
UAE Central Bank injects 50 USD million cash in Somaliland Central Bank

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Hargeysa(GNA)-Masuuliyiinta Baanka dhexe ee Somaliland, ayaa sheegay inay soo gaadhay qadar lacageed oo bilow u ah lacag cadaan ah oo Imaaraadka Carabtu ku kabay Dakhliga Baangiga Dawladdu maamusho, si wax loogaga qabto Sicir-bararka iyo hoos u dhaca ku yimi lacagta dalka.

Inkasta oo aanay tiro cayiman sheegin, waxay tibaaxeen in lacagta oo ay wadarteeda guud shan qaybood u siinayaan, qaybtii u horaysay bishan soo gaadhay, una qoondeeyeen dakhli raasamaaliya oo

Dhaqaalahan tooska ah ayaa kamid ahaa waxyaabihii lagaga heshiiyey Maal-gelinta Dekedda Berbera ee ay wada galeen Somaliland, DPWORLD iyo Dawladda Itoobiya, balse Agaasimaha guud ee Bangiga oo la waraystay muu faahfaahin in lacagtaa la amaahiyey, inay tahay mucaawimo aan dayn ahayn iyo inay tahay Lacag dawladdu ka heshay faa’idada Dekedda Berbera oo ay haatan sannad Shirkadda DP WORLD qaybta ugu badan ee wax-soosaarkeeda leedahay.

Axmed Xasan Carwo, waxa kale oo uu faahfaahin ka bixiyey sababta uu ilaa hadda shillinka dalku qiime dhaca ugu jiro iyo inay suuqa ku soo celinayaan lacagaha faragsharka ah ee ka baxay, sida Kontonka Shillin iyo Boqolka Shillin.

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The way UAE is showing largesse around and encircling Djibouti makes one think, I wish I had any shindig even a district to my name/control in this mining area.


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15 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

only $50 million, I thought UAE saw SL more significant than that!

It is better than nothing, isn't it? Your question should be: will it remain there for a day? 

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21 hours ago, Suldaanka said:

The relationship has to start from somewhere before it grows and blossoms. 

By all accounts UAE is moving shop to Massawa and Assab. They think that can do more damage to Djibouti than Berbera could. But still since they don't want to give away Berbera and Bassaso to the competition, they are doing token to keep you all waiting.

Very unfortunate. You guys should have moved fast to build modern road to Ethiopia even with your bare hands. Build the trap and they will come. Even kililka would have joined with bare hands.


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I remember Oodweyne , who was in completely different level, saying here, they will give us $1 billion. UAE gave billions to both Sudan and Ethiopia. and over 20 billion to Egypt.

And many of diehard SL have this grandeur delusion,

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23 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

I remember Oodweyne , who was in completely different level, saying here, they will give us $1 billion. UAE gave billions to both Sudan and Ethiopia. and over 20 billion to Egypt.

And many of diehard SL have this grandeur delusion,

September was the project start supposed to be for Somaliland. We will see, but I don't think so. There is just so much to do in Eritrea. Old cranes in disuse for 20 years are rusted and unsafe, ports are too small. Roads never used in many parts for 20 years.

For kililka would have been beneficial Somaliland and Puntland which cover most of kililka, but no direct role.

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