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Could You Have an STD ??

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Could you have an STD and not know it? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Some sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea, have symptoms that are often confused with signs of a bladder infection, while others, such as Chlamydia, seldom have any symptoms at all.


When was the last time you have a medical check up ? was the STD included ??



Why don't you just check ,,,, i mean just in case.


I know a lot of ppl are suffering from one of those diseases and yet deny to examine their selves against any of them.



Doest it have an importance to you ??

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"I know a lot of ppl are suffering from one of those diseases and yet deny to examine their selves against any of them. "


Hw do you know? :D

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come on ,, wixii aan idhi oo dhan ma intaasaad kala soo dhex baxdeen , ? ,, :D



I shouldn't say that but truly speaking i know ,,, not saying how but it is there ,, and the worse is most of ppl don't know until it is too late ,,,,

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Education and awareness is the key,I think some of these people can't even afford to pay for the visit to Doctors.


BTW,Cinjirkii magaalada laguma gado? :D

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looooooooool ,, cinjirku wuu yaalaa inkastoo uu suuq madow yahay quality giisana aan la hubin but a lot of ppl consider that cinjir is a disease itself ,,



The importance is to do a medical check periodically ,, just in case

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And how much does the medical check up cost?


Armaa sheekadaadu ka dhigantahay islaantii Boqorada ahayd ee booqatay wadankii dadku aad u gaajaysnaayeey, oo tiri "maxaa dadka haya"? markaas baa lagu yiri "waxa ay waayeen roodhi", oo ku jawaabtey maxay u cuni waayeen cakes?,lool smile.gif

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I think STD check is part of the compulsory prenuptial health check in many countries and such diseases are bound to increase dramatically with Ethiopians and diaspora members omnipresent in Somalia (Berbera Aids rate, due to the port, rate was among the highest and contamination rate was soaring accross Somalia).


Now, the health system could easily be upgraded should the authorities make it a priority, especially for the sake of the overwhelming majority, without access even to basic prevention.


People should be aware than more often than not competiting priorities, coupled with corruption and mismanagement, are the real problem (war against other Somalis, incompetent authorities with little vision etc).


After all, Cuba, China, and many other countries who chose Health as a national priority, are far from being the richest countries yet export thousands of Health specialists, in conjunction with a remarkable as well as affordable health system, while welcoming even American students.


In comparison, many other countries spend much more with little results to show for...

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everytime i hear those words, i get a shiver up my spine. ugggh, gross, i remember all the sex ed. classes in high school and although they never showed pictures, the nurse gave graphic details as to what happens to the body.

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^^Jacaylbaro yeh in public schools they do, it is part of the curriculum. It is good to make kids aware of certain things while they are young, so they know how to avoid.

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The high school I attended didn't offer any sex ed classes, because it was a catholic high school, but they did host various seminars(with host speakers) althroughout the school for an entire week, and each different grade had their turn to participate and take part in the information session. As we exited after it was over, we had pamphlets with info and condoms available.


I thought it was very informative session, they had decent materials, not too graphic, but overrall as I recall it was very educational.


I believe something similar to what I just described ought to be available to young children and adults as well.

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I was told by a cousin of mine who went to Hargeysa and other parts of Somalia [working in an NGO] that people use plastic grocery bags, and milk bags [in Hargeysa they have milk in a bag like the Canadians] as condoms! because waayo, the leaders in those regions criminalized the distribution of condoms, claiming that it promotes promiscuity...


Warkaas maxaa ka jiro JB?


To answer the q. I go for my yearly physical exam, I'm not sure though if AIDS testing is included :confused: . I'm glad you brought that up. I'll ask my family doctor next time.

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