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Londoners: Britain to unite against Islamophobia after cartoons

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RALLY. Britain to unite against Islamophobia after cartoons


Public figures from across the political spectrum are expected to unite this Saturday at a rally against Islamophobia in Trafalgar Square. The action is taking place in the wake of the cartoon controversy at the instigation of the Muslim community.


It is imperative you come along with as many people as you can to show to the world the way in which Muslims should protest against the flagrant disregard to feelings of Muslims throughout the world, demonstrated by the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten, when it published a series of cartoons depicting the Prophet Moha mmed (peace and prayers be upon him) in a variety of unspeakable positions.


Rally: United Against Islamophobia, United Against Incitement

Date: < /SPAN>THIS SATURDAY - 11th February 2006

Time: 1pm – 5pm

Venue: Trafalgar Square, London


Organised by: Muslim Association of Britain (MAB), Islamic Society of Britain (ISB), Islamic Forum Europe (IFE), UK Islamic Mission (UKIM), Da’watul Islam UK & EIRE, Federation of Student Islamic Societies in UK & EIRE (FOSIS) & The Islamic Cultural Centre and The Central Mosque Trust, Minhaj – ul – Quran International (MQI); Friends of Al-Aqsa & UK Muslim Shi’ite Organisations


Supported by: Mayor of London & the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB)


In coordination with: Stop the War, CND, Operation Black Vote, Pax Christi and others


Sponsored by: Islam Channel, ARY Digital, Channel S, Muslim Weekly & IWitness


Contact: | 0845 087 8766 | or

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