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^^^Yeah RIGHT....


Ok, I really wish I can understand how a "22ish chic" would go for a 50yrs old man...Fist of all, he is more than twice her age...He is just old...It is very in appropriate...When she is 40 he'll be what "68"...That's pretty old...What could they possibly have in common...


I say, there better be an interest for the "22ish chick"...May be she is looking for a father figure, May be he has Money, OR May be he is G Clooney (the real one ofcourse)

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Baashir dee waa sidee niyow!Waan ku arka...Tsk tsk "Qalanjo" "Macaan" thrown like sweet confetti at these ladies!Haha watch out Bisad qabow and Cara before he tries to woo you with his suave Konfur dialect!Lol :D



Xalimo Squad out to the rescue! icon_razz.gif


As for this topic...makes me laugh as I was debating a eight year gap to my hooyo macaan the night before last as abit too much!

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I think 10 years difference is fine, anything more than that you wont have anything in common. for instance, I am 20 if I start dating a man in his 50s what we gonna do for the first date...adeer inakeen shaaah aan so wada cabana eeh ..ii dhiib barkoorada wa dalanahaye aan ku tukube ..I guess u got the point, I am not his personal nurse an not cut for that kinda job. But, everyone is entitled for their choices.It makes me wonder though, why anyone would wanna date some one 30 years their senior, unless he is filthy rich and u wanna get rid of him and inherit all his money so u can enjoy the rest of yr life with a man of yr dreams, bt havent seen any old somali man whose rich so that aint the reason...some one just tell me one valid reason ;)


Caravaggio, there is nothing wrong with using animals in the lab as long as it is for medical purposes, and there are ofcourse certain ethical procedures one has to follow.


wa salaamu alaikum

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Won't you agree that - once a person becomes an adult it doesnt matter the age gap - so long they perceive their significant other makes them happy - No?


It is no point to scream about something you don't even know you - yourself - would have done it, had you been in their shoes.



Zu,Baashi, I guess this discussion hit close to home huh?


Zu, what do you know? How do you know whether or not Kat would have went for the offer had it been presented to her?


I didn't take you for those fellaz who talk without merit.


My late granddaddy who at the time of his marriage to an 18 going 19 yr old was nearing his 70th birthday, had absolutely nothing in common with his former wife, matter of fact, he didn't even court her, she was brought to him inorder to take care of him. As a result of that marriage, I ended up with a young 22yr old uncle, other than that, nothing came of that marriage. Her marriage to my grandaddy was a means for her family to get money, thats it.


Nothing can come off a 20 yr old female's relationship to a 50 or 60 yr old man, other than bearing children.


There is a reason why the nurse industry is booming, he should get himself a nurse instead of trapping a young female.(my granddady's children were against that marriage, they were all willing to take care of him, but my granddaddy's sisters convinced him to marry her anyway, and he did.)


No 20 yr old in her right mind would honestly marry a man 20/30 yr her senior, unless she has ulterior motive.


Just because older men married and still marry young back home, doesn't make it right. A man who wooes a woman who can be the same age as his daughter/granddaughter should be shot in the head.


Stay away from the young ones, fellaz.(especially you baashi)

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Xalimopatra, how did you guess my fatal weakness? :D


Che, take a guess.


I really don't have any problem with the dynamics of this gentleman's family. The setup is as old as time. What I find a little embarrassing is a man in his 50s talking about his family, period. Well done to him for realizing that he's mortal and should leave offspring. Double kudos for finding a young fertile woman to leave descendants with. But for pete's sake stop trying to make it out to be more than that! Trying to make his particular setup into some kind of model system is lame, end of story.

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

What could they possibly have in common...


I say, there better be an interest for the "22ish chick"...May be she is looking for a father figure, May be he has Money, OR May be he is G Clooney (the real one ofcourse)

^^^Or may be she’s a stunningly beautiful and is after a responsible man who wouldn’t parade her around like a spoils of war as those with limited experience do. Or may be, just may be, she understands very well that relationships are not about a mere release of physical energies as much as it’s about the ticks of its intellectual dynamics that cultivates it. Or may be she’s simply overpowered by the sheer wisdom the said old man sprinkles around. When all is said and done, this comes down to the personal autonomy and individual choices, which good Baashe already pointed out. Don’t let your mind linger on it walaal for it may actually fare better than the other ones…

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Na'ah. No way they're settling for a 100 year old man. Try again yaa good Xiin.


Maybe they should do a reverse Anna Nicole Smith, and marry one that is 63 years younger than them, :D of course they will have to wait for him to be born. But it's worth the wait.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Or may be she’s a stunningly beautiful and is after a responsible man who wouldn’t parade her around like a spoils of war as those with limited experience do. Or may be, just may be, she understands very well that relationships are not about a mere release of physical energies as much as it’s about the ticks of its intellectual dynamics that cultivates it. Or may be she’s simply overpowered by the sheer wisdom the said old man sprinkles around. When all is said and done, this comes down to the personal autonomy and individual choices, which good Baashe already pointed out. Don’t let your mind linger on it walaal for it may actually fare better than the other ones…

Ooooh, PuhLEASE!!!


The last thing on a 20yr old's mind, is anything BUT what you've mentioned above...Ilaa iyo hada waxaa iiga dhigtay gabar almost 40 jirto oo aan wili laguursan...Whatever!!!


A 20yr old is just beginning her life, she shouldn't get involved with someone who has already lived the better half of his life...


Let's see you, Xiinfaniin, bring someone who's 30 yrs your senior... ;)

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Or may be she’s a stunningly beautiful and is after a responsible man who wouldn’t parade her around like a spoils of war as those with limited experience do. Or may be, just may be, she understands very well that relationships are not about a mere release of physical energies as much as it’s about the ticks of its intellectual dynamics that cultivates it. Or may be she’s simply overpowered by the sheer wisdom the said old man sprinkles around. When all is said and done, this comes down to the personal autonomy and individual choices, which good Baashe already pointed out. Don’t let your mind linger on it walaal for it may actually fare better than the other ones…

No amount of rosy words or intellectualizing the situation is going to make it seem more palatable, friend! icon_razz.gif

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A man who wooes a woman who can be the same age as his daughter/granddaughter should be shot in the head.

What's with you and this violent imagery Lazy. I have seen you threatening Duke with Bazooka, and now shooting Xiin and Baashi..LoooL



And in all seriousness though, I think you guys are focusing on the guy way too, and completely dismissing the girl choice and intentions. It is her life. No one forced or coerced into marrying this gentleman. And I doubt inuu sababtay as 22 is fully functional being who knows and understand what she needs and what's best for her. Calling her husband a child molester as someone here did, and dismissing her love/family is just wrong and completely unnecessary.




Cara....Not good with guesses. Just wanna understand the extent to spare animals of pain. I never knew a Somali animal rights sympathiser.

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A man who wooes a woman who can be the same age as his daughter/granddaughter should be shot in the head.

LooooooooL Lazy, crazy woman.



I never knew a Somali animal rights sympathiser.

They should all be made to read Animal Experiments: Simple Truths by Vernon Coleman Then we would surely have many more animal righst activists

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The Prophet (peace be upon him) married Aisha when he was fifty-three years old and she was nine years old. So this should tell us that age doesnt matter. The prophet pbuh was only 25 when he married Khadija who was about 40. So, if a woman wants to marry a man who is thirty years her seniors so be it. However, I personally don't think I can share a life with some one so much older, it wouldn't work in every aspect. But, lets try to be positive, otherwise we would be against the prophet pbuh, given that he married both a woman so much older, and a woman so much younger.


that is my two cent for now.


wa salaamu alaikum

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My grandmother recently married a man 20yrs younger than her...i thought that was right and dandy. So long as no one is forcing either person to marry the other...nothing wrong with it. It doesnt sit right with me and i wouldnt do it, but i wont argue against it if others do it. whatever floats their boat.

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