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Somali born engineer develops spell checker

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Somalia: Somali born engineer develops spell checker


Almost thirty seven years after Somali became a written language, a Somali –born engineer in Finland has developed a Somali language spell checker.

Mohamed Ibrahim Mursal has,in cooperation with Professor Kevin Scannell a mathematician with natural language processing expertise, made use of an open source software to develop the spell checker.

The spell checker can be used on OpenOffice and Firefox applications ."We have compiled more than 17,000 words so far, and the list of words keeps increasing as people who are using have a facility in the spell checker to add or suggest a new word. A group of editors check the correct spelling of new words suggested by users and add to the list of words in the spell checker."

Engineer Mursal has further enhanced the fe atures of the spell checker . It can now downloaded on a memory stick that contains OpenOffice and Firefox applications.

"There is a website for the spell checker ( higgaad-saxe, in Somali). It is Open Source Somalia . The Somali spell checker will be beneficial to journalists, and those using Somali language for education, administration and as a second language .

Mohamed Ibrahim Mursal is project engineer at Research and Development Unit of the University of Savonia, Finland.


Kobtan jag kasii for more info

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^Oh no you didn't!


This is really cool, watching a language standardize in real-time. Pretty soon we will have a national spelling bee.

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Cara-N You will wear cute catholic schoolgirl outfit and big spectacles to the event, just don't embarass us by losing to an Indian or a Chinese kid-if I see one more of them winning spelling bee, I might have to shoot somebody :mad:

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:

Qoraalka Afsoomaaliga wali si wada dhameystiran la iskuma raacin. Ereyo badan ninba gobolka uu ka imaaday sida loogu dhawaaqo loo qoro jiraan.


Eniwey, it is a start.

Miskiin/Aqyaar, Luuqad kasta soo saas ma aha? Tusaale haddaan usoo qaadanno ingiriiska UK iyo kan US farqi weyn baa u dhaxeeyo qoraalkooda marka waa iska caadi haddii ereyada qaar si kala duwan loo kala qoro. Hopefully we will have different versions of spell checker for different Somali dialects.

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

is there even proper way to spell somali

lol Yes...How is it a written language if it hasn't? May be young(in written years) but you will be amazed how rich it is!

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Originally posted by The Zack:

quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:

Qoraalka Afsoomaaliga wali si wada dhameystiran la iskuma raacin. Ereyo badan ninba gobolka uu ka imaaday sida loogu dhawaaqo loo qoro jiraan.


Eniwey, it is a start.

Miskiin/Aqyaar, Luuqad kasta soo saas ma aha? Tusaale haddaan usoo qaadanno ingiriiska UK iyo kan US farqi weyn baa u dhaxeeyo qoraalkooda marka waa iska caadi haddii ereyada qaar si kala duwan loo kala qoro. Hopefully we will have different versions of spell checker for different Somali dialects.
waa sax saaxiib!

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