I was not clear, I meant Job Search Committees to fill vacant software developers positions. Our searches are independent form the HR department, IT management actually conducts the search and we do an initial employment eligibility screening but once a candidate is recommended then HR verifies the actual work eligibility documents.

As far as far my boss not knowing that green card holders are eligible for employment, let’s just say, it’s out of ignorance. Something that is pretty common amongst the US population when it comes to matters related to foreigners or foreign countries.


Now back to the Topic Mujahid,

For the sake of privacy (FBI is sniffing this site smile.gif ) Someone paid (not gonna say who) a woman $10,000 to get her to help him get a green card (not gonna say how). And she did, but when the conditional period expired (I think 2 years) and he needed to get his permanent green card she was no where to be found. Guess what happened to him? YEAH, he got deported. :(

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Nah not me. I have refused to become a citizen in the UK. I am SOMALI and i dont intend to spend the rest of my life refugee. I am in exile for a short time. Thats it

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i just hate those white people let alone getting their passport!!!!!!!!!!!

how come i will drop my nationality and become another!!!

that is disgusting!! is layaaba kuwan noqday canadian or american or whatever

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