Che -Guevara

America Humiliated

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Disgraceful and a major blow to great power. There is no doubt that Trump is compromised. Unfortunately his white supporter are still with him. The democrats need to vote in November otherwise the damage to the US will continue.

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Trump. Lashed out against Hillary Clinton in a.meeting with  president Putin. Putin is the man who is in control Putin is winning the Syrian war he interefered in USA elections. He took Crimea he is supporting Iran he is in the Balkans. Trump is not politician

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There is no tape, but ego, he does not want to admit he got help, that he couldn't win without Russian help, millions dooped.

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Democrats : Aar Electoral College-kii ii geeya

Republicans: Aar Server-kii ii geeya.

the truth of the matter is; both the whining of the dems and the embarrassing buffoonery of trump and co is just a front, the good 'ol USA is controlled by the deep state. from planning, executing and damage control. 

This [tangerine p**** grabber] will be elected for a second term and the snowflake dems shall keep on whining for a while.  

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On 17/07/2018 at 4:04 AM, Che -Guevara said:

I am beginning to think the pee tape exists,

I am of the same opinion :D

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Waxaan qabaa trump inuu yahay madaxweyne wax kala goyn kara,mana soo marin madaxweyne uga fiican dadkiisa dalkiisa iyo xataa muslimiintaba.

Dadkiisa wuxuu ka balan qaaday inuu tusayo dadka saxdaa oo daljan ugusoo horeeyay, bilaash dambana waxba kagu bixin doonin, wuuna ka dhabeeyay, kuma ay khasaarin doorashadoodiis khalad kasta oo afkiisa kasoo baxa waxba uma arkaan.

Muslinka wuxuu u sheegay intaan la dooran, inuu neceb yahay kuwa faqrigaana uu ku istaagi doono kuwa dhaqaalaha haystana uu "baadi" doono, ama jizyo ka qaadayo, ayadana wuu ka dhabeeyay

Gaal labo xinooyood ah gartiisa waa la siiyaa.

Soomaalidan ku hor ilmaynaysa dalalka gaalada  waxaan u sheegi lahaa inaysan maraykan iyo ruush naqon karin, xataa hadday boqol jiil isku dhalaan, taasna waxaa markhaati u ah kuwii afrika laga keenay qarnigii 18aad weli waa afrikaan la dulmo, sidaa daraadeed waa inay aaminaan dhulkooda asagaan cidina oran karin asalkaagu waa wadankee iyo maxaa sidan kuu madoobooyey ma qoraxdaa u dhaw dalkiina.

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On 7/17/2018 at 1:33 AM, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Trump. Lashed out against Hillary Clinton in a.meeting with  president Putin. Putin is the man who is in control Putin is winning the Syrian war he interefered in USA elections. He took Crimea he is supporting Iran he is in the Balkans. Trump is not politician

We became analysts and are talking of Trump same thing we do of Formaajo, Bixi, Abdi Iley, Ghelleh....

Trump is fighting against old order in America for America. He is shaking the tree.

Have you ever seen chief of intelligence, chief of CIA...take sides in politics and speak openly against a sitting president?

This is major changes, major shakeup. He succeeds or not is yet to be seen, but the old order is terrified and pulling all stops. Russia gate is just a tool among many.

Trump is not good for Africa. That is a given. Trump is not good for HOA that is a given. All his decisions are going to be based and influenced by UAE and Saudis, there fore no good for HOA.


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