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In life, a lesson learned in your past that you will never forget completely.

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When I was in elementary school, I got into a major argument with a girl in my class. I have forgotten what the argument was about, but I have never forgotten the lesson learned that day.


I was convinced that "I" was right and "she" was wrong - and she was just as convinced that "I" was wrong and "she" was right.


The teacher decided to teach us a very important lesson. She brought us up to the front of the class and placed her on one side of her desk and me on the other. In the middle of her desk was a large, round object. I could clearly see that it was black. She asked the girl what color the object was. "White," she answered.


I couldn't believe she said the object was white, when it was obviously black! Another argument started between my classmate and me, this time about the color of the object.


The teacher told me to go stand where the girl was standing and told him to come stand where I had been. We changed places, and now she asked me what the color of the object was. I had to answer, "White." It was an object with two differently colored sides, and from the girl’s viewpoint it was white. Only from my side was it black.


My teacher taught me a very important lesson learned that day: You must stand in the other person's shoes and look at the situation through their eyes in order to truly understand their perspective”



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@Kuusha:Women are right when we give them the permition to be so - in aan dhao aa rabtay ka dibna sidii Aw-tusbaxle kab iyo Jaan la idaba qaato, oo ka reebaay la dhaho. Aaan ku fahmay, aan ku dhahay. :D



@Nuunka, war go'e- "j'da" aa manta dhan I hortagneed Waxaana is dhaahayey duqu waa kii Aw-tusbaxle af garashado ku waday'e ar muu adna xisaab ku jiraa, Jacayl baro maaha.


Afro-Marka: horeba waxay kuu dhaheen ay qabanaane- intaa iska dhaafto warkaa ma is hubtaa oo awga hadduu kugu soo dur-duriyo,mise soo suluu-lixiyo-oho ma oran lahayd: Try anger managment class, kolka! And stop talking about the bus iyo buska aad shegayso - then again what to expect from an uneducated person like Mr.Gii Walal??


:D @Eng.Geeljire & Sheikha Jacaylka. Wax aan damacay uun in aan magaciina isku qabto, aan ka ahayn, hawada iyo xidigaha uun iga la soco. dhan-dhaaran..... :D ;)


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lool@SheekhaJacaylka, hadda nuuune iyo rag aan garan aa kiiska ka waalaysaa aar raga ha igu jabin adeer...Magacii qaladaa aa soo xasuuusinaysaa...sow ma ahan shekhow, icon_razz.gif:D



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L0L@eesh calaa, ku dar, 'fii Laxam.'


Ninkii reer xamarka maxaas yiri, horta :D ? anoo jeesteenaayo hee..? oo jaako jiinis iigu jurto, jubo jiiradeeda jiijo ma iga soo hor bixinooo.. hoo jalaato ma i dhihinoo.. kkkk L0L.


As for the topic. Life has taught me many things thus far. One of them is: don't iron shirts and answer the phone at the same time! redface.gif

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