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Moving Songs!

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Originally posted by Mr.Paragon:

Waddankaa maalinkaan cagta hoostiisa geliyo ayaa intaan meel fagaaro isugu keeno ii heesa ku oran doonaa. Haddase, layma maqashiiyo miskiinkooda illaa militerigooda.


I clicked on 'Moving Songs' and thought maanta ninkii AT&T oo roomaantiko jiliya ayaad akhrin doontaa - balse geedoow waxaan ku moodey mise waxaad noqotay waa mid aan loo noqon doonin.

L0L. Wardee,shacabku waa maskiinin. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Cara.:

My disdain of Ethiopians is the only prejudice I have allowed myself and you guys have ruined it :mad:

A new book:


Why CARA should not work on her prejdices against Ethiopia, Abtigiis, 1st Edition, 2010, Maryooleey Printing Press, Price $ 1.45


Dear Cara, no doubt Ethiopians are generally good-hearted and very kind. But, it is always something I fail to understand why such character is not seen when they are in a position of power against someone. They tend to be ruthless and bullish. If you are caught by Ethiopian Police for any minor offence, you can expect very harsh treatment and beating. When Ethiopian Soliders are sent for missions, they commit shocking atrocities. I have witnessed some of this and I still fail to understand why they behave that way. In fact, the ruthlessness they punish anyway they see against them sheds some light on the veracity of their claims to be Semitic. Markay wax ciqaabayaan Carabta xitaa way ka xunyihiin. Ismana qabtaan. ten of them can beat you for hours without any of them saying stop it.


In 1995, me and a friend of mine intervened to stop few guys harassing a Somali lady (dadkii soo qaxay) in front of Ras Hotel (somai's used to frequent this area). When they failed to heed our repeated requests to leave the lady alone, a fight broke out. Anigu fulay baan ahaye, my friend hit one of them and flattened him. Within seconds, a crowd descended on us (upto a dozen). Waxaa iigu danbeysay anigoo dhagax dhulka ka qaatay oo tuuray before I fainted. I don't know if I hit anyone. With my tiny bones, it was clear I will not be of much help. Laakin, my friend (my namesake as well) fought courageously. A very tall guy, I saw him still throwing some of his attackers to the ground. After we were taken to the nearest Hospital and I woke up, I saw he was missing his front teeth. It was sad because two days later would have been the day he graduates from university and we actually come to town so that he takes pictures of himself smiling.


Another area you do not want to have an ethiopian is to be your boss. Totally useless managers and admnistrators. They, most, do not have the culture of tolerating different ideas. They also are fiercily intransigent. Wax maamul kaga liita majiro.


Yes, they are straight and usually munaafaqadu kuma badna, but jealousy is a national trademark. Xaasidnimo way dhameeyeen.


miyaan kuu sii wada Cara. Anigu koley with my faulty generalisations, I have always believed their women are better than their men. :D

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Anigu fulay baan ahaye, my friend hit one of them and flattened him. Within seconds, a crowd descended on us (upto a dozen). Waxaa iigu danbeysay anigoo dhagax dhulka ka qaatay oo tuuray before I
I don't know if I hit anyone.
With my tiny bones, it was clear I will not be of much help. Laakin, my friend (my namesake as well) fought
A very tall guy, I saw him still throwing some of his attackers to the ground.

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No wonder A&T felt himself intimidated by the many Punties in the Politics section. He felt, the mob ascending on him again, punching and beating him. :D:D

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:D:D maybe, it is a matter of wording Aw Muuse. From my child days, I still don't know if I am fuley or geesi. I am certainly not afraid to take the first shot when I see things I don't like. Like, on the above incident, aniguu ahaa ninka xabashiga gacanta qabtay ee ka fujiyey gabadha anigoo waliba indhaha caddaynayaa and warning him of serious consequenes haduu sii dayn waayo. I didn't know the lady. There were around 100 Somali's oo meesha ku uuruursanaa. None ventured to help us later. Markaa tabar ma leeyahay aan wax ku qabto is a different matter.


Marka hore inaan wax ku bilaabo kama waabto runtii, laakiin aalaa inta badan I end up like the guy LST posted on another threa beaten by the 67 year old white guy. :D


Markaa sometimes waxaan is idhaa armaad tahay geesi tabar daran.


Meel xabashi badan kubad ku daawanayasay oo aniga iyo hal qof oo kale Somali ka aheyn I started celebrating after Hossam Hassen scored 3 goals against Ethiopia in African qualifications. The match would end 6-0 later. Laakin aniga 3-0 markay marayso ayaa dhalo madaxa la iiga dhuftay oo waan baxsaday. :D

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Originally posted by Aaliyah416:

speaking of oromo song..I kinda like this song even thou I dont understand one word lol


I have a Oromo/Somali friend who goes crazy for this song but i thought it was a Ali Bira song.

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Laakin aniga 3-0 markay marayso ayaa dhalo madaxa la iiga dhuftay oo
waan baxsaday

^You do that in front of England supporters and wouldn't be properly alive to tell the tale. So lesson learned there, I guess. It's a slow process coming from Dhagaxbur to ilbax in such a short time in order not to offend or break silent rules that are universally recognised but what does a proud geeljire like you know of such ilbaxnimo? :D:D


Five of us were in Saris one day attending a wedding on the way back we encountered a group of hostile Habashis. You know that in this area Somalis are few and far in between, the whole neighbourhood turned out and groups of mini van drivers came to help their fellow countrymen. We pushed 'accidentaly' one of ours the strongest against one of the silly folks, that tried to pick a fight with us.


They couldn't do anything as we were determined and we knew how these things usually work. Habashis are the most cowardly folks on the planet so the whole thing turned into poking each other, one saying their army was in Mogadishu. We told him we didn't care for that as we were Somali Ethiopians and we know the filthy xabash's very well. They shouldn't confuse us to Somalis from Mogadishu.


It was a great scene but we came out victors at the end. One of ours told the other habashi that he has been found on the street/garbage outside and that it cost 5 Birr for him to be born, as this was the amount his 'mother' got paid by him. He fumed but one or two of the bystanders found it amusing and funny this it took to defuse the situation plus our mad eyes and fearlessness, that we have shown throughout. If we had chickened we would be burned there. In Saaris there is no hiding ground, as they say.


The whole thing turned to comedy as though the habashis could clearly see that they wouldn't like to mess with us proper Somali Ethiopians.


We boarded a minibus and left Saris for our usual hiding place Bole Michael where we very rarely venture out from, because it is that comfortable. :D


What I found funny is that the Mogadishu folks who praise themselves and claim to be tough got chased 50 by two or three habashis and they were running for their lives, in Bole Michael of all places that is astounding to say the least.


We don't fear habashis but it is true if they are many and you are outnumbered by them they will try to intimidate you but once they see your command of habashi and determination and you are more than two then they will back off, for sure. Otherwise to die a martyrs death isn't bad either. :D


For some strange reason A&T I had you down for someone who sported the fames reer Micro Soft trademark, their dreadlocks and bravery that you were as fierce as them, when it comes to battle and combat but alas I was disappointed with you. A big mouth for little to show.


That's why you escaped from Ethiopia in the first place isn't it? Little Harari boy..

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