
Boobka beesha Buuhoodle ku heeyso beesha Jaziirada Baajuuni

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2 sano kahor ayaan xafiis notaaye kuyaalo Xamar waxaan ku arkay hooyo Soomaaliyeed oo iska iibineeysa dhul gaaraya boqol boos[dhul banaan] lacag kabadan 25kun doolar midkiiba kunayaal degmada deeyniile. markaan qoladi meesha joogtay gadaal kawareeystay waxaa leeysheegay in eey UK katimid Afweyne isku beelyihiin dhulkana dowladi hore siisay.  Wax uwacdiyo Afweyne iyo xulufadiisa waagi umadda boobka kuhayeen mawaayeen. 

Sida odayaasha iyo culumada baajuun ee videowgan kahadlay sheegeen in eey yihiin dad nabadda jecel laakiin eeysan gacmaha kalaabandoonin hadii kuwa kusooduulay boobka joojinwaayaan.          

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Landgrab was happening since  the break up and apocalypse happend in Somalia.  I am not surprised some of the garaad clan want to push out bajunis and other ethnic minorities from their ancesterial homehomeland. How can a man from buhoodle claim land in lowerjubba. This madoobe  guy is also from qabridhahare he doesn't belong there. The kikiyu are keeping him there once they are removed  he will flee back to Ethiopia where he is from. Waxani waaa mashruuc dee lugu shaqeysanayo.

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1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

This madoobe  guy is also from qabridhahare he doesn't belong there. The kikiyu are keeping him there once they are removed  he will flee back to Ethiopia where he is from. Waxani waaa mashruuc dee lugu shaqeysanayo.

Axmad Madoobe is a good guy and a friend of Somaliland, we need him there. 

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How so since when are reer qabridhahar and qalaafe and fiiq our friends. From 1812.we were fighting them. Is his opinion on Somaliland any different than the pirates or the farmaajo guy in villa amisom.

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I believe anyone can build and live anywhere in Somalia. However I understand the concern of Bajunis. I think it is just fear of clan domination more than anything else that motivates them. When people are organised on clan basis, it creates fear and uncertainty and this issue should be addressed. I remember Reer Garowe having an issue with Reer Bay & Bakool settlement being built outskirts of Garowe. At the time I thought they were overreacting but Somalia's civil war is based on fear of clan domination perceived or real and we should thread carefully.

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Much of the clans in Jubooyinka and Gedo are  under Shebab control but once they free themselves expect them  to fight and resist Onlfta and their Kenyan masters. 

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4 hours ago, Samafal said:

I believe anyone can build and live anywhere in Somalia. However I understand the concern of Bajunis. I think it is just fear of clan domination more than anything else that motivates them. When people are organised on clan basis, it creates fear and uncertainty and this issue should be addressed. I remember Reer Garowe having an issue with Reer Bay & Bakool settlement being built outskirts of Garowe. At the time I thought they were overreacting but Somalia's civil war is based on fear of clan domination perceived or real and we should thread carefully.

What if everyone in koonfuria is given a constitutional right to live, work, own property, study, vote, and run for any political office in any state within the country? On top of that, the federal government distributed funds based on each state's population(residents of all clans), and based on a verifiable population count each state is given proportional representation at the federal level(and Somalis of any clan can represent the state if elected)? With such a system I am sure the clan mentality will be dealt a serious blow. 

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1 hour ago, Tallaabo said:

What if everyone in koonfuria is given a constitutional right to live, work, own property, study, vote, and run for any political office in any state within the country? On top of that, the federal government distributed funds based on each state's population(residents of all clans), and based on a verifiable population count each state is given proportional representation at the federal level(and Somalis of any clan can represent the state if elected)? With such a system I am sure the clan mentality will be dealt a serious blow. 

Everyone works, lives and owns everywhere in Somalia. My family live and have properties in the south. It is the politics that needs fixing.

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1 hour ago, Che -Guevara said:

Everyone works, lives and owns everywhere in Somalia. My family live and have properties in the south. It is the politics that needs fixing.

I know that, but there is no constitution that guarantees the rights of citizens to vote and run for public office in whichever state they live in regardless of their clan affiliation. Even in Somaliland no one has got the right to vote in a deegaan baas oonay reerkiisu sheegan. For instance, a HY man in Gabiley has to travel not only to a HY degmo to the east of the country but to his specific sub-sub clan degmo to cast a vote!! During elections voters in Somaliland are shipped like cattle across the land to cast a simple vote. Insanity isn't it? As we all know it, this is also the case in Puntland and koonfuria. Our own MMA can never participate in the upcoming elections in Puntland even if he is a long term resident. 

So what I meant is, if this clan based system is removed and in its place a British style democracy introduced where voters are required to proof only their residential address to cast a vote, our awful clan politics will perish in a very short time. 

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Tallaabo, most of the time there is no problem for individual families to sparsely live, work and own properties in any where in the country. But it is when it is done by organised clan like the one shown in the video above it creates suspicion. I saw this problem in Puntland where you see small villages that are only couple of miles apart being established by sub-clans usually funded by diaspora. They think it gives them status and confirms their stake and importance among the larger clan/tribe. Common sense tells you if they build on and develop the existing districts, would have been better for the environment and would enhance better community cohesion. 


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Dawladdihii tan hadda jirta ka horeeyay dhulka weerar ba'an bay ku qaadeen oo aan loo meel dayin.

Xataa jardiinooyikii beeshooday ka iibiyeen ayagoo ku tilmaamaya maal gashi una isticmaalaya qaab indho sarcaada,  waliba xarig jar dhoola-caddayn iyo saxaafaduba joogto.

Guryihii jabuuti ku yaalay oo qarranku lahaa sidoo kale ganacsato beesha kasoo jeeda yaa lagu wareejiyay  inta dhul dumaashida iyo seedigu iibsadeen xad ma leh.

Hadday afar sano oo kale sii joogi lahaayeen safaaradaha burbursan bay sidoo kale xaraashi lahaayeen.

Waxaa mamnuuca in lahaasho dhul oo  ajnabi leeyahay lagu dhereriyo xeeb dal kasta siiba meelaha xasaasiga ah,  sababa badan awgood xeebtiina dad gaara iyo ajaanib yaa lagu wareejiyay

Shaqada wax qabadka musharixiinta dhididku ka dhamaaday waa dhul boob iyo goofkaan anigaa iska leh.

Xaduudka dalka loo doortayna wuxuu ka bilaabaan, jasiira ilaa warshadda baastada waa inta anfac badan kasoo bixi karo, hanti shakhsi leeyahay maxkamdda hoose laaluush haku bixiyo markuu daalana, markhaatiga ha uga tago waraaqihii dhulka iyo xaqu-salaamadii oo wada socda.


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