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Muhammed Abdullah Hassan (Mad Mullah) Jihad civillian casualties

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every people have their bad apples and good apples so tujiye should think about it before he tries to badmouth/mock other groups.

loooool so you rep a group of people? you must be the bad apple then! lool...


I talked about you and your qabiiliiste views saaxiib... I have nothing against the people of Somaliland, I just don't like kuwa iska fogeeya somalinimada oo calanka qaatay iyo sumada cusub... I don't care meesha ee ka yimaadeen even hadee calan Puntland wataan.... Aniga somali weyn baan aaminsanahay.....



Sheekadaan sayidka dhan waxa aad u keentaan waan wada garaneynaa saaxiibayaal ee nagala taga caqligaan caruureedka oo jirada wata... Sayidka qofwalba oo dhinaca gaalada xigsaday wuu dilay..ilaahoo mee ahaadaan qabiilka uu ka dhashay. Waxaas waa wax lawada yaqaan.. qabiil dhan buu qar ka tuuray oo wax yaalo badan uu sameeyey baa jira oo maanta somali badan ee ku heysato..Laakiin the truth is, nin somalia u qabtay axsaanka uu sayidka u sameeyay ma jirin mana jiri doona I believe...


niman daacad ah ma tihiin oo dhinac baad raacsan tihiin adiga iyo kan topika bilaabay.. Markaad Calankaan iska dhigtaan iyo qaaradaan aad ka jarteen dhulkeeni hooyo ayaad nala soo hadal doonan kartaan..laakiin intaad wadataan afhadalkaan shiisheeyaha iska dhigaayo, ma istaahishaan wax hadal kooda dhulka laga qaado... yaa wax ka faa iideysan kara qof jiran oo cudur qabiil qaba?



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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^^^^Duqa waxaan oo kale ayaa somalida kujira markaas ayaan rabnaa in aan hore u socono oo aan umada kadaba tagno...Walaahi is very sad for someone to be in such state runtii....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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^^ ha u bixina halganyaashii Soomaalida wixii wax ka sheega dhagahaa u wada duran, laastiigna wuxuu uga laalaadaa sanqaroorka sidii hema malina

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There are many Poems brothers made by Abdullah Hassan and his followers im sure youll like them:



Is Minilik of your kindred that you should sing praises to him? As for the cruising ships of the infidels: Know ye not they are but Allah‟s brief providence to the misguided?


If glorious were the infidels, they‟d not be destined to perdition, The things they invent, and the wealth they amass are but their damnation, And the ingenious artifacts their abominable foretaste of ultimate perdition.


This reveling in material things brought the mighty Pharaoh down. If the meaning of the prayer-mat moving you across the sea escapes your unbelieving mind... Consider: your origin, the very first day when you were created, In the darkness of the womb, the Lord protected thee.


Miraculous was your place of origin! You came into the world by the will of Allah, O, mindless one, make a reflection on this, Speak not ill of the Sayyid, O brainless one, lest this leads you to Hell, The ways of the saints, you fool, are dark to you, And do not take him (the Sayyid) lightly, (Samatar “Literary War” 159).



A liar I despise A miser I despise And I despise him who eats polluted food.


A tobacco-chewer I despise I despise compulsiveness in men And fat without strength.


I despise an uncourageous man Of small lineage I despise a tool that doesn‟t obey its user... A white man‟s peon I despise

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halganyaashii Soomaalida wixii wax ka sheega dhagahaa u wada duran, laastiigna wuxuu uga laalaadaa sanqaroorka sidii
hema malina

:D:D:D Habartaas caadi ma aheen saaxiibo ee ha agdhigin kuwaan..



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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^^ saddex sanaan jirey markaan Hema Malina jeclaadey :D


ma bar bardhigin laakin sankaa u durnaa, kuwaana sankaa u duran sidii lo' gisida camal

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Waaryaa jooji warka Hema Malina anigaa jeclaaye ,,, inkastoon markaa 3 jir ka weynaa anigu ,, laakiin hadaan wax ruxuruxi karayo walee waan guursan lahaa ,,,, :D


Ilaa imikaan daawadaa sawiradeedii ,,, :D

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^^^ looool caadi ma tihid... Sheekh Maadeey arinta uu Alshabaab ku dhigay ma maqlin miyaa marka uu gurmad ahaan ka midnoqday? "war maadeey maxaad rabtaa oo aan kuu qabanaa ama kusiinaa" ayee ku dhaheen Alshabaab, markaasuu yiri "Mujaahidiintoo waxaan idinka codsanayaa in aad ii guurisaan gabar u eg Hema Malina laakiin jirkii Rekha leh!" alaa hada waa sugooyaa fiirsha hee idinka tabeelo uu iska heystaa lool...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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The Zack   

Tuujiye, ciyaal baan kuu heystay yacni under 40, it turns out that I was dead wrong if you know hema malina. Ciyaalka Kaajal and Juhi Jalwaa yaqaano baan kuu heestay.

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

^Ooops, war waa kii yaraa!!

Duq yahow sii soco :D


lol Tuujiye.

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