
Nuux Taani, begs for peace and to talk to his counterpart Saciid Dheere

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   LOL waxaan maqli jiray : Hashu iyadaa geela qaniinaysa, Iyadaana cabaadaysa. Bal odaygaa wayn indho adaygiisa daya kkkkk

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haha. niyoow Taani is so confused. no begging for fake peace will accomplish anything. jeegaan must leave SSC.

their game is over niyoow.

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Nuux Taani hadal waayeel oo qofkii wax garad ah fahmaayo ayu kula taliyay maamulka daciifka ah ee Garoowe. 

We will beat you in the battlefield but you will not expect from us to damage your dignity. We will give you a way out of your own mess. 

Somalidu waxay tidhaa, doqontu cad ciida loogu daadiyay sad bursiimo ma moodo. Nabadda Somaliland ugu baaqayso Garowe, rag badan ayay u cuntami la dahay. But this is the best offer you can get. 

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This speech  would have been begging if SL was being  chased from LA and retreating to Burco, You guys are reading this wrong, He is at a position of strength, not begging.

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I agree with Maakhiri.

The misunderstanding is more cultural. He is talking to different people to different language. He wants to win this what ever it takes. He understand. what in stake, for him a 27 yeras dream. He is  also understand that he is vurnable. 

He is probably signaling going back to their old position with under table agreement as he use to deal with faroole and Cade

But the stakes are high for Puntland and that option is unlikely at least for now.  It takes extra ordinary sacrified for Putland to deal with somaliland and that is what he. is counting. That is what he is talking about. 



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Hehe Suldaanka you can twist his words all you like, but I see a man who is nervous, scared and knows very well the depth of what to befall on him and his militia. But that is not the surprise, the surprise is his audacity to ask for peace when he is the one who started this war that Puntland did not want and was not ready for. 

Let's rewind for few months ago when him and his boss in Hargaisa were threatening with bravado and that they will reach Garowe with no time, doubting the Puntland's resolve to defend itself and its territory. Now all the bravado have been replaced by begging for talks, writing to the UN to interfere. 

Soomaalidaa waxay tiraahdaa nin wayn wadkiis waa yaqaan. If don't get the trouble that they in, as we speak 80 heavily injured youngmen require passports for overseas medical assistance that is not forthcoming, Lasanod has became another frontline, internal rebellion is getting bigger by the day, and all that Puntland has not raised a finger yet.

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7 hours ago, Samafal said:

Let's rewind for few months ago when him and his boss in Hargaisa were threatening with bravado and that they will reach Garowe with no time, doubting the Puntland's resolve to defend itself and its territory. Now all the bravado have been replaced by begging for talks, writing to the UN to interfere

Like Maakhiri said. Only a dimwit can translate this as weakness. But the alternative if the peace offer is not taken is very well clear. The political shackles will be removed from the army. 

Somaliland's army obeys the policies and politics of Hargeisa leaders. Its within that framework that Gen. Taani is speaking of. MBC has made assurances to our friends in the International Community that Somaliland will not go beyond Tukaraq but it won't be going back either. If however Garowe does not stick to that same assurance as well, then MBC has made it clear that the army will finish this nuisance once and for all.  

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LOL you are speaking as if you are Muse Ooyaaye's spokesman. Ma habeenkii baa ku riyotaa waxa caloosha ugu jira? Kkkk Sxb ninkaan wuxuu leeyahay sifiican baan ufahmay garamgaramka Makhiri ee garabka kadhiganaysidna  anigu wax waydiinmaayo :D

Taani waa ninkii dagaalkii koowaad markuu dhacay lahaa runtii dagaal aan horay la arkin bay nagu soo qaadeen. Wuu argagaxay maskiinkaan waayeelka ah oo laga inkaar galabsaday.

Foreign minsterkiinana waatuu lahaa dagaalkaa Puntland waa ka waynyahay. Mise, he was speaking in codes as well?B|

About your empty threats and bravado, waxaan ku iri if if ka bax hadii aad Garowe tagi lahaydeen hadii aad UN uqaylin lahaydeen diyaargarooba waxna ha la harina. Aniga iyo adiga iyo cuqdadloowga Ducaala ahna halkaan baan ciyaarta ka fiirsan, yaanana lagu waayin.

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It’s truly is a shame to see this formerly respectable Trainer of the Somalia National army to have to stoop down to the disgusting political cesspool usually  inhabited by Jeegaan politicians such as Biixi Ooyaye and Faisal Niic Badane. Tsk tsk tsk


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The pirates we are still waiting allot of dhuuso  faaan hanjabaado  since the sacred nation took over tukaraq in january you tried to start a war 2.  Both times you were severly beaten into humuliation we are waiting for your next strike heblayo dheero  ama cibaado gaab u yeedha. Bal xabad uun rida for once  and see what happens

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Kkkk XaajI Booto. Ak47 ka shaqeeya Somaliaonline baad wadataa miyaa?

Bal ii sheeg maxaa samaynaysaan hadii Piratesku xabad idinku soo tuuraan? Tilaabada aad qaadaysaan maxaa waaye? :D

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The irony is not lost Samafal. Somaliland is asking you politely to bendover so it can give you a quick swift boot. And when you fall to the ground,  then extend a helpful hand and telling you "that was fun! can you bendover again, please?". And you are here saying "ooh, I allowed them to kick my behind, they begging me... duh!". :D 

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Both Samafal and Suldaanka did not get the message " Nuux Baasto" sending.

The guy is indirectly implementing  some of the points raised by Michael Keating mainly opening contacts with commanders and helping those affected by the war.

. By mentioning Saeed Dheer . he is trying to  open  communications with the opposing commander and helping the people affected by the war.

The Jeegaan is always playing games with public in Hargeisa. THey can't openly say that we succumbed to the orders of the UN envoy.

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