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Ay loof yuu, tuu

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Wiiw Indeed :D



She does put on a great show.We use to have these random videos from the 80s with everything that was on tv back then. And she was in all of them, with this "I love you 'hees. Is waalaqa aaba iga yaabiyey.

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Waa rabi lahaa sidee u egtahay inaa arko maanta. Ma typical hooyo Soomaali camal mee noqotay taloow.


Buuxa, laakiin walaasheen ma heesi jirin, kaliya wey ciyaari jirtay. Heesaha hoos badanaa Faadumo Qaasin iyo Luul Jeylaani oo codad macaanaa ugu qaadi jiray.

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Faynuus and Jaad were my all time favorite dancers. ;)


I liked mariza too, ofroucre with luul’s Calaacal “Waa I gubay, wa ia gamariyay!”


MM ninyow Ay loof Yuu-daan aan ku keenay, mid meeshaan ah




Oo dhinacayga fadhidiyay maalintii uu Obama uu khudbada ka jeedinaayay Qahira , dhagaha ma iiga qeylihayoo "EEY LAAF YUU OBAAMA" that was markuu Obama Salaam Alaikom dhahaayayay!!. and i was like Allah Yafdaxak!! War waxaan yaa naga shibiya!! wa celebrity ka waran waxa sidaas u fudud!!


Mar kale Obama quoted Aya, and again the same clown but this time with this mate shouted “Allaahu Akbar, Aho Ultilko el ragil muslim bas khaayif yeu'ul" meaning "I told you the man is a Muslim, but afraid to speak up".. waanba yaabay, mar aanba is dhahay tolow intaad fikireysay muu ninka(Obama) Diinta soo galay!



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Originally posted by Cawaale:

Oo dhinacayga fadhidiyay maalintii uu Obama uu khudbada ka jeedinaayay Qahira , dhagaha ma iiga qeylihayoo "EEY LAAF YUU OBAAMA" that was markuu Obama Salaam Alaikom dhahaayayay!!. and i was like Allah Yafdaxak!! War waxaan yaa naga shibiya!! wa celebrity ka waran waxa sidaas u fudud!!


Mar kale Obama quoted Aya, and again the same clown but this time with this mate shouted “Allaahu Akbar, Aho Ultilko el ragil muslim bas khaayif yeu'ul" meaning "I told you the man is a Muslim, but afraid to speak up".. waanba yaabay, mar aanba is dhahay tolow intaad fikireysay muu ninka(Obama) Diinta soo galay!

:D:D LOOOL Muslims, ever so hopeful!! LOOL

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MMA,Really? She made a career from lip-singing? She did sound like Fadumo Qalinle. Gabadha Sheikh aaba dhaley,bisinka.


Wonder where she is now?

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Ms DD   

Originally posted by Ibtisam:

Sounded more like I leef you!!


The somali version of Barbie!!!!

Shall I...


erm.. maybe not. icon_razz.gif

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Aaden, is she hotter than your dear, beloved Yaasmiin? That is almost blasphemy. :D


Cawaale, Mariisa Karboone iyo Feynuusba labadooda heysan jiray telefashinka Xamar.


Buuxo, haa, sheekh ayaa dhalay waliba dad kusii xaman jiray, oo waa iska taqaanaa Soomaali waxee sheegaan ma ween jirin, siiba waxee wax ka sheegi jireen "how dare ee u niikinee." To maryooleeys' mind, niiko was a dance kaliya practiced by a certain 'group,' and in their mind Feynuus was not among that said group. Hadda mid walba iska niikiso, but in '80s markee soo baxeysay it was in a different environment.

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