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Advice needed for Radio Show.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

. Bring Somali Christians for example and then invite audiences for an open discussion.


London aint Hargeysa. There's no Somali Christians. :D

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C & H, maya ee waxaan kuu sheegay inaadan fahmi karin ilaa aad xanuunkooda dareento!, illeyn wax uun baa ku qasbaaya soow maaha??

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Originally posted by Blessed.*:

I'm more interested in hearing about happy, fun things. I would love to listen to an interview with the young talented Warsan Shire, CabdiSalan Ibrahim of Man City that old man with the coud East London warwareega, Nadifa Mohamoud, Cabdillahi Cawad Cige.. People who are doing amazing things for themselves and the community. Somali take on current events--like how the budeget efefcts them, their businesses.. etc. If your going to address the youth issue - give them a platform to say their bit too, young people don't respond well to being preached at.


Why Blessed can't spell tonight..


Good luck..


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Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi:

quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

. Bring Somali Christians for example and then invite audiences for an open discussion.


London aint Hargeysa. There's no Somali Christians.
Yaa kugu yidhi ?? ,,, I already know some ,, :D

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