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Ignore the Ignorant?

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These are the people that come here to disport abysmally like some children come to my school for the free dinner.


Hence the question is – what is one to do

- ignore the ignorant

- or educate the uneducated.

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on a civilising mission miyaa S*S. kuaalah free school deals, who hasnt had free school dinners unless the eurotrash were so advanced in their small tuulos not to warrant a free school meal from the local educational authorities.


S*S celebrate diversity adeero. no need to civilise anyone unless its AT&T or Generalka Dadka Puntland.

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che taking advantage of ignorant and the uneducated is like taking a candy from baby - trouble is they scream like a baby too.


Maxy powers :D see what school free meals do to you. maskaxdey dadka ka xadaan to the extent they name themselves with concoction of scrounged alien names to assimilate themselves

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Mr. Poster,it's my believe that the answer to the questions you posed lies in the post you conjured above.


1.One never is keenly learned all the time or say in such a state,for one goes through phases in life that he or she was previously ignorant of.Hence,the socratic assertion is plausible here.


2.Your second approach is more sound than your first and to that,i can only reply that one educates through example and that not every literate man or one who possesses a certain degree of knowledge can be the educator as your post asserts.


In short,like i have said,one cannot ignore the ignorant since every one is ignorant of one thing or the other and two,perhaps ignoring or deeming another in such a constant state is itself the terrible medium of arrogance.



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My Ignore List:


1. All people (whom i deem original to have been of somali ancestry) who are now gaalo or gaalo raacs'(by my judgement, hence have lost their religion & somalinimo)


2. The rest - people who show the following tendencies:


-Attention seekers


-unrepentant qabiilistayaal

-people who lack moral fortitude

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If you happen to be these ppl's parents, educate them.


If not leave them be, I am not sure what anyones "somalinimo" has to do with anyone else.

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Your ignore list is everyone in SOL but 4-5 nomads. In fact I am sure aniguba waan ku jirra under the Agitators or qabiilistayaal. Long live Burco iyo ciid kaasta- okay that is sort of clan dhee. icon_razz.gif


Ya ka qabili iyo Qardho jeceyle??


If you are so serious and get bothered by these things online, real life maxaad samaseys to them? It is not as easy as pressing a button. :D Dont be so serious and ha iis waalani.

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