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London: Somali week Festival with Hassan Ganey, Hadraawi and Gaarriye

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Wouldn't mind going there for the poetry side of it. Don't want to listen to habraha buurbuuran. Big disapointment - they should frankly retire all.

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^ Their words mise their style of delivery? I am sure if those words were delivered in a more 'conceptual' manner it would do more than excite no?

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It is sad that I will be missing this wonderful event as I will be travelling abroad insha Allah. Hopefully, there will be photos and videos and some SOL members might take part and share their experiences with us.

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Black history month? Will you guys encourage your non-Somali friends/neighbours/work mates etc to attend? Will it be in Somali only? (defeats the purpose).

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If any one has Xassan Sh. Mumumin's literature please share oo nagu sadaqaysta waa bil Ramadaane.


From what i heard that man is only second to Hadraawi...


Especailly i am interested in a one particular poem where he drew parrallel between somali character and cat...


Where's Sharmaarke?


Pardon the interruption yaa Jamaacah!

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Originally posted by Paragon:

Wouldn't mind going there for the poetry side of it. Don't want to listen to habraha buurbuuran. Big disapointment - they should frankly retire all.

Wouldn't put it that way but I generally agree with you. I hope the "wailers" won't dominate the show as usual. We've seen enough embarrassing jiggles on stages down the years. They can have their own day if they really must, but I hope this even will highlighted by the poets and other rarely seen artists like Xudaydi.

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^^Younis, my comment might have been slightly 'harsh'. But the reality is, every social event one goes to, you get the haggard old timers 'wailing' their lungs to death. Tis time they rested, I hold.


Its time for new faces...

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

If any one has
Xassan Sh. Mumumin's
literature please share oo nagu sadaqaysta waa bil Ramadaane.


From what i heard that man is only second to Hadraawi...


Especailly i am interested in a one particular poem where he drew parrallel between somali character and cat...


Where's Sharmaarke?


Pardon the interruption yaa Jamaacah!



You know i was in classics, not in the contemporary? Hassan Shiekh Mumin is a brilliant playwright, and composer, his popluar Shabeelnaagood Play(The Leopard among women) was tranlated by BW Andrzejewski, and reveiwed by many others.


I think he is a towering intellect, one of his lyrics was:


Doc kastoo la eego nolosha dunidu waa dabkee

haduu dabkii dhaxamoodoo maxaa lagu diirayaa

waa tilmaan la daaho degdeg kuma haboonee

adoo degan u fiirsoo u jeedadaa u deeqsi

dalaalamida diintiyo distoorka iyo xeerkaa

hadii dabool la saaroo dawo bukootay weeyee

waa suaal daweynoo madaxaa daalinaysee

waxii lagu dabiibii dad weynaha la waydiin


lool,if the fire feels cold,whaton earth makes it warm! ? :D

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^^ :D:D


Or if the medicine itself is afflicted with plague, where on the green earth could we find a treatment? Such paradoxical issues were as Ina Mumin puts it:

waa suaal daweynoo madaxaa daalinaysee

waxii lagu dabiibii dad weynaha la waydiin! And I am not sure if he really thought the commoners would fare any better in answering his queries…


But I would like to find one of his classic poems where as I said he likened Somali character with a lazy cat. He starts with how Somali name cats from Zaylac to Kismayo…then in a methodical way derives cat’s true character from the names people give it.


Waryaa usoo baxay?

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^I love that poem too, describes faaraxs to a t, sow mahaa?


I went to a similar event a few years back where he read this (basho) poem and it rattled a few Faraxs, I tell ya. Mid baa ku qayliyey saying 'ee maantoo dhan bisad baa noo wadaaye ujeedadaada naga gaadh'. I wish could access the words..



p.s I love these types of events, our poets Masha Allah are exceptionally talented and progressive in thought.

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anyone can post that poem ? ,, waabad nagu wareeriseene. :D



Well, i like Gaariye ,,, once he is on the mic ppl never stop laughing to their bottoms. I attended few class session he had at Hargeisa University and you can't imagine how informative it was.

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Abwaan Xasan Sh. Muumin, wuxuu ku dhashay magaaladda Boorama (Gobolka AwdaL) ee Soomaaliya 1930kii, waxa dhallay Sheekh Muumin oo ahaa mufti xagga Diinta si weyn loogu qaddarin jirey. Xasan yaraantiisii wuxuu ku barbaaray asluubta wanaagsan ee Diinta Islaamku ina farayso. Wuxuu ahaa ganacsade, xirfadle iyo macallin aad loo qaddariyo.1965 ilaa 1968kii waxaa loo qaatay Radio Muqdisho inuu hal-abuuro maansooyin ku taxaluqa xagga Gabayada, heesaha iyo in uu duubo barnaamijyo ku saabsan Hiddaha & Dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed, khaas ahaan nolosha miyiga, kana sii daayo Raadiyaha. Ilaa 1968kii wuxuu ka tirsanaa shaqaalihii waaxda Hiddaha & Dhaqanka ee Wasaaraddii Waxbarashada & Barbaarinta. Wuxuu Maareeye ka noqday Golaha Murtida & Madadaalada ee Hargeysa.


Abwaan Xasan Sh. Muumin wuxuu curiyey Ruwaayado kala duwan oo ay ka mid ahaayeen:


1966 Hubsiimo Hal baa la siistaa


1967 Shabeel-naagood


1970 Gaaraabidhaan


1971 Ehelunaarka Adduunka


1972 Dunidu maskaxdey magan u tahay


Dhammaan Ruwaayadahaas oo ka kala tarjumayey hab-nololeedka bulshada Soomaaliyeed, xag dhaqan, dhaqaale iyo nolosha ijtimaaciga habda meesha ay marayeen iyo sidii loo toosin lahaa ama kor loogu qaadi lahaa wacyi gelinta ummadda Soomaaliyeed iyo hooga-tusaalayn maamuladii kala duwanaa ee waddanka ka talin jirey, abwaanku wuxuu ahaa maskaxdii dunidoo malaasan mawjadaheeda. Waxaa taariikh lama ilaawaan ah dhammaan Ruwaayadaha uu curiyey abwaanku inay ilaa manta wax u dhigmaa yar yahay, qaarna lagu tarjumay afaf kala duwan.Tusaale: Ruwaayadii Shabeel-naagood waxaa Ingiriis ku tarjumay Prof. B.W.Andrzejewski 1974, Oxford University Press, London. (Leopard among the Women).


Waxaan ka cudur daranayaa in aanan wada helin taariikhdii abwaan Xasan Sh. Muumin oo dhan, waxaanan ka codsanayaa qof kasta oo wax ka haya in uu ii soo diro.


"Wadciga aad iskaga eega" oo uu alifay abwaan


Maxamed Warsame Cilmi:




"Oogada sareetiyo, akhlaaq idil ahaanteedba


Af iyo Diin ilmuhu waalidkuu uga ekaadaaye


Haddaan la is-afgaranayn,dhashii waa ajnabi uune


In kastoon aqoon aan barnoo edebta loo sheego


Ummaddaa u macallin ah, darkaa aymigooda ahe


Ingriis wixii ku la hadleey, ehel wadaagaane


Ubad aan kuwaagii ahayn ababi soow maaha

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