Deeq A.

Ambassador Cawil Mucjiso oo ka hadlay nabadii laga gaadhay Ceelafweyn

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11 hours ago, Holac said:

Oodweyne is talking peace. Where is Saalax in the video? :)



Cawil Mujciso is a lowly  snitch. No one from the Ceel Afweyn community takes him serious.   It is this man that matters mudane Caare.

Caare - 1.jpg

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Ina Cawil Mujciso ma ruunta ka xanaaqday?  :D no one in Ceel Afweyn even cares what this snitch has to say nor do we care about what his nephew who is a Jeegaan worker in SOL says :D . They only care about Caare.

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