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SUCCESS: EU President says sorry for supporting Israel

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A human rights lawyer Daniel Machover has successfully lobbied the EU President to issue an apology and clarification after he described Israel's barbaric attacks as "defensive". He is ethical Jewish, a timely reminder that it is not JEWs that are waging the war, but an evil Zionist regime.


For those of you in Europe who have not responded to previous Alerts. Please contact your MP and MEPs now!


For example:


Dear (Name of MP/ MEP),


I am outraged at the current events in Gaza, where Palestinians are being killed in large numbers due to Israeli attacks.


As my elected representative I urge you to take urgent action to oppose these attacks.


I look forward to your response.


Thank you,

(your name)


1) Find your MP's details here or look them up at




Here's the full details of how the EU President was forced back on his support for Israel:


Below is the full email exchange of the successful challenge, by human rights lawyer Daniel Machover, to the EU original statement which resulted in the apology at: 97/ on 4.1.2009 15:04


Mr Potuznik,


Thank you very much for your two personal replies to me this morning, the first one including your explanation, but on both occasions making assurances as to the correction/retraction of your initial statement yesterday evening on the Israeli land invasion.


I do find your explanation slightly baffling, but the assurances you provided are very welcome indeed.


I do hope that the official statement you mention will make things crystal clear to all media, namely:

you were wrong to characterise the Israeli land invasion of Gaza as ‘a defensive step’; and

the Czech Government’s policy/response to Israeli actions is officially in line with the EU statement of 30 December.


Due to the significance of your message to me I have distributed your first reply to me to members of LPHR and some NGO contacts, as I felt it was important to disseminate your response far and wide. I will do the same with your second reply and this message from me to you.


Please be aware that I genuinely believe your original words appear to me to have caused damage to the EU’s image and gave comfort to the Israeli army at a critical moment when it needed (and still needs) one clear message = STOP NOW.


Daniel Machover




Dear Daniel,


I have corrected my statement to all journalist I talked last night, correction is going to be placed on our official webside also; I do believe that misunderestanding with "defensive" will not undermine common EU position to Gaza situation and the mission of Mr. Schwarzenberg in region; let me againg appologize to You personally.


Best whishes


Jiri F. Potuznik




Dear Daniel,


I am deeply sorry for misunderestanding - Immediate and permanent ceasefire is clearly a goal for all EU countires. Our underestanding with the first information was that action of the Israli land forces in Gaza will as a part of defensive policy lead to the ceasefire (that is why I have used word "defensive" instead of "offensive" action and my personal hope is that it will make possible to stop airstrikes with a losts of civilian life). As You know Czech EU presidency is calling for the facilitation aid to the inhabitants of Gaza Strip also and minister of foreign affairs is going to help to reach this personally in next hours.


Dear Daniel, thank You for underestanding and let me assure You I am doing my best to correct media outputs of my comment.


Best whishes


Jiri F. Potuznik

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At the end of the day, lobbying Gaalo won't be a solution. Fighting bravely is.


And let us not be fooled by the tricks of this criminal tribe. What Ibtisam said about this war not being one waged by jews is the all purpose of the mission of people like this imposter jew. Let us not buy that!

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There are jews, who do more for Palestine than many Muslims including you with your incoherent drivel. You are not giving them physical assistance (i.e. fighting bravely with them) and at the same time you are making excuses for not doing anything else, and even worse pointing fingers at those who ARE doing something. Subxanallah, carry on making excuses for yourself, but please don't be a bigger shidan and stop people who want or are trying to do something.


You say lobbying "Gaalo" won't work, but I know it works, and I've seen it work countless time. sitting back on your hands and making excuses won't work. It just so happens that is these "gaalos" who control and make the world go round. They are not inherently evil or out to get Muslims, but individuals who can be influenced.

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How will a retraction of a comment by EU head help the people of Gaza? It may well be that he still belives in what he said, but just thought it was nice not to say it loud.


I don't share you analysis of the Gaalo here. The people are different, but the establishment and their governments are out to get at Muslims, especially the Anglo Saxons and the Jews. It does not matter if few individuals differ from the rest of the flock. Surely, the Somali's, by and large, and those in SOL are pro-Palestine and feel their pain. That LazyG and Marx aired opinions that side with the Isreal's doesn't mean that Somali's are divided on the issue. Do you get the analogy here.


If you are talking about material support, that offers a temporary relief. What the palestinians need is an eternal salvation, and reclamation of their dignity. That comes with blood and Iron. It is not a rule I set.


You often sound bamboozled with the western media and their cozy analyses, and forget to focus on the real issues. Look at the big picture. The attack on Gaza is just a small, infinitesimal side issue compared to the damage done to this nation.


You are right that the Gaalo runs this world and you sound almost helpless and defeated when you state that; but you must know the fight is about reversing that hegemony. The alternative to this is to get the way of Mohamud Abbas - and beg your oppressors to give you freedom. Are you joining him?

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^^I don't have time to debate pointless with you Mr. A&T, Stop babbling, these are practical solution, if you want to waste your time trying to reverse time back to the lost Muslim glory, then you are spitting against the wind. It is not going to happen, nor are you willing to sacrifices your life, family and wealth for Palestine or anyone else, so please stick to ideas that are visible in this world. We only have the ability to deal with the humanitarian immediate impact haada.

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Limitations to what you can do and what you can't should not drive your assessment of a situation and your recommendations. Unlike you, I think what you think is impossible is actually possible. It may take a long time though. It needs conviction and self-belief. I am too insignificant to change the course of history, but as long as there are those who share this vision (and luckily there are millions) it will come. We may not be there though.


You seem to have given up. Then please shake your head and appreciate little candies you get by way of retraction of comments, and few bottles of water delievred to wives whose husbands and children are murdered. If you see that as the solution.

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A&T that which you want and hope for is impossible until an appointed time, not because of the "Gaalo" but because of Qadar of Allah, the world will only get worse for Muslims, so do what little you can do, no one is truly hopeless and Allah will never burden you or anyone else for that which you are unable to do anything about. So do what you can, whether they result in retraction of statement, ceasefire, aid, food, bottles of water or whatever else you can contribute to ease their pain.

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