
The Showdown between Michael Keating and Muuse Biixi has begun

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41 minutes ago, Suldaanka said:

Mr. Keating is the trustee of the Villa AMISom, he has no influence nor sway on Somaliland whatsoever. 

In fact, he would be lucky if Somaliland does not declare him persona-non-grata as was done to a previous SRSG by former President Egal (AUN). 

It is good that Somaliland did not address him in this email. Putting him in his place. 

He can't talk to Somaliland like he talks to Villa AMISom's puppet leaders. He will be schooled bad. 

What a funny and pitiful creature you’ve become saaxiib.😆

You claim keating holds no “sway” yet in his letter,  Biixi Ooyaye is seen bitching and moaning about the insincerity of the so-called UN Rep to Somalia and Somaliland(according to Biixi).

Notice how Keating signs his letter and the difference of how the secessionist Biixi refers to him.

 If that ain’t  wishful thinking, I don’t know what is...😁

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7 minutes ago, Tillamook said:

What a funny and pitiful creature you’ve become saaxiib.😆

You claim keating holds no “sway” when in his letter, Biixi Ooyaye is bitching and moaning about the insincerity of the so-called UN Rep to Somalia and Somaliland(according to Biixi).

Notice how Keating signs his letter and the difference of how the secessionist Biixi refers to him.

 If that ain’t  wishful thinking, I don’t know what is...😁

I am not too sure if we have read the same letter. Read it again. 

Somaliland is not backing off an inch of its claims and it is the UN that needs to come to terms with those facts. Basically, there is no compromise from Hargeisa. Take it or leave it. 

The UN, as the trustee for Villa AMISom and by extension Ex-Italian Colony, will force its puppets to accept those facts. Watch this space. 

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2 minutes ago, Suldaanka said:

I am not too sure if we have read the same letter. Read it again. 

Somaliland is not backing off an inch of its claims and it is the UN that needs to come to terms with those facts. Basically, there is no compromise from Hargeisa. Take it or leave it. 

The UN, as the trustee for Villa AMISom and by extension Ex-Italian Colony, will force its puppets to accept those facts. Watch this space. 

Ok funny guy... all that hogwash is irrelevant. 

Just give us an answer as to why you deranged secessionist insist on calling Keating, “ The UN Rep to Somalia and somaliland, when in fact we have in this very thread a letter written by Keating in which he signs his name as UN Rep to Somalia and head of UN mission in Somalia, only.

Does your desperation have no boundaries? 

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11 minutes ago, Tillamook said:

Ok funny guy... all that hogwash is irrelevant. 

Just give us an answer as to why you deranged secessionist insist on calling Keating, “ The UN Rep to Somalia and somaliland, when in fact we have in this very thread a letter written by Keating in which he signs his name as UN Rep to Somalia and head of UN mission in Somalia, only.

Does your desperation have no boundaries? 

Since he too rewrites Somaliland's name with double-quotes, there is nothing stopping us from rewriting his name according to how we see fit. 

Formalities aside, facts on the ground is what counts, his office in Hargeisa says "Somaliland and Somalia". 

What counts is that, he can't push his agenda which is the federalism for Somalia in Somaliland,  he can't do anything that is against Somaliland. Hence, his "Somalia" is just a label. 

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14 minutes ago, Suldaanka said:

Since he too rewrites Somaliland's name with double-quotes, there is nothing stopping us from rewriting his name according to our we see fit. 

Formalities aside, facts on the ground is what counts, his office in Hargeisa says "Somaliland and Somalia". 

What counts is that, he can't push his agenda which is the federalism for Somalia in Somaliland,  he can't do anything that is against Somaliland. Hence, his "Somalia" is just a label. 

He doesn’t need to push federalism because Federalism is already a fait accomplis and an irreversible reality in Somalia—thus,  you’re barking up the wrong tree here.

In any case, if re-writing” official titles is the last vestiges of your secessionist aspirations and vanity, then so be it, saaxiib. For I believe the days of your irreverent secessionist claptrap are numbered in here...👍

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45 minutes ago, Suldaanka said:

It is a diplomatic speak, nothing more. Taking the morale high grounds, while at the same doing the damage. 

Everyone knows what Biixi is doing and you are not sincere if you deny it. Mr. Booto you must be the only person who thinks the war your warlord started is good for Somaliland. 

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6 hours ago, Peace Action said:

Everyone knows what Biixi is doing and you are not sincere if you deny it. Mr. Booto you must be the only person who thinks the war your warlord started is good for Somaliland. 

Muj. Muse Bixi inu xaduudka tagaayo, reer Somaliland oo dhan ayaa dhinac taagan. Prof. Cali Khaliif ayaa safka hore kaga jira. :D 

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Muse is doing a good job siilaanyo told the English guy before keating you are in the wrong country Somalia is next door. Muse is just not that diplomatic  and told learning I will not compromise on my territory. Cigaal to in the 1990s   send steversen packing after he went out of line. As for the koonfurians they have other pressing isssues  thier whole country is in chaos  controlled by jihadists.

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16 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

UAE is irrelavent in terms of UN, and no Arab country had nothing to do with  Amisom

So don't bring  something so irrelevant.

You would be amazed at how things wre interconnected. Nothing in politics is a coincidence. Even if you say are not related there is nothing to prevent one taking advantage of somebody else's bad or good situation.

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