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So young, but so dumb

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OMG and he was such a good looking fella, too. SubhanaAllah. May he rest in peace.


We've got the same problem in London. Camden mainly.

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Originally posted by G G:

OMG and he was such a good looking fella, too. SubhanaAllah. May he rest in peace.


We've got the same problem in London. Camden mainly.

the kid is dead and the first thing that pops into your head is "he was such a good looking fella" ?

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Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ileyhi Raajicuun...May the almighty have mercy on his soul and ease the pain and the sorrow of his family whose pain I cannot even begin to imagine…May Allah s.w give them the strength to over come their grief Insha Allah.



this is ridiculous...this MUST STOP,this needs to STOP the Somali Community must do something and do it NOW or else each and every Somali kid will meet his end in the hands of another Somali kid...


How long do we carry on pretending that this is not serious? How long should we wait until we’ll finally admit that we have a problem as a Somali community regardless where we live?


I blame nobody else but the Somali parents…iyagaa dhibkan oo dhan ka masuul ah…Aaabe iyo Hooyo meesha majoogaan…the Somali child lacks a role model in his household…why aad cunug u dhaleysaa hadaadan korin karin oo aad tarbiyeyn karin? Caruurta Soomaaliyeed waalidkaa haleeyay oo can a child know right from wrong if you're not there to show him/her? Caruurteena they look up to kuwa ay TVga ka arkaan oo aadan kala sheegi karin inuu yahay nin ama naag, sababtoo ah aabe ama hooyo ay ku daydaan oo wanaagsan ma joogo guriga.



We lost two young Somalis in one mindless, senseless action and if the parents were little bit more involved with the upbringing of their children this could've easily been prevented now the murderer's parents…what is their excuse?



Ahmednur Ali's family fled the chaos and violence of their West African homeland Somalia

so first we were Somalian and now we are West African?



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Nin Yaaban - at least the text doesn't imply so.


Geel_jire: I did say OMG first and then added that he was such a good looking fella too, as a side note. But yeah, I am hopeless.

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Ahmednur Ali's family fled the chaos and violence of their
West African homeland Somalia
in the 1990s, eventually making their way to Minnesota like thousands of their compatriots.

couldn't read after that -



as for the subject matter - Somalis are not immuned from violence - having said that - it is worth mentioning that families/somalis at large should support one another thru formally established networks of relatives (failing that clan or somalinimo alliances)- especially the men folk to protect their own from these sorts of things - by simple being there and napping these sorts of things in but before it goes to this levels and beyond.


be there for your own and protect them from harm - by simple being there.

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