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Strangeness and the Strangers; random thoughts

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Originally posted by Fahiye:

Al Jidaawe


Where does the Somalis fit in this



Arab other - HERE or

Indian/Pak/subcontinent/African- HERE

Arab other

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Don't believe what these people are telling you, Xiin. You ARE rambling and your topic ceased making sense after the first paragraph of the first post.


Are you talking about manners or cleanliness or maybe norms or is it cultures? I don't know about strangeness but, to my eyes, the only strange person here is YOU.


Be clear, saaxib.



Hello. How you doing this fine day? Everything ok? :D

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You are the one not to be listened here. Follow Che waryaa---isba aakhirkii sadex page :D buu soo qoray, and they were all profitable and good.


About this thread and the topic I chose to ramble about, I submit I could’ve done better, as you could do better in your solitary response, as I hoped you would. The thoughts I shared, though they were poorly formulated and feebly expressed, were not without merits. The questions I posed are valid, and still remain unanswered. Why Islam’s basic values are strangely missing from our daily life? That was my question. That’s to say this is a good topic. The only regret I have is that I posted these thoughts/ramblings in a time when I don’t have enough time to do justice to it or help propel this discussion forward…


You see, some brothers chose (good Che included) to reminisce Islam’s good old days without even lamenting on the clausal social and political failure that prevails today. Cara took upon herself to defend these phenomenons as they are today on the basis of cultural differences. Warmonger just like Che did found the whole theme of this thread patronizing and demeaning of people who are struggling with their daily lives. Others agreed with my account and provided anecdotes. The point is I didn’t expect people to hastily agree with me. I really don’t. What I do expect from people however is to understand and comprehend what’s being discussed. This is not about blaming people for their shortcomings. It’s questioning why some societies behave the way they do when it comes to the certain, specific things others and I cited.


Halkaa ka qaado adeer oo la dur-duri…


Che, with all due respect, you are missing the point adeer, about 10 miles. What the west was is irrelevant. How Islam enlightened them is also immaterial to the things we are discussing here. Islam is a way of life, and there stuff this religion puts emphasis on that are not adhered to. Immaadhatul athaa cani dhariiq is a very pertinent xaddiith…but guess who is implementing adeer, and why?



ps-- che of today is a lot better then the che of yesterday :D ..that must be said.

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^Your adherence to religion lacks practical dimensions. There's solution to everything. Promoting fervent devotion to one's faith without considering the practical ideas to the problems lacks creativity.Before you start preaching them-either give them the means or show the them the way to clean this rubbish.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

^Your adherence to religion lacks practical dimensions. There's solution to everything. Promoting fervent devotion to one's faith without considering the practical ideas to the problems lacks creativity.Before you start preaching them-either give them the means or show the them the way to clean this rubbish.

:D:D @che


Brotha, I am not breaching anything. I have shared my observation on certain practices. The strange thing is that you can’t get this thought of me preaching, patronizing, demeaning out of your head. It jus got stuck, it seems, in your head no matter how many times I protest that not being the case.


No matter.


Now try to answer the q without going on a tangent again as to why garbage pickups is not the norm in most major Somali cities’ streets, like Bosaso. Or should it be the norm?

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^ Xiin, civic responsibility is the reason garbage pickup is not the norm in most major Somali cities. While groups are made of individuals, I don't believe it is something that could reasonably expected of every individual. It has to enforced or modeled in some way.


Somalis are very good at imitating one another. If a number of people, of any sort of influence, decide that their area will be clean and will have an affordable system for picking up and disposing of garbage, others may join them.


Around here, if someone moves into a neighbourhood where everyone waters the lawn and puts trash in a designated area, they will be forced (by pretenses or subtle social pressure) to oblige.


For me, what is more grave (though no less important than civic responsibility) is the love of the hustler in our culture. The man/woman who cheats the most, talks the loudest, lies the most. I see it in the so-called ghetto culture too.

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Xiin...I read your initial post one more time and it is more than just an observation but to your questions-the reason garbage isn't pickup in Bosaso and elsewhere in the old country is the breakdown of the social structure that was in place before the war(the word antebellum comes to mind not that there was something very elegant and grandiose about Somalia but at least there was peace and system in place). Should litter in the streets be the norm. Absolutely not, but it will take more than local Imam preaching about nadaafid during the Friday prayers to clear the rubbish. Unless the Imam comes out of the mosque and entice people to clean streets-nothing will be done. That said, Xiin is Nestor among the SOL elders and gravid with ideas. What would be the solutions to this problem?

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