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Deeq A.

MPs Debate Difference between Democracy and Lewd Tribal Politics Talks on Prime Time Somali Radio

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Deeq A.   


The BBC Somali radio services held a debate between two members of the Somaliland parliament. The discussion concerned the vulgar words some people use while speaking through the media. The moderator of the talks BBC Somali service reporter Mr.Ahmed Saeed Ige asked the MPs if this new trend is democracy or poor management.  The two MPs in the talks are Hon.Abdirahman Mohammed also known as Abdirahman Hoog and Hon. Abdillahi Hussein Ige (Balaaki) who are members of the Somaliland lower house of parliament.

First to answer the reporter’s question was Hon.Abdirahman Hoog who had this to say “First and foremost democracy has representatives who are elected by the people those representative are us MPs so that people from a constituency when they have any problem they have to go to their MP and tell him their plight thence the MP will debate their affairs in the house. However these days we have unscrupulous people on the loose pretending to know about democracy and seeking self publicity stand in front of television stations to talk about what they have no knowledge.”

On his part Hon.Balaaki said “My opinion is that democracy is broad and can be interpreted differently by various people, however these people speaking on television can be classified into two. One group has good motives and the other has sinister agenda; but the group that is preaches good to the public are better for promoting peace and security an endeavor for democratic institutions.”

Speaking about those who seek self publicity Hon.Abdirahman Hoog debated “Self glorification is a Somali slang meaning that some people are used by politicians, businessmen and women, government and the opposition to represent them in front of the camera to promote their opinions and views. These kind of people do not avail themselves at TV stations however send their subordinates’ to spew venom for them. They claim we from clan A suggest than clan B be remove from the agenda. We should either follow democratic principles or continue to wallow in cheap clans’ politics.”

Hon.Balaaki stated “It good when we hold press conferences to complain about anything, we should do it in a civilized manner instead of using vulgar language which may not help the matter and could incite the masses. We have to be careful in front of the camera to what we say as it may be interpreted negatively by others.”

When Abdirahman Hoog was asked about the country’s media view majority of members the Somaliland parliament as self seekers who do not represent the interests of their constituents and are in the house for their personal enrichment he said “Yes it’s partly true, there is a Somali saying that says the person with insight is the worst in terms of his affairs you know me very well my name is Abdirahman Hoog and I always talk about the rights of citizens but I will not support those traditional elders spewing venom in front  of the camera. They should talk about district and regions instead of clan interests.”

Member of Parliament Balaaki suggested “I never thought that the democratic system Somaliland embraced will be mixed up by useless tribal politics which have no place in the 21stcentury.”


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