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Is Nuruddin Farah another Ayaan Xirsi in the making?

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Nuuradiin Faarax oo aflagaadada uu ku hayo Soomaalida, ammaan kaga mutay Salmaan Rushdi, Khamiis, 15 Febraayo 2007


"Nuraddin Farah is one the finest contemporary African Writers"

Salman Rushdie, The guardian.


"Abeeso dhul u ekaan bay kugu cuntaa" - Oraah Soomaaliyeed






Qormadan ayaa dhinacyo badan ka eegaysa hadalada qoran ama tabineed ee uu qoraaga caanka ku ah Sheeko Xariirka Dhaqanka “Nuuradiin Faarah” kusoo bandhigay meelo badan. Waxay dulmaraysaa hadalada been abuurka ku ah ee qoraagu wax kaga sheegayo dhaqanka wanaagsan ee Soomaaliyeed, kuna jaah wareerinayo akhristayaasha shinshada qorayaasha Soomaaliyeed. Waxey kaloo qormadu koobaysaa in "Abeeso dhul ekaan bay kugu cunto".


Muxuu qoraagu ka sheegay Ragga iyo dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed?


Buuggiisa lagu magacaabo "Maps" oo uu soo saaray 1990, wuxuu qoraagu kaga waramayaa wiil Soomaali ah oo u galmoonaya xayawaanka lo'da (sac), sidoo kale buugiisa "Secrets" wuxuu Nuuradiin ku muujinayaa nin Soomaali ah oo galmo ka raadinaya xayawaanka Lo'da (sac), isla markaana wuxuu qeybo kale oo kamid ah isla buuga "Secrets" qoraagu ku tilmaamayaa in ragga Soomaalidu dhaqan u leeyihiin isu galmoodka dhexdooda ah.


Mudo haatan laga joogo dhawr sano, mar uu Nuuradiin booqday wadanka Sweden, goob uu kula hadlayay Soomaalida qurba-jooga ah ee wadankaasi, waxaa la waydiiyay inuu u qiil bixiyo hadalkiisa ku aadan in Soomaalidu dhaqan u leedahay galmoodka jinsiga raga dhexdiisa, waxuuna lasoo booday “ma garanayo inaan doonayno inaan akhristayaasha aduunka been u sheegno, laakiin ninkii magaalada Marka xaafad ka mid ah waqti xafladeed gooni ah tagi lahaa, wuu arki lahaa rag gacmaha is haysta”, dadkii meesha isugu soo xoomay ayaa isku qanciyay (findhicil ma xaaraanbaa mise waa xalaal sheegsheegiisa ayaa ka xun), su’aalihina u weeciyay jiho kale, maadaama qoraagu u yaqaano dhaqan umaddeed xumaan ay bartay waqti xun socodkiisu, aysana abid arag bulshadii qarniyada badan ku noolaa magaalada Marka iyo nawaaxigeeda, dhagaytayaashii u oomanaa inay la kulmaan qoraaga lagu han waynaana waxay huleeleen ayagoo hiifaya waqtigoodii qaaliga ahaa iyo damacoodii hungoobay.


Hungo kale, buug uu soo saaray 2005tii, uguna magic daray “LINKS” mar uu sheeko xariirtiisa kaga sheekaynayay arxan darada mid ka mid ah jilayaasha oo uu Caloosha ku naynaasay (kaasoo uu dagaal oogayaasha ku matalayay) waxuu yiri:


“Jeebleh remembered how, when he was small, he had tried to stop Caloosha and his friends from molesting a dog. He had been beaten harshly himself for his impudence. (many years later, he learned that one of the boys had met the fate he deserved: he died from rabies” (Links, 2005, page 130).


“Jeebleh oo ahaa nin sheekada ku matalayay qurbo joog, aqoon badane, nabad jecel , waxuu yiri “ waxaan xasuustay sidii aan isugu dayi jiray markaan yaraa, inaan ka celiyo Caloosha iyo saaxiibadiis faraxumaynta eeyaha, dibna uu ka ogaaday in mid ka mid wiilashaasi uu la kulmay cawaaqib xumo uu mutaystay, una dhintay cudunka raabiyada oo uu u aaneeyay galmadii eeyaha” (Links, 2005, bogga, 130).


Buugaagta sheeko xariirta ah ee uu qoro Nuuradiin Faarax waxay akhristaashu ka daalacdaan dhaqanka wadanka uu ku salaynayo, hadaba waxaan mar kale la yaabay meesha qoraagu ka keenay Soomaali u galmoonaya xayawaanka Eeyga, akhristayaashana uu uga iibinayo aragti aan sal lahayn.


Suuq kale oo furmay, Nuuradiin asbuucii aynu soo dhaafnay waxuu mar kale iska dhex taagay akhristaashiisa magaalada Minneapolis ee dalka Mareykanka, mar uu sharxayay buugiisa cusub ee “Knots” sheegay inaysan dhaqanka Soomaalida ka mid ahayn jilbaabka ay xirtaan dumarka Soomaalidu, isla markaana uu xitaa buuggiisii ugu horeeyay ku qoray in “gabar aan asturnayn ay ku soo baxday, gabar kale oo jilbaab gashan, intayna ku naxday ayay tiri: waa maxay jinnigan ama reer aakhiraadkan, Ghost”. Is asturkan dumarka Soomaalida ayuu qoraagu ku sheegay "Afghan Business" uu dalka Sucuudigu sodonkii sano ee ugu danbeeyay lacag badan ku bixiyay.


Uguma horeeyo Nuuradiin qorayaasha la jaan qaadaya ka ganacsiga cusub ee dhaleecaynta diinta iyo dhaqanka suuban ee Islaamka, maadaama dagaaladii qaboobaa iyo kuwii kululaaba ay ku wajahan yihiin dadka ku dhaqma diinta Islaamka, dagaaladaasu haka yimaadeen kuwo Muslinimo sheeganaya balse weerar ku ah Islaamka sida Nuuradiin Faarax ama kuwo aan Muslim aheyn. Weerarkooduse aanu qiimo laheyn maadaama Allaah uu caymis galiyay diintiisa, isla markaana uusan dadkeeda mar qura wada halaagayn.


Si kastaba ha noqotee, waxaa sharaxaad balaaran u baahan arimaha soo socda oo aan is laayayahay Nuuradiin waa ay isaga qasan yihiin:


Akhristayaasha isku qasmay


Qoraagu waxuu inta badan beegsadaa akhristayaasha Reer Galbeedka oo inta badan ay kasoo xarooto miisaaniyad badan, sidaa darteed qoraaga waa loogu garaabi karaa in uu wax ugu qoro qaabka uu is leeyahay waxay xiiso galin kartaa qormada, soona jiidi kartaa macaamiil cusub, laakiin waxaan loogu garaabi karin inuu ka been sheego dhaqanka iyo caadada Ummadda Soomaaliyeed.


Dhaqan iyo diinta


Dhaqanka sida ku qeexan qaamuusyada, taariikh reebka waxaa loo tiiriyaa caadada bulsho isu tabiso jiil illaa jiil, waxayna inta badan la xiriiriyaan waxa aan milmin, xataa haddii duruufaha nololeed ay is badalaan. Waxay kaloo noqon kartaa caado ku qotonta diin, ilbaxnimo, iwm. Waxaase dhaqanka bulsho laga reebi karaa waxyaabaha ay duruufuhu keeneen, sida hargaha oo ay Soomaalidu xiran jirtay waqtiga uu gabaabsi galo suuf xirashadu. Isku soo duuboo ninna inkiri maayo in Soomaalidu Muslim aheyd waqti badan, sidaasna uu dhaqankoodu xiriir kula yeeshay awaamiirta diinta Islaamka. Wuxuu qoraagu mooggan yahay in gabadha joogta Soomaaliya iyo tan Muslimadda ah ee ku nool cirifka kale ee aduunyada ay wadaagaan hal dhaqan, maadaama ay fulinayaan amar kasoo baxay hal Alle. Intaasi wixii dheer waxaan u daynayaa in culumadu sharaxaad kasoo bandhigaan qaabka dharka loo xirto, sidoo kale aqoonyahanada iyo indheer garadka Soomaalidu bidhaamiyaan dhaqanka Soomaalida


Yaa khasaaray, yaase faa,iday?


Waxaa la is waydiin karaa yaa dhiiriya, kana mira gurta sheeko xariirta Nuuradiin Faarax?


Waxaan shaki ku jirin in ay suugaanyahadu luqadda ingiriiska kaydiya ay aad ula dhacsan yihiin qoraalada Nuuradiin Faarax. Waxaa kaloo la oran karaa waxaa u ololeeya dad badan oo dagaal aan harsad lahayn ugu jira in Soomaalida laga fogeeyo u dhawaanshaha ay Carabta diin la wadaagto, lagana dhigo dad dhaqan Afrikaan leh, balse Muslim Afrikaan wata. Hal qormo kuma koobi karno taariikhdan iyo siday ku bilaabatay iyo macnaha dhabta ah ee ka danbeeya, balse dadkaas ku farxaya aflagaadada Nuuradiin la dul taagan yahay Soomaalida waxaa kamid ah ragga:


“Nuraddin Farah is one the finest contemporary African Writers”

Salman Rushdie, The guardian.


“Nuraddin Farah takes us deep in to territory he has charted and mapped and made uniquely his own… he excels in giving voice to tragedy in remote places of the world that speak directly to our own hearts.”

Chinua Achebe (eeg boga hore Links, 2005, amaba inta badan buugaagtiisa)


Ma ahan mar qura inta uu qoraaga caanka baxay ee Chinua Achebe ku amaanay “geesi aan ka baqin inuu dhaqankiisa dhaleeceeyo” Qoraayaashan iyo indheergarad badan oo Reer Galbeed ahi waxay Nuuradiin ku wataan inuu soo saaro fikir ku aadan "kala saarka dhaqanka iyo diinta".




Ma dhiiri galinayo in Soomaalidu ka fogaadaan akhriska qormooyinka sheeko Xarirta ah ee Nuuradiin Faarax ee ay Reer Galbeedku xiiseeyaan, balse waxaa habboon in qofka akhrinaya buugaagtiisa uu aqoon xeeladaysan u leeyahay fikridaha guracan ee ka danbeeya buugaagta Nuuradiin Faarax, si uusan ugu kadsoomin been abuurka qoraaga. Waxaan kaloo ku talin lahaa in qoraayaasha dhaqanka sida Axmed Faarax Cali "idaajaa" iyo Aw Jaamac Cumar Ciise ay kaalintoodii kasoo baxaan, ileyn meesha nalookaga soo xaluushay waa meel ay mudnayd in ay iyagu wax ka qoraan.


Waxaan ugu dambeyn ku guubaabin lahaa Culumada Soomaaliyeed sharaxaad ka bixiyaan in “Soomaalida dhaqankoodu yahay diintooda, diintooduna tahay dhaqankooda”


Axmed Yuusuf Gaanni

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Originally posted by femme_fatale:

I remember sometime back, came across one of his books,'Sardines' n i waz totally excited coz it waz the first somali novel i ever read.didnt go past pg10, coz he kept glorifying unislamic ideas like drinking wine n stuff. i didnt like itz bin so long since i heard bout him that i waz sure hez dead.

And how many novels have you read after him authored by Non-Somali writers we like to learn from? Sardine is a political novel, the second of the trilogy to which the author gives the title 'Variations on the Theme of An African Dictatorship'



Nuruddin is a Great writer, a devout Muslim, visionary, culturally knowledgeable, and nationalist. You can't go beyond that , so people stop hating him.


[edit] All of this attack on him resurfaced after he started writing this trilogy, the first one being the "Links", and the second is now the released book called "Knots". He depicts the civil war that engulfed Somalia, esp in Mogadishu, in an exact, realistic events. Reading it will give you vicarious experience.


Qaadisiya and other authors are taking on him just because they do suspect he writes the unthinkable reality in the south to target a particular clan.


But one thing I can say about him is that he is a writer who advocates the rights of women. You can call him a feminist writer or historian.

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Originally posted by Caamir:

Nuruddin is a Great writer, a devout Muslim, visionary, culturally knowledgeable, and nationalist.

However, Nuruddin entertains the West with tales of Somali men molesting cows and dogs, among other "fictionalized" and damaging tales.

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Originally posted by Taliban:

quote:Originally posted by Caamir:

Nuruddin is a Great writer, a devout Muslim, visionary, culturally knowledgeable, and nationalist.

However, Nuruddin entertains the West with tales of Somali men molesting cows and dogs, among other "fictionalized" and damaging tales.
According to an interview he gave to NPR, he mentioned that he used to enjoy the Somali girls breasts by seeing it through the flimsy and transparent Dirac of the old days.


He mourns now as things had changed to the abodience of what he called "Diinta Carabta iyo Dhaqankooda".


Nurusheydaan, Naarta Ku Dhac!

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***[Edited]^You're mistaken, you cannot wish someone to go to hell!


Instead of cursing him, why don't you make a supplication for your fellow muslim brother?


He's a muslim and one cannot take him out of the fold of Islaam unless ofcourse he fulfills the shuroods that take one out of thid deen!


Nuraddin made a clear mistake and that stems from his lack of knowledge in some aspects of our deen! Majority of Somalis, who are 'educated' and in his age group have not been subjected to the real Islaam but to practises and traditions that sometimes are not compatible with Islaamic Shariicah law!


The reason being the books of knowledge were scarce and ignorance was wide spread!


It's like todays young muslim generation in the west who have been brought up as muslims but judging from their practises and actions, it could only be said that the only visible sign of them being muslims is their muslim names given to them by their parents!


Islaam is a great religion and I don't see eye to eye with the extreme elements of it nor do I see eye to eye with the 'modern' so-called 'liberal Muslim' views!


A muslims should be orthodox (note that it does not mean becoming an extremist but someone who follows the true traditions of this religion in its original form)!


So all muslims should abstain from groups that advocate civil strife and chaos such as the suicide bombers, Al-Qeada, takfiir's or the modernisers the so-called reformers and innovaters and the people of bidcah and innovations such as the 'modern' and western liberal thinking new breed of so-called muslims!


Back in the 60's and early 70's there was wide spread ignorance about the deen, but in the 70's a movement started to bring people back onto the right path by good learned man!


And in the 80's there was a wave of people learning the deen and a comprehensive and dacwah that actually brought some fruition and results, which had is core in the Al-Ikhwaan movement (the so-called Muslim brotherhood from Egypt)!


This people propagated some innovations and wrong ideas but to the people, nevertheless, however they stimulated the hunger for knowledge within the young Somali students (students of Lafoole university in Mogadishu being the prime adherers to the dacwah and at the same time propagaters aswell), large number of women and some men!


However what the Muslim Brotherhood Movement (Al-Ikhwaan) did was that they brought many needed books into our country for the people to study (Somalis are independent minds that have a knowledge in Arabic language and some actually studied independently or with the Al-Ikhwaan, which is not recommened because one has to have a Shaikh and get his knowledge preferably from a trusted Muslim scholar who has a good caqaaid)!


However you have to remember and keep in mind that the country had a regime that oppressed religious freedom (they advocated for a more traditional non-orthodox Islaam that had many innovations in it like not having proper hijaab and shaking hands with the opposite sex), congregation or propagation and as some believe that some of the heads of that regime were indeed staunch supporters of communism and some even adherers to atheism!


However after the civil war there was an explosion of people studying and following orthodox Islaam (meaning traditional) and finding the right guidance which is Al-Huda which made them get their sources from the right and guided scholars of this religion and thus being on the siraat Al-Mustaqiim inshallah!


People started practising their religion properly! I do not agree with the notion that it some kind of temporary civil war escapism or some kind of post-war trauma stress relief but a true renaissance or reform of peoples thinking and action and a alteration of people's traditions and actions that were not compatible with our religion!


It could be truly said that the civil war was some sort of a blessing for the Somali people despite the many atrocities and grave human right abuses but it was something that we needed!


It shook our faith and brought us out of our trance and self-indulging recreation only to be 'awaken rudely' from our 'amusement' and senseless enjoyments without giving the gratitude that was due to our creator and thus the trembling and our subsequent demise!


Allaahu Akbar, certainly Allaah meant some wisdom with it as I believe and that he wanted to purify and reform the nation and its people by bringing up a newer reformed generation that loves him and he loves them!


Without the civil war this would not happen the islamic reform and revolution that is! Somalis indeed are now much wiser, knowledgable and educted in their religion than before!


But one thing has to be noted and that is that Somalis truly excell in aspiring and enquiring knowledge and subsequently becoming real experts in the aspects of the religion!


I'm glad that we as Somalis have so many learned and knowledgable scholars that have been educated to the highest calibre possible![/]


Al-Hamduillaah! Furthermore Somalis had amongst their midst quite very knowledgable people amongst them that were truly educated in our beaufitulf religion and who had a magnficient base of knowledge to share with the rest of the society they represented and came from!


One such excellent Sheikh was the great knowledgable scholar of Sheikh Cali Cabdiraxmaan Fiqqikhayyre may Allaah the exalted have mercy with him! Amiin.


Furthermore we ask for true guidance and that Allaah the exalted guides us to the right path and accpets our repentence by forgiving our many sins inshallaah! Amiin.


Oh Allaah guardian of this universe and creator of all things in this world help us aquire true knowledge and protect us from the innovators and their unlawful innovations and protect us furthermore from the ignorant folks that advocate for something other than your religion and those that not follow the right sunnah and those extreme minded hearts that have no real knowledge and those that considr themselves true liberals and reformers {innovoters} of this religion of yours and make us those that follow the correct path and stay orthodox to the last prophet peace be upon him and his sunnah and make us those that follow the middle way and guide us to your guidence Al-Huda and the Siraat Al-Mustaqiim inshallaah! Amiin.


We keep the trust in you our protector as we live between hope and fear give us your blessings, peace, guidance and Towfiiq! Amiin.

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NG, No I ain't happy but it was good to see your take on this and I agree, however, MMA's stance was apparent and has further aliniated him which he excells to do in every topic or subject on this forum.

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Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

He mourns now as things had changed to the abodience of what he called "Diinta Carabta iyo Dhaqankooda".

There are a few diehard secular Somalis who actively work to depict what's Islam as "Diinta Carabta iyo Dhaqankooda." Some get paid by the West for the job they do. So far, they have failed miserably.

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Originally posted by Taliban:

quote:Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

He mourns now as things had changed to the abodience of what he called "Diinta Carabta iyo Dhaqankooda".

There are a few diehard secular Somalis who actively work to depict what's Islam as "Diinta Carabta iyo Dhaqankooda." Some get paid by the West for the job they do. So far, they have failed miserably.
Ehehe, and what is more funny is that, among those diehard, altrasecularist Somalis, they come to question Arab part of our religion, when in fact they never question the religions of others by saying "Diinta Gaalada, ama Yahuuda" is such and such. These people are not like the cousin of Musaylamatul-Kadaab, who said something along these lines, 'Mohamed is a prophet of Allah, but the false prophet of my family is more important than a Prophet of reer hebel' and yet they incline to a racist dogma that sidelines our religion more particularly than those false religions of others!


Waa wax ay nacladi ku dhacday!


Waxay la mid yihiin qureyshtii Ilaahey ku qabsatay ciduu nabinimada u sharixi lahaa iyo cidii kale!

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

quote:Originally posted by femme_fatale:

I remember sometime back, came across one of his books,'Sardines' n i waz totally excited coz it waz the first somali novel i ever read.didnt go past pg10, coz he kept glorifying unislamic ideas like drinking wine n stuff. i didnt like itz bin so long since i heard bout him that i waz sure hez dead.

I don’t wish to get into the argument about Islamic dress here. It’s too long, too complicated and, frankly, boring. However, I just want to pick you up on your comment about his books. This guy is an author writing fiction. His stories allow him to use his poetic licence and discuss anything and everything (within reason of course). To talk about some unislamic practices in a
story is not the same as advocating such practices.


Maybe you should have read the whole book before making a judgment about the man’s personal ideas. Unless, of course, his style of writing and storytelling is what you didn’t like.

no matter how gud his literary ability is/was, i was disappointed with the behaviour of characters in his book.the book to most non-somalis reflect our culture b believes.i would never want anybody to think that way of us. i really expected more from a somali n most of all a MUSLIM coz thatz wat should guide as

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Nurradin is onto something. He is a biz man and to sell books, taking on Islam has become a good marketing move nowadays.


He is technically right in saying that Somalis, in general, have never being a practicing Muslims. That's a fact.


He is wrong in implying that learning and practicing Islam (in the way of Hijab) is a worrisome trend.


And the "Afghan biz" comment speaks volumes of his world view as far as so "clash of civilization" is concerned. He seems to be saying that practicing Islam as a way of life leads to backwardness if that is a word.


He is a Somali. He is also a Muslim. And as such he is entitled to comment on Islam and the state of Somali culture. As the sweet sounding young lady did, one ought to challenge his views instead of indicting him.


my taano

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^Abdullahi Yuusuf is a Muslim, Salman Rushdie is another Muslim, Nuruddin Farah is also a Muslim and your list goes on and on in justifying everyone's remarks against Islam!


Wallee waa waqti cajiib ah goorta aan la koowsaday, in gaalada la difaaco lana amaano!

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He's a middling-to-good author. I liked a very early short story he wrote in the 70s, but the novels don't appeal to me for some reason.

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Originally posted by Baashi:

He is technically right in saying that Somalis, in general, have never being a practicing Muslims. That's a fact.

Are you saying Somalis weren't practicing Muslims in the pre-colonial times? Was Ahmed Gurey or Sayid Muhammad Abdullah Hassan and the thousands who supported him non-practicing Muslims? Several centuries ago, when Somalia had strong Islamic centers along the coastal cities and towns, were the Somalis at the time non-practicing Muslims? Have you heard of Shaykh Uthman bin Ali al-Zeylai, the 8th century Somali theologian who wrote the only authoritative text on the Hanafi school of Islam?

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