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Going to a Wedding?

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"I know" said Barwaqo, "why don't we visit Zaynab? She just arrived from Dubai and she is bound to have loads of new Diracs". Amal was not too sure about this idea. She was not on the best of terms with Zaynab and she also felt guilty about visiting her only to sniff out some Dirac instead of it being a customary welcoming visit. Yasmeen, as always, was lost in her own thoughts. Barwaqo insisted that there was nothing wrong with visiting Zaynab. "You are being paranoid, Amal. Zaynab would not even notice that we came for Diracs. We'll just slip the question in the middle of the conversation and then beg to buy some of the good Diracs off her when she shows them to us. She'll think it was innocently done". But Amal was still reluctant to go on with the idea. "Let us carry on looking first. You never know, we may just find what we're looking for" she said without much conviction.


The ladies carried on walking and looking without finding a single item that caught their fancy. Every time they stumbled upon a nice dress they found it had some sort of irreparable fault. Some dresses were long and modest but had a gaping slit right down the middle. Some dresses looked perfect but were the wrong colour. Some had the right design but were several sizes too small. Some were too tight, others too frilly but most of the dresses were just wrong for this occasion. Barwaqo and Amal were growing frustrated. They needed to get three outfits but so far and after four hours of shopping, all they had were some random accessories, one pair of shoes and an empty bag of doughnuts that Barwaqo had wolfed down earlier.


"I can't feel my legs any more" said the bouncy castle


"I can't feel mine either" joined Amal


"My legs are fine" mumbled Yasmeen.


"If we were in the Middle East or Asia, we wouldn't need to look this long for a couple of poxy dresses" protested Amal.

"If we were in the Middle East, we'll only need a silky Abaayah anyway" sneered Barwaqo.

"If we were in the Middle East, we'll probably need a muharm to take us shopping" added Yasmeen.


The other two looked at her and started laughing at the randomness of her statement. They stood on either side of her, locked their arms into hers and happily walked towards the train station. Zaynab was going to be their next destination. However, on the train and as Yasmeen finally had a moment of clarity whilst listening to the complaints of the other two, she innocently suggested they continue their search on the Internet.


"Buying dresses online is a waste of time" said Barwaqo.


"The colours and the fabrics are never as good as they look on the screen" joined Amal.


"I bought an outfit online once and it was great. Dress, scarf and other accessories all from the same place" said Yasmeen.


"Yes but it probably was not for something as important as a wedding" replied Barwaqo


"True" said Amal.


"It actually was" nodded Yasmeen knowingly.


"Stroke of luck" mocked Barwaqo


"A one-off" added Amal.


"It was actually a specialised Somali site" said Yasmeen. "I almost bought more than one outfit. They sell great things".


"REALLY?" asked a hopeful Amal.


"You never were one for fashion" said Barwaqo.


"Leave her alone" warned Amal "Where is this site?" she asked.


"I have the link on my computer at home. Shall we go there and take a look at what they have?" replied Yasmeen.


"What's the point? The wedding is next week.

They'll never deliver on time" said Barwaqo.


"They deliver within four days and since they are based in London and they provide a phone number on their site, I am sure we can ask them about the possibility of an express delivery" said the rapidly impressive Yasmeen.


"Why didn't you tell us about this site before we had to madly walk around town for the past four hours" asked an irritated Barwaqo.


"I thought you already knew about it, everyone does" replied Yasmeen.


"Oh this is fantastic" purred Amal.


The ladies got to Yasmeen's house and ran to her bedroom without greeting any of her family. They sat around her computer and eagerly viewed all the items on that mysterious site. Within half an hour, Amal had ordered three dresses, four scarves and a couple of hand bags. Barwaqo managed to find two outfits in her size and Yasmeen bought her self a lovely blue evening dress.


The following week, all three ladies went to the wedding and all looked great, even Barwaqo who whilst still looking like a bouncy castle, the addition of these fashionable outfits made look like a stylish bouncy castle.


Samira, wearing a dull pink dirac that was no match to what Amal was wearing, came smiling and declared her acceptance of total defeat by enquiring about these outfits and asking where these ladies got them from.


"What, these simple outfits?" asked Amal tartly, " Normode , darling, Normode ".



[Fade out]


[blank screen]


[Wrong choice of music starts playing]


[universal TV advert kicks in]



Ya Salaaam. Ya Salaam. Ya Salaam.


Ku so dhawoow waa meesha keliya ay gabadhaha Somalida ka heli karaan dharka xaragada aan dircyo ama jilbaabyo aheen. waxay idiin diyaarisay dhar xaragow ah oo casri oo waliba aad o qurox badan. Ya Salaam. Ya Salaam. Ya Salaam.


Normode waxa ay kuu haysaa dharka xafladaha lago tago, kuwa aroosyada iyo qaar kale o badan.


Normode waxiido waa casri, waa caalami, waa... xarragow.


Gabdhaha Somalida qurbaha jooga, hadh iyo goor waxa ay ka ashtakoodan dhar yaraanta iyo suuqa gaalada oo laga waayay dhar asturan. Hadaba ashtakada way dhamaatay, masar dukaan laga iibsaday oo dhabiitana dhar raaca loo waayay; ama kabo dukaan kale laga iibsaday oo shalmad loo waayay; ama boorsad midabka la doonayo la heli waayay.

Daal iyo warwar, socod iyo fikiraad, niyaad jab iyo isbadal; waxa ba waad ka raysaan hadaad Normode aado.


Normode waxaad ka heliysaa dharka aad doonayso; waxaad ka heliysaa masaro, shalmado, cabaayado iyo shandhado lago samiyaay mi**** isha Somalida jeclan karta.


Normode waxa ka shaqeeya hablo Somali oo og waxay walaalohood o bahaanyihiin. Normode dharkiida waxay o tosha iyaado og jirka dumarka Somaliyeed iyo dhibaatooyinkiisa. Hadaad aado Normode, intii xun way kuu qarin, intii fiican way kuuu muujin; boqorad bay kaa dhige! Ya Salaam. Ya Salaam. Ya Salaam.



Normode waxaad kula xiriiri karta websitkood oo ah: ama telefoonkood oo ah:07599223355664488


Ya Salaam. Ya Salaam. Ya Salaam. :D

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Oo ma labo sanno ayay kugu qaadatay inaad websiteka samayso Ngonge


ps. Great business idea and even greater way to advertise; after all, SOL waxaa ka buuxa hablo lacagta tirinteeda ku wareeray (loaded iyo nus).

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Nice and funny one. When i read the first part waxaan filaya in aroska lasiku rifo or that the Farax they fought over waagii hore would come to the wedding or sothing even more dramatic. However, the story took a whole different turn with the website lol.

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LOOOOL LOOOOL :D that Somali advert is killing me!!! Walahi it made LOOOOL everytime I read the Somali advert!! loool


What on earth is a stylish bouncy castle :Dicon_razz.gif

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what i really want to know is did ibti had any help writing this?


yasalaam indeed! i think you should youtube it

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