Che -Guevara Posted August 2, 2018 To be honest, it's not clear what Farmaajo and co got from this trip? The man and his advisors (if he has anyone) are clueless bunch. And while Gheelle is definitely despot, it made no sense to put him and by extension his country on the spot. And it is worthy mentioning the current rapid change in the Horn is not benefiting and will not benefit Somalis for two simple reasons, Somalis are unprepared and they have no real power. And importantly, the powers to be and their surrogates would honestly like to see Somalis disappear. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khadafi Posted August 2, 2018 Geed deg deg lagu karo si deg deg ayaa laga soo dagtaa. I warned against this foregin trip and said Somalia would have nothing to gain but something to lose. This trip done after caabey-oromo's visit re-affirm how weak Somali leaders are. Holac, see the press-release from the Somali side and the Eritrean and you will be amazed and shocked to see how amatuerish and naive the somali one is. While the Eritrean one speaks of no obligation from their side the somali side is full of concessions. Qalbi-dhagax, and now this. Seem things are done in a erratic ways. Galbeedi, Oday Geele might be a despot but he is one that stood behind the somali people. Carta conferance, re-ignited the endless TFG:s that led us to FGS. He was also the one that rescused the ALS-ICU from the cruel gaalka Cafwerki. What did he gain from this trip? Nada, what did he lose? An ally? And all it took make this erratic decision was to be given a field-trip to some waterfalls in Asmara. He could have simply made a press-release hoping for peace between Djabouti and Asmara and gone home. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar Posted August 3, 2018 On 8/2/2018 at 2:49 PM, galbeedi said: Djibouti and despot Ghelle cannot dictate whom Somalia must make deal. The sanctions weren’t not imposed on Eritre because of Djibouti border disputes, it was about Ethiopia and his opposition to the intervention in Somalia. Asiasas had demanded for years that Somalia to be left alone. The fat dictator is making money from the instability of Somalia and the false war on terror. He brought China, USA. Germany, Japan, Spain, France and other to make money and sell the ports as cash cow. With stable Somalia these navies and other must leave the horn. Peace is coming in the horn and if things go back as before Djibouti will probably cost less in terms of life for its habitants. Do you guys have any idea life in Djibouti for the ordinary people? It is the most expensive island in the world. Couple of hundred oligarchs control everything. Water is scarce , electricity is more than ones salary and a thousand dollars might not be even enough for a middle class family. Djibouti is a colony for the benefit of those who run it not for the people. Farmaajo has big issues, especially the security that is worsening in Mogadishu, but Djibouti is not one of them. Read more Galbeedi, ha aaminin waraaqdaan baaqa ah that is filled with grammatical and spelling errors. I don't believe it. Haddee run tahay wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Jabuuti ayaa soo saari lahayd baaqa ama daljirahooda Muqdisho u fadhiyo, not an unsigned statement by a lowly disgruntled embassy employee, even if one wants to believe. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted August 3, 2018 Djibouti is indeed very unhappy with the situation because farmaajo betrayed djibouti when he visited the xamasien dictator farmaajo yaa xiga jabuuti. Mise gaalka tigrayga afoworqi this about loyalty horta somalinimo dhimatay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted August 3, 2018 On 8/2/2018 at 8:53 PM, Khadafi said: Geed deg deg lagu karo si deg deg ayaa laga soo dagtaa. I warned against this foregin trip and said Somalia would have nothing to gain but something to lose. This trip done after caabey-oromo's visit re-affirm how weak Somali leaders are. Holac, see the press-release from the Somali side and the Eritrean and you will be amazed and shocked to see how amatuerish and naive the somali one is. While the Eritrean one speaks of no obligation from their side the somali side is full of concessions. Qalbi-dhagax, and now this. Seem things are done in a erratic ways. Galbeedi, Oday Geele might be a despot but he is one that stood behind the somali people. Carta conferance, re-ignited the endless TFG:s that led us to FGS. He was also the one that rescused the ALS-ICU from the cruel gaalka Cafwerki. What did he gain from this trip? Nada, what did he lose? An ally? And all it took make this erratic decision was to be given a field-trip to some waterfalls in Asmara. He could have simply made a press-release hoping for peace between Djabouti and Asmara and gone home. Read more You have valid blame in my view, but at this point the situation is not possible for Farmaajo to do anything but comply. All Farmaajo can do is have understanding with Ghelleh. Let alone Farmaajo even PM Abiy is now complying and subordinate to Eritrea. Eritrea has manpower, money, diplomatic cover to do a lot of damage in Somalia if the dictator even has personal beef let alone American Arab mission. As long as everybody understands why some statement is not important done under duress. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted August 3, 2018 On 8/2/2018 at 6:18 PM, Oodweyne said: I think Mr Cheeseman is actually frightened out of his wits about what Ethiopia and Eritrea could together amount to when it comes to helping his political opponents inside Mogadishu. Meaning the Eritrea could help the likes of Al-Shabaab to endlessly cause a trouble for him, if they so choose to do it. Read more For good reason. Wouldn't you have been frightened at the gathering clouds and fast moving winds? Even Ethiopia is under Eritrea in this case totally. Eritrea chose the Oromo and Eritrea's new masters oblidged. All money faucets for Ethiopia were shut down now they are opening already. All the Oromo demonstrations now are quiet yet none of the questions have been answered. The Amhara did not want Federalism, kilil..etc but all those questions now are going away. Almost all oposition wanted transitional government yet PM Abiy in Washington DC (little Ethiopia highest collection of PhDs, ex-colonels generals, name it) told them there will not be one. "I will be your transitional government leave that to me" while laughing and they applauded. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gooni Posted August 3, 2018 Warqadaan waa calaacal ama cataw ujeedka ay kaleeyihiin waa kicin shacab sidii qalbi dhagax oo kale taasu waa aragtidayda. Jabuuti ma'ahan maamul goboleed kamida soomaaliya waa dawlad madax banaan. Safiir wadan kale joogana xaq uma leh inuu si toos ah u hujuumo madaxweyne uu dalkiisa ku joogo aqoonsi uu u gudbiyay kana ogolaaday taasoo ah sharaf xasaanad wayn. baratikoolku waa in wasaaradda arimaha dibadda ee jabuuti bayaan soo saarto, af-hayeenkooduna ka hor akhriyo saxaafadda, asagoo qeexaya mowqifka dawladda jabuuti iyo waxa gafka ay tirsanayaan yahay. Ama inay warqad hoose u qoraan, ku socota farmaajo ayagoo usii marinaya safiirkooda u jooga muqdisho ka dibna wax ku qaataan jawaabta ay helaan. Markaas ka dib ama gacmahooda hoos ha u dhaqeen ama si "cad" saxaafadda ha u horyimaadaan Macnaha safiir waa marti dhawr-soon oo matala saaxiibtinimada ka dhaxaysa labada dal, markii la fasiro. Farmaajo ma'ahan ilmo yar oo ay korsadeen xaqna uma laha inay ka dalbadaan inuu soo maro intuusan go'aan qaadan ama dal kale u dhoofin Walaatinimada saxdaa waa inay soomaaliya la midoobaan haday doonayaan in go'aankoodu midaysnaado Tan hiil walaal oo mucaaradka federaalka ka oohisay siday caadada u lahaayeen, waxaan waydiin lahaa jabuuti xirriirka ma u jartay itoobiya markay xamar ku xsuuqaysay soomaalida? Maxaa warqad loogu qori waayay walaalaheen la safan cadawgeena. Soomaalida qalbigoodu waa khafiif si dhaqsaa yaa looga ilmaysiin karaa sidaa daraadeed walaalaheen jabuuti ha ilaaliso madax banaanida soomaaliya in ka badan tan ay qoriga ku ilaaliso Sidii dawlad madax bannaana ha u hadasho wixii hadda ka dambeeya Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tallaabo Posted August 4, 2018 On 8/3/2018 at 6:23 PM, gooni said: Jabuuti ma'ahan maamul goboleed kamida soomaaliya waa dawlad madax banaan. Safiir wadan kale joogana xaq uma leh inuu si toos ah u hujuumo madaxweyne uu dalkiisa ku joogo aqoonsi uu u gudbiyay kana ogolaaday taasoo ah sharaf xasaanad wayn. baratikoolku waa in wasaaradda arimaha dibadda ee jabuuti bayaan soo saarto, af-hayeenkooduna ka hor akhriyo saxaafadda, asagoo qeexaya mowqifka dawladda jabuuti iyo waxa gafka ay tirsanayaan yahay. Read more Oo sootaydu ku sheegtaan Farmaajo inuu yahay madaxwaynaha "umadda Soomaaliyeed". Safiirka Jabuuti Mogadisho u fadhiya umaddaa Soomaaliyeed ayay ka mid yahay ee u adkaysta marka uu protocolka daaqada ka tuuro oo uu arimihiina soo fara galiyo ama uu madaxwaynaha "Umadda Soomaaliyeed" dhegaha ka tumo. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted August 4, 2018 Djibouti must be supported haday somalinimo jirto hadikale nagadaaya waalida inay somalinimo jirto every man for his own. Galbeedi baa ugu daran oo gaalka masiixiga xamasien tageerayaa oo ilaahay iyo nebigisi ka goay. Oo musliminta beja tigre ka eryaday guryahooda. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites