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A Nomad's Analyses of War on Terror!

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Well, let us see what these so called buzz words in the media mean and play a word association game.


let us take the word is now synonymous with Islam/Muslims. It has become a fact that we have been inundated and can’t escape. The media pundits with their hidden agenda have coined it to program people's mind.... and they have successfully managed in their scheming expertise to spin facts and create everlasting perceptions.



Guerilla terrorism is what it was supposed to be termed but this has been scrubbed off from the western parlance simply because it will implicate some western governments who terrorize innocent civilian ...who do unilateral governmental terrorism on a distant non-western Muslim lands.


You are not permitted to define terrorism. No.. back off Ahmed, your insight doesn't count anymore.


Muslims, brown and black skinned people die on acts of violence and terror by thousands on daily basis and no one cares about it. 50 people die on acts of terrorism in the western world and we held vigils, condemn Muslims and blame this barbarism of the whole Muslim world.


Muslim Imams and scholars are forced to apologize for the acts of the few as if the whole Ummah is repsonsible and if they speak on the injustices against Muslims, they are held indefinitely in jails and branded as terrorist sympathizers or conspirators.


Muslims have now been reduced to apologists who have been labeled as progressive and moderate ones. The least intellectual and opportunistic sell-outs who defame Islam and Muslim culture are propped up to positions of fame and celebrity and rewarded with a large sum of money and some unparalleled veneration. Example of this, look no further but our disgraceful whore Miss Ayan Hirsi Magan...


in the meantime, it is open hunting season for uncle Sam and his Union Jack friend, Bush & Blair can bomb the Muslim civilians, kill and maim them with their precision laser guided, surgical missiles and call it a collateral damage. They can starve millions of brown and black children around world with sanctions and unfair trade and call it free markets. They can change regimes by force and by violence and call it democracy. They can deny and delete from history centuries of colonialism, slavery and genocide and pay lip service to eliminating poverty and Aids and held few rock concerts in their lush gardens.


This gives rise to a new blueprint on humanity and equality. According to this post modern modus operandi (new western bill of rights), human beings are not created equal. If you are from a white European descent, you are worth more than the lives of 100 dirty smelly sand-niggers and jungle niggers in Asia, Africa and Latin America. If you die on terrorism act regardless whether it is governmentally sanctioned or conducted by insurgent guerilla, in the streets of Baghdad, Mogadishu, Kigali, Freetown, Gaza City, Kabul, Groznyy, Sarajevo, your death and suffering means nothing.

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Ngonge bro.


Tom never dies, no matter what Jerry does, in these cartoon shows, the episodes continue, one after the other, like you've noticed, while Tom and Jerry are Show characters created by Goldwyn Myers who follow a well written movie script, ending always according to the directors vision, some amateur mice forget that its only a show, and that its fooolish to try these tricks at home, thats when these problems happen, little mice imitating mighty Mouce are disrupting the show!




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Originally posted by OLOL:

The media pundits with their hidden agenda have coined it to program people's mind....

Signor OLOL, what has been programmed on those people's mind will not decide the outcome of the struggle between Islam and the West. It's true those people's mind are consumer-based, but they are mere idle bystanders in this struggle.

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