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Hellow somalis,


I want to know what you do for a living? students? what do you study? working? what field?


Let me start: I am a funeral entrepreneur, my small solo firm takes care of the sad part when a loved one departs. In addition, I am in the business of sanitation, Black taxi market, welfare worker, networker etc,etc. I have the following futuristic projects that I would like to raise funds for. I am also looking for partners to make the following projects materialise:


1: Run a donkey farm in donkeyville

2: Run several old age homes for somalis in the diaspora

3: A somali school where somali pupils would be able to take secondary classes in somali

4:recruiting freedom fighters to free somalis in kenya.

5:A clinic to cure somali qaad addicts


Would you be my partner? share with us your thoughts on your entrepreneurial spirits?

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