
Burburkii Qaranimada Soomaaliya

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General caydiid iyo  cali wardhiiglay labbadaduba  SNM wa  u hilliyeen maalintay xabashi xamar qabsatay axmed godane iyo ibrahiem afghani ayaa ayaa intay cunaamadoodi  qaateen ayey xabashi iyo adeerka barre hiiraale ba karbaash u qoreen.  Wa somalinimo. Adiga you reerkina eygi bakhtiyey meles zenawi baad gacanta hoos dhigateen adeer  dadku kala gobsan

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The conflict got personal. No room to compromise or seek the middle ground. The public supported only leaders that advocated their interest unapologetically.  

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5 hours ago, gooni said:

Snm guul ay meel ka gaartay ma jirto haba yaratee waana tan keentay inay u duceeyaan usc iyo caydiid sanadkiiba mar xusaan ama alla baryaan maalinka bishu tagto 18'ka May.

Usc hadaf ma lahayn aan ka ahayn iska dagaalama markay kaliyasteena wax walba way ku argagaxeen mana aysan filayn guushaas dhakhsaha badan.


cuqdada nafsiyan aad u qabto SNM waxay ku baday inaad sadarka hore ku yastid guulsha SNM gaadhay. Halka tuduca ku xigta adigu isku marag kacaysid in guusha fudud ee USC ka keentay Koonfurta xidhiidhkeedu yahay guulsha adkayd ee SNM waqooyi ka keentay. 

Halka aad qiraalaha dadban aad ku meermeeraysid, waxa ka wanaagsan cad walba sidu yahay inaad u seeftid. Waa talo.

hadii anaad la socon, USC cidi hubaysay ee ciidankii ugu horeeyey siisay SNM ayay ahayd. 

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The last I remember I saw no SNM militia doing any fighting in Mogadishu in 1991 and I was in Mogadishu. One can only credit for what they did and let's not get emotional about it.

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2 hours ago, Suldaanka said:


hadii anaad la socon, USC cidi hubaysay ee ciidankii ugu horeeyey siisay SNM ayay ahayd. 


Let's run with that logic. The Derg trained and armed SNM and gave them camps where they can launch attacks against the Somali State. Perhaps, we should be credit the Derg then?

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1 hour ago, Ducale said:

^^**** boy Che,



I asked you before.  Can you name anytime in history where beesha dhexe ay shisheeye soo horbooday si ay ugu aargoosato? Don't come with the british because doony aanu lahayn dalka kumey iman. Kuwey badbaadiyeena waxa ka mid aha reerihi daraawiishta laftigooda. 

In what world, do you think staging war from enemy territory and accepting to be under colonial hegemony is not betrayal?


Don't come with the british because doony aanu layahn dalka kumey iman.

LOL, okay.


Heh@**** boy, do you have a thing for boys or were you spanked by one?

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1 hour ago, Ducale said:

**** boy Che

A. Nin shisheeye ayaa qori igu caawiyay. Xinyahaygaan cadkeygi ku soo goostay.


That's big of you to admit you sought the help and worked for the enemy.

I don't defend any Somali working with enemy state but I will not be lectured by a hypocrite with deep-seated hatred.



Welcome back horta.

You and I have been through this before. I am assuming this Ducaale character was referring to Yeey (2006) which I have staunchly opposed and I have been accused by many including you of supporting terrorists when I say Al-Shabab war against Ethiopians and Yeey was legitimate despite their madness. It got Ethiopia to leave my hometown.

Now about this other business, Ethiopia has been enemy of the Somali people and every clan movement including SNM sought their support in dismantling the Somali State. Can I imagine how any clan movement  can accuse others of treachery when they themselves were supported by the enemy.

And going to USC, despite your self-congrulatory notes, the Somali State will not haven fallen without them.

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SNM was a very independent rebel movement Somaliland bussinesmen funded it diaspora  all the guns we had  we bought from the derg nothing was for free  SNM was a very democratic rebel movement   besides afweyne was funded by  Ronald reagon.. how is that alright most of the SNM  generals colonels fought  Ethiopia in 1977.. its just after  1979 we had to remove the tyrant daquutki  ina siyad barre

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10 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

And going to USC, despite your self-congrulatory notes, the Somali State will not haven fallen without them.

It is ok. There were two camps, the gov't camp and the opposition camp. Lets just say the opposition camp won. :D

 The Somali State camp included included WSLF, Somali Aabo, various paramlitary clan melitia from Buuhoodle to Laasqorey. Various clan melitia in Awdal. The minority clans like Gaboye, Midigan and Madhibaan. 

The opposition was just the SNM and USC. Ina Cumar Jees came to the party very late. 

In any case, if the Somali state was as organised (in terms of armed supporting clans... and military installations etc) in the South as was in the north. I think the USC could have had its work cut out. It could have taken years. And to win a long drawn out war, like the SNM, you will need a lot of things alligned behind the battle front. I think the USC lacked a lot of those key ingridients that make such military campaign successful. The gov't could have divided the USC and defeated, something that they tried time and again but failed with regards to the SNM. 

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Dr.oodweyne good to see you.

Dagaal sokeeye guul ku faan ma leh

Balse waxaad qoraysaan iyo xaqiiqdii aan usoo joognay oo shalay ahayd waa kala laba.

Snm...habro toob bay ahayd, awood ay ku hor istaagto qaybtii 26aad'na ed ciiddanka xoogga soomaaliyeed ma'aysan lahayn si hoose u warayso ragga macquulkaa haddii aad nin yar ahayd barigaas.


Saaxiib anigu ma arag mana maqal hub iyo ciidan snm leedahay oo xamar wax ka dumiyay,

Snm mashxarad wax dhaafsiisan kama aysan gaysan dagaalkii muqdisho.

Waxaan kugula talin lahaa dambi aysan gaysan walaalaheen waqooyi galbeed ha u samayn adigu.

Meesha markii dibidu ku faagatay yaa ayagoo jaban dhurwaayadu heleen.

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I understand if you are saying Yeey and Madoobe didn't have the proverbial balls to do their own fighting but I was objecting to the very idea that Somali movements or entities didn't seek or continue to seek foreign support at the expense of their people and country.



We will be going in circles but we can agree without the vital blow (USC), the Somali State [may not Siyad Barre] would have remained in tact.

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Dr oodweyne

Waxaan kugula talin lahaa mid walaaltimo oo wadnahayga salkiisa kasoo go'day inaad dhakhtar u tagto sida ugu dhakhsaha badan, waxaad weydiisaa aqoontaadii meesha ay ka gashay jirkaaga

Kenya was 30 milyan intooda badana dhaqan iyo diin lahayn jufo gedo degta yaa daris la noqotay waana soomaali waxay geystaan adigay kuu geysteen.

Weligayna iloobi maayo maah maahdii qosolka badnayd gabdho la caayo gabdho la caayo bay leedahay.

jumco wanasgsan saaxiib.

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Saaxil togdheer qabiil gaara kama difaaci kareen kenya waxaad igu riixaysaana waa inaan sidii labo qabiil u doodno

Kenya waxaa gedo kaga dhimatay dhawr boqol taa badelkeeda markay wajihi waayeen raggay is hayeen waxay go'aan sadeen inay dumarka caanaha wada kufsadaan ama birta telefonada dumiyaan xataa aqalada miyiga ku yaal diyaarado ku duqeeyaan, waana siyaasad cawaaqib xun keeni karta

Usoo noqo mowduuca

Burburkii ka hor snm xarshin bay ku dhex dhuumanayeen dumarka iyo caruurta mana aysan imaan karin meel ciidan soomaliyeed joogo

Taas internet'ka kaliya yaa lagu inkiri karaa

Faan, waa goosanay iyo mujaahidka sawir halaga qaado waxay bilaabatay markii usc fowdada muqdisho ka bilowday

Inay nabad ku noolaadaana dan weyn baa noogasoo baxday runtii gurigu markuu gubto, dhinicii ka badbaada yaa agabka laysugu geeyaa.

Waaqicigana nabad ku noolaada insha alkah  khiyaaligaba allaha xal u keeno.


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 SNM was formed in 1979 with a faction of afaraaad Ied by general maxammad cali. It did the bulk of the fighting  hijacking planes ships birjeex operation gen lixles maandhere operation  colonel abdilahi askar prison break  the SNM  wslf war 1983 1982 when the SNM wiped the floor with the afweyne militia wslf militia in Ethiopia in the hawd region.1984 burcoduuray. 2 third of the Somali army was in Somaliland   the buhoodle wars axmedow dhici wa  when axmed seleebaan duufle  gave his clan allot of ammunition new toys weapons but still  they got karbaashed  and send to akhiro.

SNM won the war against marxist  dictator  USC and SNM joint operation started in 1989 when general caydid visited us in baligubadle all the clan members  who were captured from his clan  we're release retrained and he took them to dhuusomareeb and later on he started fighting  the Mogadishu mayor afweyne.




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