
The discovery of oil radically changes the situation for Soomali-galbeed.

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Ethiopia Launches Test Crude Oil Production


Friday, June 29, 2018

Poly-GCL Petroleum Investment Limited today officially kick start crude oil production test in Ogaden Region of Ethiopia. The test production came after the heads of the company have met with Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed yesterday. The two have talked about the prospect of commercial quantities of crude oil in the region.

The news comes at a critical time Ethiopia is battling with a foreign exchange shortage. If all goes well the country expects to earn about one billion dollars annual hard currency from export of the oil, according to Prime Minister Abiy, who stressed that his government will not allow oil production to distract the nation from focusing on the existing economic sectors, such as agriculture and industrial development.


The company has also been working to start gas production and is expected to commence in the coming two years after the pipeline between Ethiopia and Djibouti will be completed.
The company has taken over the project from Petrons Company of Malaysia, which was working on the project since August 2007 till it has left after a dispute with Ethiopian government.


The project location is also remembered for the death of 74 Ethiopian and Chinese, who were victims of the armed group Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) attack of April 2007.
Along with a few rebel groups operating in Ethiopia, the ONLF, which was named by Ethiopian government as terrorist group is now welcomed by the new administration led by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed to be engaged in peaceful talks.

meanwhile the ONLF opposes the commencement of crude oil production int the region with its statement that followed the news.

“…The party expressed its disapproval of the starting of oil production testing in Ogaden. ONLF demands a referendum and then negotiation with the government of Ethiopia before any exploration or production. This announcement poses a serious challenge to the PM’s calculus in transforming the conflict and political repression in the Somali region,” Mesfin Negash, exiled journalist who was one of the founders of Addis Neger newspaper, commented on FB.

Poly-GCL Petroleum Investment Limited is Chinese Company with a subsidiary company named Poly Central Africa Petroleum Company, registered in a tax haven British Virgin Island some three years ago, according to the offshore leaks database of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).\

Oil exploration in Ethiopia has about a century old history. The first exploration license for the then Harrarge province was granted in 1915 and subsequently transferred the Anglo American company, a London subsidiary of Standard Oil Company, ultimately incorporated into Esso.

The first oil seep in Ethiopia was reported in 1860 and by the 1920s the prolific seeps of oil in the Red Sea coast were widely known. Early reports refer to oil seeps in the Ogaden basin: in the Gara Mulatta mountains near Harrar, in the Fafan and Gerger river valleys and near Jijiga.

Including Africa Oil, which also operating in other African countries, currently several companies are engaged in oil exploration in different parts of the country.

With blocks in the North East, South East and South West of the country, Africa Oil Ethiopia operates those in Adigala and the Rift Basin Area and is Joint Venture partner in both South Omo and the Ogaden.

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Its not often that you see  real changes of any worth happening in the murky waters of Somali politics.   The discovery of oil in Soomali-galbeed might be one shift that will radically change the lives for Somalis in those areas.  Its important to note that  the Xabashida has allways seen the soomali-galbeeed as somekind of a   a desert buffer state. While the discovery of oil and its production has now begun its only a matter of time when  thousands of desperately poor xabasho will begin to move to those areas. As always, somalis  in those areas are sidelined and to divided to  form a united stance against these great threats.

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People In Somali Galbeed are oppressed and denied any basic freedom to live and trade. There are check points in every 20km from Jijiga to Awbare. The landlocked Somalis can not trade with the other Somalis they share culture language and geography. Their region is on of the poorest in Ethiopia.

Of course the prison warden Cabdi Illey have thrown few millions in some regions to show off , but the real freedom to move and trade are restricted every where. This region is different than any where in the world. Any peaceful protest is met with burning of the villages, rape and murder of the local people. Thousands are starved and denied to make a living.

If this new prime ministers thinks that Somalis will be kept in shekels for ever he is mistaken. Eritrea is opened, Oromo, Amhara and others are giver freedom to assemble and protest, while Somalis are under constant emergency situations.

This Abiy guy should know that we were freedom fighters before him, and we will never allow oil extraction or the theft of our resources by the evil EPRDF who crowned him to prolong the old system.

Mr Abiy , do not put the cart before the horse. Somalis must get self rule , autonomy and freedom before any resource extraction that will enrich the corrupt EPRDF in Addis. You must sit down with ONLF and others to find solutions for the Somali problems in the  zone before you celebrate for this new found gold.

It is more important than ever before for Somalis to fight for the libration of Somali Galbeed. If you thing the Mogadishu ruling government will transfer the land and rights of Somali Galbeed,  for their own survival ,you are mistaken.

ONLF, the only legitimate Somali movement who could organize the Somalis must consult other like minded Somalis and face this new threat from Abyssinia.The so called Chinese company must be warned to avoid drilling any thing in conflict zone.

First and foremost, like other zones, Somalis must find their own leaders who are independent from the EPRDF or leaders who are willing to speak for them. Lemma Magrase of Oromia , while been loyal Ethiopian, has mobilized his nation to stand up to the TPLF ruling class. When they asked him to resign along with Illey to reduce tensions , he refused and told them to fire him if they can,. They did not.



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If Ethiopia becomes an oil exporting country it's time to move into my old house in jigjiga  And renew my Ethiopian passport. This will change the lives of millions of Somalis and  other Ethiopians. If Ethiopia becomes an oil exporting country. If it can cut down on corruption and really 're invest into the people this will be great. 

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Xaaji waad riyoonaysa. 

Millions of Ahmara and others will flood the land and take over Somali galbeed. The best option is for Somalia to demand either independence or autonomy for Somalis in the region. 

We can't give them our oil and money to our oppressors. 

Somalilanders Sal fududa. Ma lacag ayuun baad weligaa raadin.

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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As we speak and as Abiy is supposedly stabalizing the country, ethnic tensions and killings are taking in Amhara and the South, regions are becoming less and less diverse. I doubt oil will change that. In fact, I think Somali proper will have Ethiopians than Somali region.

Besides, the oil will be sent through Jabuuti and revenue going directly to the federal government.

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why not use it , rather than export, make Ethiopia Industrial country and use the energy.

Yes understand  hard currency is needed.

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Galbeedi the Somali region has been neglected for to long in Ethiopia  during the derg it was military outpost. We see some activity now during the tigrai Reign commercial progress  jigjiga is under construction allot of projects are under way. The region is already a bit autonomous ileey has build a strong liyuu army. I don't think secession is possible now. Since onlf is demoralized and ileey is winning the hearts and minds of his clan. All the og diaspora have given up on the liberation front. Ileey is playing good politics.  Galbeedi faqriga waxwalba keenaya money is the solution to allot of problems in Africa.

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56 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

Xaaji waad riyoonaysa. 

Millions of Ahmara and others will flood the land and take over Somali galbeed. The best option is for Somalia to demand either independence or autonomy for Somalis in the region. 

We can't give them our oil and money to our oppressors. 

Somalilanders Sal fududa. Ma lacag ayuun baad weligaa raadin.




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I agree with galbeedi

Somalis has the largest reagon but it. is basically unpopulated. For many years people were immigrating to the rest of somalia. In Godey regeon, in the farming area they welcome any somali with free farming land. The. good thing is Oromo wants strong and powerful local states. But I do not know if they get it. They also want to have rights to their natural resources.  ONLF has shown strong discipline. They are willing to negotiate but not desperate for deal. Iley is also  losing support with change happened. They can not ignore ONLF, they have the means to distrubt. It came too soon..

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Oil and soldiers , you get the picture.

This picture must be sent to the world to see. Chinese using soldiers to oppress locals to extract oil.

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Oromo are the biggest threat to Somalis every where they are close to 50 million some of them look like us  And they wanna assimilate and learn Somali.  They have been using Somali music melody and than sing oromo songs. We must push the oromos further. Oil is good  it will be shipped via diibouti our djibioutian brother will gain some cash. But we  Must as somalis encourage  and demand from the Ethiopian govt that a large portion of the oil revenue money is given back to the Somali kilil. Imagine gaashaamo wardheer dhagaxbuur aware. Tafari ber  goday qabridhahare jigjiga wajaale harshin hartesheikh  qabribayax. All becoming big major cities with good infrastructure jobs and allot of wealth and industries and economic prosperity I think it's a win for the region as a whole.

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2 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

This picture says a lot.


May Allah save our people. Ethiopian oil helay, kama kacayaan. Get ready for a prolonged oppression. 

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