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Che -Guevara

ONLF: The Unilateral Intervention by the Federal Government of Ethiopia in the Somali Regional State is not a viable Solution.

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The Federal Government ordered its military Force in Jigjiga to attack and take over the Somali regional Administration. This unilateral act resulted in Loss of Life and has endangered the law and order of the Ogaden, creating chaos and uncertainty at a time the Somali people were expecting to get peace and their rights.

ONLF believes that any transitional change in the Somali region shall come through a peaceful negotiated process where all relevant stakeholders including ONLF, the Federal government, and all other relevant stakeholders. Any entity that take unilateral act, that could jeopardise the situation will be responsible for consequences such an act produces.

ONLF calls upon the new Prime Minister of Ethiopia to halt immediately any military activities and initiate a peaceful process, including direction negotiations with ONLF, which would lead to a national conference where a peaceful road map for change in the Somali region is charted and the future course of the Somali people’s cause is decided.

ONLF calls upon the Somali people in Ogaden to stand up for their rights and never allow external forces to decide their fate. However, religious shrines and the properties of civilians shall be protected against opportunist individuals.

 ONLF also laments the continuing fighting alone the borders of the Somali Oromo borders. This will further exacerbate the future relations between these neighbourly communities.

 All ONLF members in the Ogaden shall endeavour to stabilise the situation and call for calm and peaceful engagement with all authorities and educate the people to respect the lives of minority communities, state and private property and Religious institutions.

 Issued by ONLF

For immediate release

For further details


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Excellent statement


ONLF has to insert itself otherwise the meeting in DirDawa was not only to eliminate kililka govt, but also exclude ONLF.

Hit not just two, but many birds with one stone:

Destroy or damage the autonomy of the Somali

Eliminate Iley and Co. and Replace by some group that has no base, no organization, no force, no money...

Disconnect the Somali in Ethiopia from Mogadishu, Jubaland and other states

Disconnect the Somali from other Ethiopian's solidarity by accusing falsely of separation

Take a higher percentage of oil by bringing weaker Somali in name only group

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