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Going oversea's for marriage?

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^^^^^^^^ i will arrange a mortgage. low interest ;)


ps, am broke **** , it runs in the family

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There is a reason for Zestful enthusiasm... Too many Somali women to choose from. But then I sometimes worry for them. Intee niman somali looga wada heli doonaa aan is dhahaa LOL.

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^^^^^^^^dont worry walaalo smile.gif imagine you can shorten the list by 4 ;)


if each male nomad uu la dhaco 4 hablood, half the ladies would be fixed.


happy families, tho u might fight on who posts the best topics.

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Hey abaayo(Juxa), you made it seem so easy. But here is a personal question for you, hope nobody asked you before, adiga raalli maku noqon leheed in gabar kale lagula guursado?


Ninka hal naag ka badan guursan karo waa nin qalbi adag oo aan suuro suuro aqoonin. Guys like me waa fuley ;) They just talk the talk and can't walk the talk lol.


If jealousy wasn't an issue and women wouldn't care who shares their husbands with them, life would be lovey dovey despite the crowd, I tell ya, many guys would do it. All men entertain more than one wife but only few of them do act on their secret wishes.


Runtii, gabdho badanaa dayacan some with kids and they are young. Ilaahey ha u gargaaro. Back in somalia, my uncle who had been there told me the same problem exists. Men have no jobs, No income and can't afford for their families, most them irresponsible Qat-drug addicts, when life gets a little tough for them, they move on and marry another woman. Consequently, You see a woman with many kids from different husbands. But then again, waddanaan waxba ka jirin, oo dadkii ninkii wax heesto maahane kuwa kale meel iska fadhiyaan mexey kaloo sameeyaan but marry lol? Allah sahlo arrimahaan. Take Care.


PS: Those girls who are too independent and think a man is just a necessary burden need not be offended with my statitistics icon_razz.gif My observations of the numbers could be wrong but I see more women than I see guys lately lol.

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How many tall, good looking, light skinned doctors/lawyers/accountants/ engineers can a girl find hiding in Somalia?


I’m all for equality and similar treatment but in this case at least; I prefer to remain strictly sexist. Men will always do better than women in that area, our nets our wider you see. We go back to find younger, fitter and more obedient women. Their qualifications and education don’t really matter, all that matters is their looks and maybe their family connections and history. Could a lady contemplating a similar journey be as blasé about the whole thing as we are? Methinks not.


Women, know your place. Heh. :D

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afford to buy urself a hubby

I am in a state of shock. Phanta, waxyahey waalan oo maskaxda yar, take that back. You sound disgustingly desperate. Uff. Afford ku teh. Wah! Ha is ceebeen yaaqeey. You claim to be a feminist, yet when the thought of spinsterhood creeps in you suddenly change your tune? How pathetic and incredbily sad. :rolleyes:


Xoogsade :D You made me laugh ninyahow. Nin aqli leh baa tahey ileen ;) .


As for going back for marriage in the women's case: Although I do not see anything worth going back to honeslty unless you women get some kind of twisted pleasure from a lazy chavuanistic so and so, I still stand by my motto "what is good for the gander is damn well good enough for the goose".

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Originally posted by Femme Fatale:

I am in a state of shock.
, waxyahey waalan oo maskaxda yar, take that back. You sound disgustingly desperate. Uff. Afford ku teh. Wah! Ha is ceebeen yaaqeey. You claim to be a feminist, yet when the thought of spinsterhood creeps in you suddenly change your tune? How pathetic and incredbily sad. :rolleyes:

FF, I's more than pathetic. It's almost criminal. **hangs head in shame**


Just a moment of weakness...won't happen again. As long as I don't contemplate my fast approaching birthday, that is. :(:(

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There is nothing wrong with a somali woman or man going to somalia to look for a husband or wife.Life is all about options.

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