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Attacked Muslim cleric in serious condition.

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A Muslim cleric is in a serious condition in hospital after being attacked in a London mosque.


The Muslim Council of Britain says it is the latest example in a string of anti-Islamic crimes in Britain.


The 58-year-old imam, who has not been named, was assaulted at Regent's Park mosque.


He suffered heavy blood loss, damage to both eyes, and had to undergo emergency surgery, a Muslim Council of Britain spokesman said.


He added: "There is clearly a growing anti-Muslim climate in this country and it has some very worrying implications for all of us.


"It is deeply regrettable that sections of our media have been playing a key role in fermenting much of this Islamophobic prejudice and hatred against British Muslims."



An arson attack on a mosque in Bradford on August 3 is being treated as suspicious by police.


Strathclyde Police have also reported an increase in race crime in the west of Scotland since the failed terror attack on Glasgow Airport on June 30.


Responsibility for race and community relations was transferred from the Home Office to Ruth Kelly's Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) in May.


Forums aimed at tackling Islamophobia and extremism have been established in Leicester, Redbridge and Dudley, with more planned around the country.


A man has been charged with grievous bodily harm and assaulting a police officer.


He has been remanded in custody until August 24 when he will appear at Southwark Magistrates' Court.


A Met spokesman said police were keeping an open mind about the motive of the attack.



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'inside' the mosque? Lets hope he get better IA.


I remember a mad man ran in shouting 'i have a bomb' at Jumca prayers,,,,

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Alow Sahal amuuraha, may Allah reward him from this misfortune, and regain his fitness,it's getting worse, but patience and praying is the only way out of this(Asabru wa Salaah, inha la k abirtun ila cala khasiciin). or say "Wa in tasburu wa tataqu la ya yadurkum can kayduhum sha'aa)

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I don't think patience and praying alone can do anything .... Muslims should come up with a strategy to defend themselves from those haters.

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^^Good point ya jB, but nontheless it will end up as an endless cycles of violence ya JB,What strategy you talking about when the police are culprits,and bigorty, and there is a hostile media owned by a few Muslim-haters, Muslims should show tolerance, and control themselves from the ignornace of the crack-heads. Wallhu al mustacaan.

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