
Madaxweynehii hore ee Somaliya Sheekh Sherif

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Shariif and culusow encouraged, abetted and benefitted from Somaliland's secession quest. No wadanimo. Just cash is what matters to them. Let me say, Shariif has no credibility on this topic. I wouldn't be surprised if we found out that he is paid again. 


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5 hours ago, Dahireeto said:

Shariif and culusow encouraged, abetted and benefitted from Somaliland's secession quest. No wadanimo. Just cash is what matters to them. Let me say, Shariif has no credibility on this topic. I wouldn't be surprised if we found out that he is paid again. 


Shiek Sherif scoundered a lot of political capital. Somalia was really hopeful till then that the TFGs might produce results. His ICU days became liability instead of an asset.


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6 hours ago, Dahireeto said:

Shariif and culusow encouraged, abetted and benefitted from Somaliland's secession quest. No wadanimo. Just cash is what matters to them. Let me say, Shariif has no credibility on this topic. I wouldn't be surprised if we found out that he is paid again. 


Perhaps he has no "credibility" according to Pirate boys but he has huge following and supporters. 

I think Mogadishu is better off with someone who is a realist as Sherif Ahmed. 

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sheikh dalxiis is useless he betrayed maxaakimta and bended over to the Americans in our  war against the pirates and their Abyssinians masters. During the heydeys of the tigray funded govt.


On Somaliland  and Somalia he and  his admin  controlled  by mahiga. Refused to implement the deals. We signed in 2012.  He didn't transfer things well to  Hassan sh maxamnsd the aid stealer of the sfg. 

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34 minutes ago, Ducale said:

Waan xasuusta sheikh isku sheega bushimaha gaduudan oo jihad kujira ayuunba la arkay isago jenday fraser Kenya kula qadeynaya. Few months later he lost the palestinian scarf, trimed his bear, fancy suit and even polished his jihad rhetorics to one more acceptable to uncle Sam. 

The jihadis of konfur and those of the late demented Mullah and the 19th century shabaab are jokers. But then again the only real and true mujahids in the whole peninsula were/are SNM. Koox somali ah ilaa iyo Sayidki oo hawshey ku dhaqaaqeen so taabtay waxa la hayaa SNM (Allah raali ha ka ahaade). 


But in this time I guess somaliland should use any support

Ha ha ha..😀😆😆

Ducaale, I laughed so hard!!👍

You are right, somaliland needs all the help in the world it can get; alas, you will find that it will not suffice.

 Ha ha ha😆😆😆

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57 minutes ago, Ducale said:

Waan xasuusta sheikh isku sheega bushimaha gaduudan oo jihad kujira ayuunba la arkay isago jenday fraser Kenya kula qadeynaya. Few months later he lost the palestinian scarf, trimed his bear, fancy suit and even polished his jihad rhetorics to one more acceptable to uncle Sam. 

The jihadis of konfur and those of the late demented Mullah and the 19th century shabaab are jokers. But then again the only real and true mujahids in the whole peninsula were/are SNM. Koox somali ah ilaa iyo Sayidki oo hawshey ku dhaqaaqeen so taabtay waxa la hayaa SNM (Allah raali ha ka ahaade). 


But in this time I guess somaliland should use any support

Two words I never seen any northerner use before. Sxb, ma reer koonfur ayaa la caano maashay? 

Also, you keep on using the word "ninyow" which is a Puntland street word... 

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Yes  you are right  ducaale. Sharif muuday sidanu jihad fi sabililah ku jirnay ayuu slaant i dhukuro la fadhiistay. Yes the marxist  catholic dictator who disbelieved the Quran  and said surah nisa wala idinku shubtay. It was a rightful jihad  To remove him from power.  As for the mad mullah he started good from 1899 to 1906. But when he signed the ilig  treaty and he made a peace deal with the Italians. After that he became a camel thief he used to plunder and rape the poor garaad clan and boqor cisman of the  pirate clan of boosaaso and eyl.  Lucky for them we liberated them in 1921 at hagoogane. Bal dayaa wakaa wadaadki si dabaadshadey eh. Walugu digta hadu ruux ku darman jiray. Poor lad  his wife naado buraaale and sister were taken by the gallas at imeey.

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Che  the mad mullah butcherd allot of people the killing were insane he raided the maakhir clan in 1912. He raided the eastern laascanood clan  in was a madness. And the guy loved camels and woman so much. He declared a war on the sultan osman of bosaaso we really had to liberate the garaad clan. From this madness so that they can live a normal life. Allot of the garaad clan became refugees in sheikh berbera.  And burco especially the nugaal clans.  Garaad clan became almost laangaab. The clan in buhoodle some clans became.exstict because of the mad mullah.


Wuxu aha ba maanta wu naga hooseya Allah ha u naxariisto. 

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First, you [whatever you means] didn't liberate anyone. You were under British tutelage.Secondly, and this is very odd, none of the clans you mentioned ever faulted Sayidka.

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Che  sometimes you have to be tactical and use strategy  imagine 13 years of pure madness and robbery. The brits yes were colonizers but the mad mullah had deals with Turks  and German.  You can't fight the British empire if the odds are against you its difficult how noble it is 

Marna wala dagalaama marna nabad baa laqaata. Use the maskax

Maskax sheekh ku dar.  Hagoogane led by  haji muse farah igarre  and caynaashe dalab and sultan Ali from  harte sheikh.

Hagoogane was needed. Fight another day and sheikh bashir farah Omar  contineud the war. And later xisbullah and snl 

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