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Somali student's brain crushed in Malaysia. Tamil gang killed him with an Axe

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Ilaahay ha u naxariisto


"Wiilkaan Dhalinyaradda ah ayaa markii hore

waxaa soo gaaray dhaawac aad u fool xun ka dib

markii ay kooxaha Jirida Reer Malaysia ay Faas

iyo Baangado la dhaceen , isla markaana ay soo

daadatay Maskaxdii ka dibna markii la geeyay

Isbitaal ku yaal Malaysia uu u geeriyooday

Dhaawicii arxan dara ahaa ee soo gaaray." - Horseed Media


Kooxo dilka gaystay ayaa la tilmaamay inay

ahaayeen Tamil(Srilanka) laga tirada baddan

yahay. Dhinaca kalayto dadka Malay-ga ah ee u

dhashay dalka Malaysia ayaa ayaguna ahaa kuwo aad

uga naxsanaa marxuumka geeryooday, ayagoona

alaabaa aad u tixgaliyo Soomaalida, waxaana ay

tilmaameen inay booliiska ka caawinayaan sidii

gacanta loogu soo dhigi lahaa Burcadii ka

dambaysay falkaas argagaxa leh ee lagu lakacay

arday Heer Jaamacadeed ku jiray. - Afnugaal

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Ilaahay ha u naxariisto sabar iyo imaana dadkiisa haka siiyo..


waan maqlay sheekoying shekadan usoo dhow, saan filayo Malaysia hada way is badalasa oo somalida ma laga jecla...


Ilaahay ha u sahlo reerkiisa iyo somalida oo dhanba



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Ilaahey a unaxriisto.


My Nigerian housemate once told me that his cousin and other black students constantly get racially abused over there.

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Salam Aleikum W.W



Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ileyhi Rajicun...May Allah s.w have mercy on his soul Insha Allah and may he also give all his loved ones the iman to overcome this painful moment Insha Allah...!



Tamil maxaa keenay Malaysia? I would also like to know the reason behind this barbaric murder...What was their motive?



Peace, Love & Unity.

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This reminds me about those somalis that got butchered in South Africa because they were doing so better than the native black africans in their own country. if u cant beat it, u kill it.

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Assalamualaikum I'm a Malaysian, and I too am sorry that this incident took place.


From my country's reports, the guys who did this were none but thugs. They demanded the Somali gave his cellphone and money, and some saw the criminals were drinking.


Here: /1/24/nation/3109370&sec=nation

states the police already took action on the case.


I'd like to state that Malaysians don't harbor any ill feelings towards Somalis. Like any other country, sure there are some racists here and there, but no normal Malaysian would resort to this sick act.

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Originally posted by malaysian:

Assalamualaikum I'm a Malaysian, and I too am sorry that this incident took place.


From my country's reports, the guys who did this were none but thugs. They demanded the Somali gave his cellphone and money, and some saw the criminals were drinking.



states the police already took action on the case.


I'd like to state that Malaysians don't harbor any ill feelings towards Somalis. Like any other country, sure there are some racists here and there, but no normal Malaysian would resort to this sick act.

Salaam Brother/sister? Don't worry nobody here will think of Malaysia society as a racist one, if the victim was Chinese or Pakistani a similar disturbing incident would have happened to him


Most Somalis are aware of the immense brotherly support Malaysia has given to Somalia as the Somali Malaysians who are graduating from multiple Malaysian Universities are a good example of this brotherlyness between Somalia and Malaysia


No need to apologize for something you didn't do smile.gif


I am interested though in your daily interaction(if any?) with Somalis in Malaysia, would you like to share them with us?

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Ilaahey ha u naxriisto marxuumka.


I have been to Malaysia and the people are fabolous! I have met many somalis who study (I might have even met the vixtim), work and do business in Malaysia.


This sort of incident happens everywhere.

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