
Abdi Iley is speaking about how the the oil is shared.

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Qoondo intee la’eg ayuu deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya ka helayaa shidaalka?

shiidaal kilinka 5aad

Waxaa markii ugu horeysay deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya laga soo saaray shidaal ceyriin kadib muddo sanooyin ah oo lagu hayay.


Ceelashan oo daboolka laga feeday 28-dii June, ayaa waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa madaxwaynaha dowlad deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar iyo wasiirka macdanta ee dowladda fedaraalka Itoobiya.

Warbaahinta dowladda Itoobiya ee lagu magacaabo Fana ayaa mar sii horreysay ka soo xigatay Rai’sul wasaaraha Itoobiya Dr Abiy Axmed in shacabka dalkiisa uu uga hambalyaynayo islamarkana maalintii la soo saari doono 450 barmiil oo shidaal ah.

Shidaalka goobtaasi ceegaaga ee ay heshay shirkad laga leeyahay dalka Shiinaha ee lagu magacaabo Poly-GCL ayaa waxaa lagu qiyaasay 6 ilaa 8 Trillion Cubic Feet.

Haddaba dad badan waxa ay isweeydiinayaan qoondada dadka deegaanka Soomaalida ay ka heli doonaan shidaalka.

Waxaa su’aashaas ka jawaabay madaxweynaha deegaanka Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar oo dadweyne kula hadlayay magaalada Qabri Dahare, isaga oo sheegay in muddo boqol sano laga sheekeyn jiray kaydka shidaalka ee dhulka Soomaalida, balse maanta la xaqiijiyay himiladdii.

“Su’aasha ay ka hadlayaan ee ay aad noo weeydiinayaan, waa imisa ayaan leenaya, wixiiba inaga ayaa lehe, imisa aan leenahay waa maxay?” ayuu yiri madaxweynaha oo intaas ku daray “Sharci waxaa jira federaalka oo dhigaya in shidaal haddii uu soo boxo, ama xitaa kheyraad kale in deegaanka uu leeyahay boqolkiiba 40%, federaalkuna wuxuu leeyahay 60%, midda federaalka lafteeda ayaan wax ku leenahay” .

Sida uu qabo Ibraahim Sheekh Muxumed, {Ibraahim Dheere}, oo ahaa guddoomiyaha jabhaddii WSLF ee Itoobiya la dagaalami jirtay, in madaxweyne Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar uu ka qeybgalay daahfurka ceelasha shidaalka ay ka dhigantahay isbadal wanaagsan, balse waxa uu intaas ku daray “waxaasa jira caqabado, waxaana ka mid ah ka talogalin la’aanta dadka arramaha kheyraadka, suurtogalna ma ahan in dadka aanan la talogalinin”.

Sheekh Ibraahim Dheere ayaa dhanka kale yiri “waa in la xaddidaa qoondo la’isla ogyahay , sidoo kale dadka deegaanka waa in laga shaqo galiyaa mashruuca, hadda waa ku yaryihiin”.

Waxa uu xusay in shidaalka uu la iman karo caqabado xagga deegaanka, taasna ay tahay in laga taxadaro.

Balse cid kasta kuma faraxsana sida hawsha u socoto, afhayeen u hadlay jabhadda ONLF ayaa sheegay in ay ka hortagayaan in kheyraadkii iyo hantidii dadka lasoo saaro iyada oo aanan dadkii lahaa laga talogalinin, sida uu hadalka u dhigay, kana hortagi doonaan wax kasta oo ay ku qaadataba.

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40% is much bigger share what I had in mind. In other news he was talking about a Tigrey person who controls contracts for some area in the region which he had no idea. Is Abdi Illey changing his mind, getting close to ONLF and others?

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So long as Illey is there forget 40%. Killinka would be lucky to get back 10% of its Natural resources.

Big contracts & land deals in the Kilinka were awarded to the tplf masters for the past 10 years and that was before extracting an ounce of crude oil from the ground. 

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Waxaa jira ceelal shidaal ah oo aysan wax war ah ka hayn Dawlad Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya, sida uu sheegay madaxweynaha Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar

Muuqaalkan oo baraha bulshada dhex socda ayuu madaxweynuhu ku qirayaa in uu jiro aag shidaal dhooban yahay oo uusan waxba kala soconin hawsha ka socota.

Isaga oo arrintaas ka hadlaya ayuuna yiri “gobolka Jarar oo cobole ah akabaabigeeda (waa eray Amxaari ah oo macnihiisu yahay agagaarkeeda) mid baa iska haysta Tewadhros la dhoho, mooji kaasu

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If he workes with ONLF and others, they have a better chance to negotiate better deal and he can retire with some dignity

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40% share sounds too good to be true.  If Somali galbeed was more like the Kurds with its own army and a full autonomy I would've believed Mr Ileey.

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I suspect first the company doing the drilling will get 60%,if not more, they will do all the work and investment.

The remaining 40%,  is further divided between Federal and Region.

if I were betting man,  region will be lucky to get 10%, illey waa beenaale.

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If its 40 percent it's good walahi.  Ileey needs a good chief negotiator he needs to get a good deal from the tigrians . How good is ileey with negotiations. Does any one know any one from the ddsi govt on sol these days. I hope we don't get screwd by tigrians and their galla servants 

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12 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

So if there's oil in the deserts of Ocaden, it's safe to assume there's oil elsewhere in Somali lands. If we reconcile.


It depends where the oil in the Somali region was found. If it is closer to the Haud and the eastern areas then it is possible it is in the Somalia side of the border as well. Somali region is huge though from what I have heard the crude oil and gas is  mostly in the central areas and far west areas of Somali region.

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Maakhiri Somalis today are weak and divided . Somalia Somaliland divide.

Puntland galmudug divide. 

Mogadishu clans divided.

Gedo and kismayo clans divided.

ONLF and liyuu divide

Hawd and reserve area and Bigfoot clan divide. So it's  difficult  to have a kilinka shanaad vision if we are so divided.

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10 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Maakhiri Somalis today are weak and divided . Somalia Somaliland divide.

Puntland galmudug divide. 

Mogadishu clans divided.

Gedo and kismayo clans divided.

ONLF and liyuu divide

Hawd and reserve area and Bigfoot clan divide. So it's  difficult  to have a kilinka shanaad vision if we are so divided.

true, ninba meeshiisa ha ku caysho for now

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If we want to fix  the situation really  we need to unite the somalis in kilinka shanaad under one political ideology either ileey or onlt in the 1990s  we had the jesus gurgur unity party.  It's very difficult  there is ancient rivalry between clans. The neftenga nafti hure divide. We  had  abdulmajid  and his party.  What is  is admiral cismaan plan for the onlf since abiye is goin very fast. Somalida treenka ka tegi

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