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Ms DD   

How does it taste like Blessed? I dont believe i have had the pleasure.


Hadda ma kaa dhab baa safarkaaga Ngonge?

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“The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls, to keep him going. If he must do that (fill his stomach), then let him fill one third with food, one third with drink and one third with air.”

I wonder how would one fills his stomach with air?

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Ms DD, I never admit it to Omanis but *checks around for an Omani* it's like Somali xalwah, less oil more flavour and variety, so much better.



I know why you're being smug. icon_razz.gif Huwa maa fee ma3loom. LOL.


T/C. smile.gif

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Gabadha geel bil keliya ha daba habaqleyso inta Somalia loo diro. Haddii ay taa ku filnaan weydana, gaban ul mareer ah sita markey naso is tiraahda ha dhangadeeyo. That should do the job. smile.gif

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Heh. Ayeeyo, this was supposed to be a healthy thread. Omani xalwa is most unhealthy, but I like it. How can I bribe you please? smile.gif



It's exactly like Somali xalwa but like Blessed said, less oil and more flavour. MUCH MORE flavour. It's all in the ingredients (starch, eggs, sugar, water, ghee, saffron, cardamom, nuts, rose water, etc, etc). There is also Bahrini Xalwa that is not much different to this one. You should try it.

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Originally posted by Paragon:

Gabadha geel bil keliya ha daba habaqleyso inta Somalia loo diro. Haddii ay taa ku filnaan weydana, gaban ul mareer ah sita markey naso is tiraahda ha dhangadeeyo. That should do the job.

^ :D


I have actually adviced several girls to do just that........waxay soo laaban lahaayeen ayakuu caafimaad qaba oo ay dhexdu siriqsansantahay.

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Hi Top Girl,


You asked about what diet and exercise is the most effective and here is my advice about the best methods to use in the best order:

1). Correct Nutrition

2). Resistance Training

3). High Intensity Cardio

4). Low intensity Cardio


Let me explain the above:

1). Nutrition - focus on the strategies below while making healthier choices:

- increase meal frequency (4-6 meals per day)

- have a regular, consistent meal time

- lower carbohydrate intake, with an increase in protein

- moderately reduce calories


2). Resistance (weight) training - this should be your first choice and if you have 3 or less hours per week to train then I would only use resistance training during that time


3). High intensity cardio (or interval training) - alternating bouts of fast and slow cardio (eg. 1 minute fast, 2 minutes slow) for 4-6 intervals is the most effective cardio for weight loss. If you have 4-6 hours a week to train then I would add interval in addition to your resistance training.


4). Low intensity cardio is always my last choice for weight loss. It is the least effective method (as compared to resistance training and high intensity cardio). If you have more than 6 hours per week to exercise, then I may add some steady state cardio. The only other time to use this method is to get fit enough so that you can perform higher intensity cardio.


I hope that helps!

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