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The Zack

Somali born engineer develops spell checker

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Originally posted by The Zack:

Somalia: Somali born engineer develops spell checker


Alif Higgaad-saxe (Alif spellchecker)

Baahida loo qabo hingaad (Higgaad) -saxe afka-Soomaaliga iyo kaalinta uu ka cayaari karo horumarinta afka-Soomaaliga iyo weliba kaalmada uu ka geysan karo horumarinta bulshada Soomaaliyeed.


Qoraallada laga helo internetka waxay ku qoran yihiin afaf kala geddisan (kala duwan), waxaana ugu badan afka-Ingiriiska. Bogagga ku qoran afka-Soomaaliga oo intooda badan la'xiriirra wararka Soomaaliya ayaa ku soo kordha Internetka maalin walba. Waxaa jirta in qoritaanka afka-Soomaaliga uu da' yaryahay taasina ay keentay in erayada (ereyada) si aanan sax ahayn loo qoro.


Waxaa jirta carruur Soomaaliyeed oo ku nool dalka dibaddiisa iyo gudahiisaba oo aanan helin fursad ay ku bartaan qoraalka afka-Soomaaliga. Ummadda Soomaaliyeed intooda fursadda u hesha in ay akhristaan qoraal ku qoran afka-Soomaaliga waxay ka helaan Internetka.



Alifzilla waa higgaad-saxe afka-Soomaaliga oo loogu talagalay in lagu isticmaalo qoraallada gudaha (Inline) ee sahmiyaha Firefox (Browser:ka). Higgaad-saxahaan wuxuuna ka mid yahay barnaamijyada yaryar ee loo yaqaano Mozilla add-ons



Runtii waa tallaabo horumar leh, waxaanse is weydiiyey magaca Allifzilla inuu ku habboon yahay waayo Z kuma jirto alifbeetada(xarfaha Afka Soomaaliga) Soomaaliga!

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Runtii waa tallaabo horumar leh, waxaanse is weydiiyey magaca Allifzilla inuu ku habboon yahay waayo Z kuma jirto alifbeetada(xarfaha Afka Soomaaliga) Soomaaliga! [/QB]

Waa sax sxb, waa sidaad u sheegtay. waa talaabo Horumar leh. Xarafka "Z" da ahna kuma jiro Xarfaha afka Soomaaliga, hasayeeshee waxay ila tahay in Walaalkeen uu ka soo deynsaday..Mozila oo ah nidaamka uu ku shaqeeyo "plug-in" ka ama barnaamjika yar ee uu sameeyay..

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Originally posted by The Zack:

quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:

Qoraalka Afsoomaaliga wali si wada dhameystiran la iskuma raacin. Ereyo badan ninba gobolka uu ka imaaday sida loogu dhawaaqo loo qoro jiraan.


Eniwey, it is a start.

Miskiin/Aqyaar, Luuqad kasta soo saas ma aha? Tusaale haddaan usoo qaadanno ingiriiska UK iyo kan US farqi weyn baa u dhaxeeyo qoraalkooda marka waa iska caadi haddii ereyada qaar si kala duwan loo kala qoro. Hopefully we will have different versions of spell checker for different Somali dialects.
Saak, tan Ingiriiska iyo tan Mareykanka loogu hadlo, laguna soo daabaco waa afaf qoraalkooda degan, meaning they are standardized, even in their differences. Ours is not.


Saa hore u iriba waa biloow loo baahnaa hingaadsaxahaan.

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Originally posted by Dabshid:

can we trust this dude?

Which dude? you mean the Engineer? And why not as long as he consults with experts and Linguists in Somali Language and Literature!

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Originally posted by Abwaan:

quote:Originally posted by Dabshid:

can we trust this dude?

Which dude? you mean the Engineer? And why not as long as he consults with experts and Linguists in Somali Language and Literature!
Ahaa! And who are the experts in Linguists in Somali Language and Literature? What's stopping people accepting the way the original Somali text books were written? That's how Committee of "experts" decided as official way, is it not? smile.gif


Seriously though, the actual problem in IMO is not "regional variations" but spelling errors. There are simple rules that most of us seem to ignore. For example, the intro to the spell-checker above says talagalay instead of talaggalay. We can argue whether it is a single or double L, but, unless there is a region that pronounce the term differently, the only time a single G might used is when one split the term and write tala galay or add unofficial hyphen tala-galay.

I've even read a piece by politician touted as "young, new and educated" making embarrassing spelling errors when writing the words "change" and "leadership" in Somali. Sometimes spelling errors change the meaning or grammar. For example, on several occasions I've seen people write; kana siib kana saar instead of kaana siib kanna saar. There is a difference between kana, kanna and kaana. The short of it is; Oldies likes of Xiin and A&T know how to spell, wheras others struggle.

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^^ Of course not. :D I was just letting things off my chest. smile.gif Since you're one of the Oldies, why do people write Hargeysa with a sinlge G and Benaadir with a single D?

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According to Ayoub, it should be: Harggeisa & Benaaddir, laba carrable waaxid smile.gif


we can change waaxid to waaxxid too as well!

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Af Soomaaliga E iyo I isma xigi karaan.


Hargeisa is not Af Soomaali. Its Hargeysa.


And there is no such place as Benaadir. Its Banaadir.

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^^ Lordy lord. Oki then, why not Harggeysa and Banaaddir?



"Saddex Bey Naagtu Igu Laggadday"


^ There you have it. :D

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Originally posted by AYOUB:

quote:Originally posted by Abwaan:

Originally posted by Dabshid:

[qb] can we trust this dude?

Which dude? you mean the Engineer? And why not as long as he consults with experts and Linguists in Somali Language and Literature!
Ahaa! And who are the experts in Linguists in Somali Language and Literature?


lol...the same guys you mentioned below and many more, I can name some of them if you want and these include: Prof Abdalla Mansuur & Prof Dahabo Farah, Prof Isse Mohamed Siyaad, Prof Abdulkadir Mohamed Mursal iyo sidoo kale abwaannada Soomaaliyeed ee wax qora amase heybadda curinta ay qoristu u dheer tahay ee caanka ah sida Hadraawi, Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac iyo kuwo kale oo aanan halkan ku soo koobi karin.


What's stopping people accepting the way the original Somali text books were written? That's how Committee of "experts" decided as official way, is it not?


Also I have seen some of the text books written in the past and spotted mistakes in spelling therefore it does not mean that those are completely correct.

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