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Alaa Al-Aswany: When women are sinners in the eyes of extremists

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Truth is I wanted to stop right here;

Some days ago these extremists carried out a strange operation: they arrested a Somali woman and whipped her in public because she was wearing a bra. They announced clearly that wearing these bras was unIslamic because it is a form of fraud and deception


Dont you love when people circulate gossip?

Then he really tried to devolop a counterargument for Muslim men's obsession with the female body by throwing in the "while they're not alone in borderline obsession;

The use of women's naked bodies to market commercial products in the West is merely another application of the idea that women are commodities. Anyone who visits the redlight district in Amsterdam can see for himself how wretched prostitutes, completely naked, are lined up behind glass windows so that passers-by can inspect their charms before agreeing on the price. Isn't that a modern-day slave market, where women's bodies are on sale to anyone willing to pay?

I'm sorry, did he just compare the "redlight district" to women who are told to cover up? :rolleyes:

Women should have the right to wear whatever they want be it swimmsuits or burkas. THE END.

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Cara, obsessing over women's wear and behaviour is the easiest thing to do. To have an agenda for the social, economic, and relative political stability of even a neighbourhood requires forethought, skills, some expertise, and a pooling of resources. Above all, it requires leadership and vision. As odious as I find business terms, women's wear is a low-hanging fruit. Also women's wear and public punishments are the easiest way to mobilize hordes of young, largely illiterate and undereducated men. They simply have little else to offer.

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